Men pretend to be your friend when they just want sex

>men pretend to be your friend when they just want sex
>men pretend to love you when they just want sex
Why are men so liars? When a woman want a friend, she wants a friend. When a woman wants a lover, she wants a lover. Men seem so incapable of being either and all they do is hurt us.

If you just want casual sex, go to tinder or something. Stop trying to manipulate women and then have the audacity to get offended when you get called out on your bullshit. You're not a Nice Guy, you're not a stud. You're human garbage.

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>accept nothing less than chad
>get mad at all men because chad pumped & dumped

I want friendship, love, and sex, all of them, from the majority of women I get close to. I can't help it, when I get close to a girl I just want to be everything to her and viceversa since I love her so much.
Never got any of the last 2 things since at first I only want friendship and the the girl will forever see me as just a friend

>Why are men so liars?
that is ironic desu so many roasties here that pretend to care about robots just to take their money and ghost minutes later
Not all men are the same, I personally lie if I know she is a roastie and I just want to get off. Obviously if she is pure "not you op", I would treat her with respect

women must suffer t b h
roasties get the fuck out

Obviously it's a successful mating strategy which leads to new liar-babies being spawned, so it's become an evolutionary advantage. Lying for sex has probably become hard-coded into a large section of men.

not me. ive always paid an escort

>she cant cook
>she doesnt want to clean
>she wants to have a carrer
you have nothing but sex to offer. What do you expect?

>Why do men lie?
Because women lie. They say they want a guy who is first a friend, but unsurprisingly just end up friendzoning the friendly guys. They say guys should just be upfront, but they reject those guys upfront. They complain about guys dumping and pumping, but only after they've let those guys in. Lying is part of the game. The guy who can't adapt to the situation loses out.

>women pretend to love you when they just want your money

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You know, your post is really sad.
Robots and females could be each perfect mates, if not for the mistrust between the two.
Fembots want a Romeo, someone who will sweep them off their feet and excite them.
Likewise, guys want a sexy goddess who treats them like a king and thinks he's the best guy in the world.
The fact is, both views are unrealistic.
Romeos do not exist. Sex goddesses do not exist. These are idealized archetypes that no one can fully embody.
It's all just fucked. No one ends up happy chasing dreams that don't exist. There are no perfect men or women out there, only varying degrees of compromise.

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wtf is up with those ears??

The solution is simple; return to crystal cafe and never return to Jow Forums, roastie.

We don't want her on cc, she makes shit threads and brings robots through her attentionwhoring. She can go back to mewch and shit up her own fucking board.

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yo, I'm a virgin, leave me alone

You banned me on cc because I'm a boy when all I wanted was to figure out a way to not be less valuable than girls

Hello OP, if you are female do you have a discord you would like to add me on?

I'm not a mod there but they did well, all men need to be banned. Follow the rules next time maybe

her discord is

Like attracts like. Sorry OP, but you're at fault too.

the "nice guy incels" on this board have no right to your body and don't let the little phallic jews tell you otherwise

can men and women just be friends tho?

no i was having a good conversation but then they also deleted all my posts.

same shit can be said about roasties. were all trash

im an actual nice and romantic guy and I get ghosted by every roastie I talk to because they just hop on the first dick they can

yall are whores

they will pretend to be anything just to get their dicks wet but if you reject their proposals they will turn on you and guilt trip you for "using" them. hilarious.

Do people really go through the trouble and work of becoming friends with a person they find utterly boring just because there's a slight chance they might get laid?
That's a big ol fucking yikes.

hmm... it's almost like... having sweeping generalizations made about your gender is unpleasant?

unless she is a 1/10 physically deformed goblin a woman can get a bf/laid whenever she wants so she doesn't have to tryhard to get one

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Let's see.
>don't like making friends
>don't feel love
>don't have desire for sex
So do you want a schizoid for a partner?
Because it's not as fun as you think it would be.

Fake and gay as always. Why won't you be my girlfriend? Are you even a girl? Do you even want anyone except chad? Do you even care about anything except sex?

But sex is awesome!
One of the best things in life

>do you care about anything except sex?
>asks to gf stranger on the internet based on the sole premise of having a vagina

>If you just want casual sex, go to tinder or something
That doesn't work and by the way cunt if you want a man to stay and love you you better make his cock wet.

