After years of struggling, I finally did it Jow Forums. I managed to find and snag the ultimate kink girl

After years of struggling, I finally did it Jow Forums. I managed to find and snag the ultimate kink girl.

>keeps me in chastity 24/7, been in my cage for 3 weeks currently
>The only sex we do is her pegging me with a feeldoe (so she gets stimulation too) and me giving her oral.
>Likes to dress me up like a girl sometimes for the lulz (we are roughly the same height/weight)
>Makes fun of pp size

I'm in love desu

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That's the dream user I'm happy for you

Sounds like a fucking nightmare my dude

Why the actual fuck do people want this? Fucking degenerate.

You need to accept the future already. NOT EVEN CHAD will be safe when this really kicks off.
men will live in subservience and obedience to the matriarchal amazons.

Well that is disguting

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Uh oh. Another degenerate!

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How did you do it? Where should I look for similar women?

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You deserve to be lynched with a gardening hose.

Are you gonna be the one to do it? Because I would like to see you try

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Oh id LOVE to!
Itd probably turn you on too right degenrate fag?

And you wont respond. Thats pathetic

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Imagine being so insecure and homophobic you would not let pic related (a 10/10) do some light anal play with you or gentle mommy domming

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Unlike you, faggot you are, I have multiple tabs open browsing multiple threads. I just now returned

It was by complete luck. Met this girl through a comp sci course at uni because I didn't know we had a group project and was assigned to a random group of three people (including myself).

She had an extensive interest in vidya and trashy weeb anime so we talked about that mainly until it escalated

Not being a degenerate is now homophobic? Alright then

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i agree with vegetafag you are trash

Now get on your back for re-education
No nigga I just pulled it off the internet along time ago
>yeah I wish it was my gf

>So user what do you think about SAO, pretty garbage huh?
>Yeah Stacy, pretty garbage. Hey you know what would be fun? How about you locking me in shastity and pegging my ass daily?
>Yeah sure user sounds like a great time!
Like that?

Good argument. Well me and my scene waifus agree that you and vegetafag are gayniggers and need to have sex to understand that Op and I have the better fetishes/kinks

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>not just getting a big dick tranny gf

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Pathetic beta male
Drop her immediatly and go to the gym. The thought of doing that shit and liking it will never ever cross your mind again

That's great. I wanna kms now desu.

I'm not homophobic, but I would never take it in the ass. Not my thing, senpai.

How is going to the gym gonna help? Also he is probably really skinny like me. Why would he want to give up peak aesthetics

just take the tranny pill dummy

real girls can't fuck like trannies

you already gave up your masculinity anyway

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Your gf accepts your anal the least you can do is reciprocate you fucking homophobe

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nah we talked about danganronpa. but other than that, pretty much

>your gf accepts your anal

Okay user keep it a hypothetical if you must
I know all Kek gave you was a little peabrain but at least try

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fake plastic dicks don't even come close to comparing to the real thing

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what the fuck are you waiting for honestly

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I wouldn't fuck her in the ass either, if she was as uncomfortable as I would be.

Get cucked by your own woman, faggot

Embers rise from the house. The memories shared in this home are crackling, popping into the air. Bodies lay still where they slept. Still sleeping, forever. Midst of the flames it's almost as if, that in the apex of chaos, there is a morsel of peace.

You are just an ignorant bigot. Go get buttfucked already, ease up some tension back there and you are sure to love it and she will too! Exploring each others body is a good idea

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how the fuck am i getting cucked user?

Anal sounds painful. I'll never do that.

Increases testosterone, he will also get a nice physique, better than looking like a lanklet

Use lube user, it isn't painful as long as you aren't a dumbass

Girls don't even get pleasure from this, fag.

>girlpenises don't feel pleasure from being inserted into boipussies
Shows what you know about sex, virgin.

You two are both delusional fuckwads and really need to sit down and ask yourself why you refuse to let your gf fuck you in the ass it is completely natural and totally erotic

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With the right strapon they do you nignog just don't be a chimp and cheap out on a 3$ strapon

Thanks for the new phone background user, i appreciate ya

I'd like a girl who would pinch my foreskin and gently tug it until I cum. And she can say sweet things to me as she does it.

Pegging included in that fantasy?

No, I really only want foreskin play and worship.

Shut up faggot get your bussy ready

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No, NO BUSSY FOR YOU!! I'm the fucking bussy nazi!

But I want my bussy pounded too! By a qt girl

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