Hey britfags, how does it feel knowing you have no right to defend yourselves? How does it make you feel knowing your government values the life of a criminal above your own?
Hey britfags, how does it feel knowing you have no right to defend yourselves...
I don't feel safe on the street.
i think you meant to post this in britfeel
As a woman I feel much safer walking down the street at night in the UK since I know I won't be mugged/assaulted at gunpoint
Like what are they gonna do, throw a knife at me from 10 feet away lmao
vs. America where my high school had yearly lockdowns because of gunfire in the street outside
I want to take back my homeland from the hooligans.
feels pretty shit desu
feels like no party in the whole country is willing to recognize it's peoples personal responsibility
Actually we can user, including the use of deadly force. There does however need to be evidence that it was reasonable in the situation.
I'm italian,Italy it's pratically a third world country
Want to see which one's the worst? Try me we've been pratically training for this kind of challenge
>aka burglar breaks into house armed with knife
>you blast him away with a shotgun
>you get arrested and imprisoned for unreasonable force
What a cuck country
I can't tell if this is satire. Of course firing a shotgun at someone with a knife is unreasonable force. If all they have is a damn knife, you can barricade yourself somewhere in the house and *then* shoot if they advance on you.
>ghetto thug breaks into my house in the middle of night with a gun
>look at him badly
>get imprisoned for sexual harassment
Italy is pratically like this
Patriotism is well re payed
You'll wish you'd just gotten mugged when a pack of sandniggers take turns raping you and then get away with it.
The absolute mentality of britcucks, my god
Anyone trying to fuck with your safety or property deserves immediate death. Thank god America isn't such a pussy
Trust me,we know,we know.
We learned the hard way.
Hopefully this new government is gonna be better
>thinking a just punishment for breaking an entry is death
Now what profit comes from killing other than the blood of the would-be burglar? If anything, keeping them alive would be more beneficial, you could get em to drop their loot and anything else they have on them. That and you might financial compesation from them in a court of law.
Lol gang rape doesn't occur with any frequency outside of Asia
And I've literally never met one of the migrants Jow Forums loves to bitch about
>no right to defend yourselves?
What do you mean?
In Italy is actually pretty frequent to hear about illegal immigrants doing it
>America isn't such a pussy
more like
>Americans are so insecure in their masculinity that they have to LARP online about protecting their rundown shack and meagre possessions with deadly violence
And I also hear gypsies in Italy kill children and no better than thieves. The funny thing is though, the figures for crime rates are 1/10 gyps doing something heinous so who knows.
The big problem rn are the refugges (refuging from the famous Marocan and Somalian wars) so we dont really care/have the time to care/hear about the gipsyes,but they are everywhere and they are no better then them
>protecting life and property by any means is insecurity
Once again, the absolute state of britcucks
Defending yourself isn't a right, it is a privilege earned by being capable.
I dont know specifically if they kill them but,they kidnap them by putting them asleep with cloroformium or some shit,shoving them under their skirts and then just walking again, never heard from someone who returned such a thing so they probably use them as work slave or something and then putting them down if they rebel,i dont know now how common it is but, back in the day (until like,10 years ago) it used to be pretty common.
Or if you are young and you are walking down the road with your grandmother they could just run up to her,gran you and then flee,they told me that actually such a thing almost happened to me
lemme solve this dispute
all countries suck, and dont recognize personal liberty, as that is the nature of the state
anarcho-capitalism ftw
>Defending yourself isn't a right
nice bait
my god I fucking hate this country
It fucking sucks.
I'm struggling to get a job because I have a criminal record which I got for defending myself against some chavs who decided to pick a fight with me for no reason.
That's what makes me sick about leftist americans, they have rights which I can only dream of yet they would throw it all away
>Thank god America isn't such a pussy
>stumble in front of neighbours' house
>sue him for all he's worth
I got robbed by a Polish or Albanian guy once he was using a belt and what looked like butter knife other than that it's been pretty safe
This is mostly true if you live in London. Based scotland
Your a fucking liar pistol crime is the highest it's ever been in the uk
So retarded you fucking shill. I live in an urban area in a poorer part of town and go for an occasional run at 11-1 am for maybe an hour never encountered a single problem. There white,black and brown people who live here and get along just fine. I always find it weird that those upper middle class always have a problem with accepting other races and colours. The only time ive ever been scared is being out in town late and meeting a really drunk bloke even though i know i could take. him
this is bait right? nothing in OP's post mentioned race at all
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
You retards were recently arguing about arming teachers.
sorry i wasn't just addressing op but the thread in general i guess i should have added these guys:
( not totally related as speaking about Italy)
also maybe the guy talking about homeland but he didn't explicitly state race so oh well.