Unfortunately no. Sexual tension will always predominate. It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship either.

you're pathetic lmao this isnt even me

It's not an intentional deception. The friend develops romantic feelings for you over time. This will almost always happen if he finds you attractive and doesn't have other options in his life. The same thing would happen to you if the roles were reversed.

women lie to themselves which is way worse. women are always the ones who are unsatisfied with what they have and thinkt hey can get better, usually because one of their roastie friends has a hotter bf or one with more money, so they ruin shit in order to virtue signal to their thot friends. women don't even have emotions really they are just self centered and project a facade of emotionality in order to hide their coldhearted ways

>woman loves you
>changes her mind on a whim or simply gets bored of you
>basically have to constantly think of new ways to entertain her like you would with a child
>entire relationship is based on you trying to keep her
>if someone better comes along you're fucked no matter what
it's not fun for anybody

You had this thread on already. It was relatively successful even. Why do you feel the need to take a shit on this board as well with your professional victim fetish and paranoia?

I have half a mind to go back there and start larping and make you cry again, you unsightly basket case.

>based on the sole premise that there could be companionship at some point in the future
FTFY you sex-crazed monster.

It is you. You drop contact everywhere and posted on c.c about your Discord adventures. Stop lying and get back to your failure of a girlsclub board.

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>women pretend to be your friend when they just need a sustained income without having to work
>women pretend to love you when they just want to get insurance for their income, and possibly take the advanced social role called "a mother", which gives them extra privileges, or so they believe
Why are women so liars? When a man want a friend, he wants a friend. When a man wants a lover, he wants a lover. Women seem so incapable of being either and all they do is hurt us.

If you just want an income, just go to work or something. Stop trying to manipulate men and then have the audacity to get offended when you get called out on your bullshit. You're not a Thot, you're not a flesh hole. You're human garbage.

wew how about you come talk to me on discord you slimy cow

>Women manipulate you when they want something
>women only go after you when they need you to do something for her
Why are women such ordinary sluts? I can't understand either

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You are the lolcow in this context, you idiot.

Also, you pussy looks diseased, get it checked.

posting fake nudes and cant even talk to me face to face such a chickenshit

I kinda don't really care. PS your a tease you Stacy cunt

im probably the only guy on earth who doesn't use women for sex.
i think it was the Jehovah's Witness upbringing, but basically i won't try to have sex with a girl unless i'm in a committed relationship with her.

moral of the story: i'm a 29 year old virgin. i've kissed and had oral sex and stuff, but nothing ever goes anywhere, because i know there's no substance.

if more people were like me, i swear less accidental children would be born. fuck women, it's about the kids now, bringing them into shitholes willingly.

The Eternal Truth:
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

Free yourself from the cycle of sorrow, my brothers.
Get a waifu/sexdoll and bide your time until artificial womb kits become available.

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Not him, but how come you haven't responded to my post nor sent me an email yet?
I'm adding you to discord and you better respond.

>another roastie toastie because she got pumped 'n' dumped by yet another chad
nice. upvoted

I'm honestly quite okay with both of those images. Too bad that I'm a monster drinking boomer.

there was this girl who always came looking for me, and she was very clinging. but she kept turning down my advances and my date requests. she desperately needed a friendzone white knight, and i was her target. blocked her without even saying "bye"

>You're not a Thot, you're not a flesh hole.
Messed up there, you should have posted positive things women think they are but actually aren't, like "nice girls" or whatever they'd call themselves for having a way with men.

>kill yourself, you dont belong here sjw faggot

sounds like ur one of those "nice guys"

he was being a decent human being, and then had enough of being used. why put him down for that?

You are right men are liars, for example OP is one and lying about being a female like the faggot he is.

go be a slut someplace else

You do the same thing for money tho. Only difference is you try to get more by pretending to like the guy. It's just life. It's fucked up but it is what it is.

A common piece of advice given by your fellow women is to befriend to get to know a person, and either ask em out, or use em as a networking oppurtunity so that they may introduce you to their single friends. Are you saying to not follow this often standard piece of dating advice given to those who have trouble dating?

Just give up already and lose the trip. You tried to be an e-whore twice now, it wont work. You look like you are 30, you wont be the next ciara, hon.

You are embarrassing yourself. People filtered you when you were ricebot and they will filter you now.

i know im ugly lol im well aware
not triyng to be a whore, i look down on whores

And you did right.
Women ALWAYS need at least a samll group of men to orbit her
There was a girl like this in my life too, at first I thought she was nice, and started dating her, but them I discovered she was a total slut and she didn't want nothing with me, she only wanted me to orbit her and get drugs to her, then I blocked her without thinking twice, she then begun to come at my house with the excuse of "seeing how things are" and I decided to give her another chance, and it ended up like the first time, she only wanted me to orbit her, I won't enter in the details here, but she obviously wanted to be orbited

Is this considered trolling?
Is this a troll?
Should everybody report OP?
OP, are you trolling outside of /b/?

>men pretend to be your friend when they just want sex
you weren't friend material in the first place.

>tfw I dont have this issue because im so hideous that no guy wants to befriend me

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Fuck. I actually lost OP's point halfway through. Seems like a non-native so the engrish is all broken.

post pics, never herd of you

yes, she wanted me as an orbiter to listen to all of her bullcrap about her parents, her friends and her ex. spot on

The only girls I've actually ever genuinely befriended are those who weren't attractive.

or maybe she actually wanted you to be her friend

> im so hideous
you're not.. msg me here if you want to talk
[email protected]

Stay mad toasty roastie.

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>guerrilla mailing a chick

sucks to want to date/kiss/smash someone and they only want you as friends, so blocking any kind of contact with her is the ultimate best choice

In my honest experience, men are far better at conversation than women. We regularly discuss war, death, kabballie, God, drugs, relationships, and everything from the physical to the abstract spiritual.
Women discuss how their day was.
Guess how much I give a crap about your day if I'm not getting my dick sucked. I'd give you a spoiler, but it's not worth the effort on either of our parts.

I'm sorry that men are mean to you femanons. If I could I'd kill all men for you

If you would just capitulate and let me fuck you without requiring all sorts of emotional proofs first, I wouldn't fake the emotional proofs.

But the problem is that the women for whom I wouldn't have to lie don't want to fuck me. That means I have to lower my standards - to you. But you want me to recite a bunch of words before I fuck you, like casting a spell or something - and so I do.

I'd really be happy to fuck you without all the lying. But you'd have to agree to that, and something tells me you won't.

Trying to be a 'friend' to someone who wants a relationship with you should be filed under basic cruelty for selfish reasons.
Bonuspoints if you dissembled about being in a relationship before.

but you cant *giggle*

You women have a truly psychotic view of friendship.
Makes me feel glad I'm alone. Women are spiritually toxic.
The 144,000 in Revelation are "those who have never known the lips of women"

>Do people really go through the trouble and work of becoming friends with a person they find utterly boring just because there's a slight chance they might get laid?

A girl I'm attracted to can't be boring. By definition.

It's the mirror image of the truism that "Chad always has a good sense of humor".

How do you know? maybe I can...

In my experience, there's no difference

The only difference is women want emotionally validation, or they think ahead to the long term when using someone, and men usually want the validation of ego and plan for the short term when using someone

There are Romeos out there, and they get plenty of women.

>try to make temporary discord as usual
>NOPE jumps to register form, complains about rate limiting, and doesn't let chrome continue because of some javascript mumbo jumbo
>try to register new account
>NOPE just doesn't proceed, no message displayed
Welp, so much for that. Stop ignoring me and send me an email, indigo.
If you're not a cruel larping, lying snake that is.

Lies and slander. I want anything at all. I have no looks requirements. Never have. I have no income requirements. Never have. I have no inherent personality requirement, never have. Obviously we'd have to get along at at least some level. But no fembot has even so much as ever tried to accept my contact requests.
The same applies to virtually every single robot.
Only fem"bots" have these outrageous requirements.

Men have lower standards for sex than relationships. If they only want sex that means that they're out of your league for relationships.
Also the fact that a man wants sex doesn't mean that he only wants sex.

There's beer, too.

Why have female friends when male friends are often much more interesting and fun to bant around with? And also more approachable and easy to talk to? Lole

in during yet another variant of that one copypasta

Yeah and then there are even women you want to share both sex and beer with. Few as those are.

HARD MODE: Find her, and tell her to fuck off.
Welcome to my hell.

>ex-gf hated alcohol and would break my balls whenever I had a single beer
>eventually dump her because she's batshit insane in many other areas as well
>gets another bf
>tells me she gets drunk with her new bf
>feel cucked and resentful

this is the worst. some men are just naturally able to control women as if they have supernatural powers

i was having a fun time speeding but then the police made me stop >:C

she felt horrible, acknowledged she lost a great boyfriend because of that horrible habit, and then stopped doing that in order to not lose another boyfriend. good.

Everyone is an asshole. That includes you and me. Now you can give up from relationships and just live for yourself, doing whatever you like, or you can become one of them, using men for resources or whatever is convient to you.

Myself? I accepted the fact that I am alone. But that doesn't make me sad or anything. That just is life. Some people find someone, some people don't.