Just get a d*scord and talk to girls
It's that simple
Just get a d*scord and talk to girls
This UNIRONICALLY worked for me!
And get ghosted in the end, like always.
It's better than not trying at all
Why the fuck would I want to do that? Give me an original reason.
Usually i will join a discord look at some of the text channels maybe introduce myself
and then never write anything again and leave after a while cuz i'm too awkward
pattern recognition is a bitch. it is better than trying, because at least you know up front that no one will talk to you. you don't get your hopes up only to be disappointed again and again.
Talk to a weeb guy. I'm also a weeb.
Get along great.
One week later jokingly ask me to send a picture of myself, jokingly say no.
Never texts me again.
Delete discord.
this or else i'll ghost anyone i talk to after a week
>guy wants to talk to gurl
>asks gurl to prove she's not a trap
>she refuses
>go on discord
>this one girl joins
>she's from another country
>start doing Jow Forums tier bants against her country and how my country will annex hers
>she starts orbiting me
>I get scared and ghost her and leave the server
>tfw discord Chad with severe autism
Are you a boy or a girl genetically? Important question.
I can explain. I usually ask for a pic and this is why.
there are a lot of larpers and traps in Jow Forums. And I don't know about other straight guys but I don't like to be catfished, when a girl shows me a pic of her I send one to. With that done I have more trust on continuing the convo or the thing we were doing.
I do this all the time, 80% of the girls send it
Im a weeb guy too talk to me I won't ghost you or ask for pics,I promise!
>where do you find girls to talk to ?
>how do you have a conversation without it being awkward ?
>how long until she gets bord of talking to you ?
>what if you're just another beta orbiter
I am so absolutely paranoid of adding anyone from here I need to know I'm talking to who they say they are.
I'm a boy. I even told the guy I'm a boy.
any girls want to drop there discord and help me talk about my problems I'm feeling really lonely and need to talk to a girl right now to sort this out I usually talk it out with my mom but she kicked me out last week and called the cops on me
maybe he was gay and wanted an e-bf?
pedofag get out
Want my 2 cents?
Don't fear the reaper user and don't be afraid of what you share or do, but for the love of god try to at least get on first name basis with the person and get some vc started. If you can't get those two things to happen, consider finding another.
user please I'm not a paedo I don't even like real kids
Tell me NOW how to become a discord chad who talks to femanons
i saw the thread retard
Take a page from the chad's handbook, never look weak or desparate even in the face of armageddon, i.e. here.
Someone is absolutely writing all this down somewhere, I'll tell you what state I live in and there's a pause, they add it to their compendium and I reveal more. You're gonna get doxxed one of these days
sure thing guy.
be in a thread and have something in common with a fembot. ask if she wants to chat on discord.
There's literally nothing wrong with email.
its hard to find girls on discord, sadly
I would block someone as soon as they ask for a pic.
>wanting your face all over r9k
No thanks.
Kai are you there? will pgive us another chance
Somehow, I doubt it is this simple or else absolutely everyone would be doing it. There has to be a catch.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with email if you are 46
man bro clearly you didn't read properly loliguro isn't illigal and you can't rape or.torture a drawing man
I'm not weak or desperate man I'm being real here
well that's just rude your no better then my friends who used to pick on me as a joke
this you will get doxxed on here or at least posted on another discord server for people to laugh at
How do you find girls to talk to, though?
the catch is theyre all underage
>There has to be a catch.
shitpost something that attracts fembots
I made a post not going to name it, but got 2 fembot contacts, they ghosted after 4 days
there is a catch, user. see: she will talk to you for anywhere between 2 minutes to 2 weeks. then she ghosts you.
if you don't show your face I block you anyways for not trusting traps and larpers
funny thing is those are the only ones who won't ghost you, but if you're smart, you'll ghost them.
And it's confirmed they were women in this case?
You know well I sleep at night knowing someone I hardly know, knows where I live? Easily. Because no-one has the fucking cahonies to do anything about it.
>And it's confirmed they were women in this case?
yes like I said here I always ask for a pic, and if they don't show it I block them
>I'm not weak or desperate
yes you are. That's why bullying you is fun.
There are other ways to prove you're not a trap. And no I don't mean nudes.
I understand not wanting to be tricked by traps though.
What do you mean by larpers?
No dude, you can't expect sympathy from strangers, no one works like that. You have to bottle up your worries and listen to your woman's, end communication with your friends and never beg. Dogs beg, now are you a dog?
Oh wow. That's not so bad, I'd be happy to have a talk with a confirmed fembot even for a couple of hours at most about anything without building a relationship even.
>What do you mean by larpers?
dudes that pretend to be girls. Whole point it to trick people.
>There are other ways to prove you're not a trap.
What methods do you propose?
>What do you mean by larpers?
Guys pretending to be girls, I also got added by some of them pretending to be "fembots", I don't trust vc. I ask for a face picture 80% of the ones I have asked comply
>be anime fan that plays videogames sometimes
>add a few people that supposedly have similar interests on Discord
>they either want to roleplay 24/7 or they don't actually watch anime
It's annoying desu, I mean I'm not really anime elitist tier, theres tons of "good" stuff that I haven't watched, so I won't be able to discuss them, but damn. The roleplayers are more annoying though because they cannot have a simple, short back and forth conversation without acting like an anime girl.
I hate Discord so far.
look man that's not right I'm the alpha dog here and your my little beta bitch get it right I'm just trying for some.ez hookups know what I'm sizaying man theres alot of desperate chicks who are starving for this big alpha dogs knot
larping is most often a straight male pretending to be a fembot as a prank or to get info
>face picture
if there's any question whatsoever, i fall back to asking for timestamped tits. if she has a DFC i ask for timestamped vag.
fembot threads usually have quite a few actual fembots in them, surprisingly
I'm not the same user but people can make mistakes, one such person sent me a picture of their balcony, and since they told me which town they lived in, it allowed to find out where they lived exactly. That person freaked out and never spoke to me again when they found out. A regret I shall to live with.
why do you guys try to get or talk to girls on discord?
I kick them when they come to my server.
why are you bothering to talk to girls online?
I dont blame you robots but it seems gay AF to me
we ask for pics because tranny fags and larpeers.
the proof is for you to prove.
or to get money in case of orbiters
I don't want to ask girls for pictures because they might get the wrong idea, I just want ''friends'' without any sexual element to it but I prefer female friends.
You probably got this avatarfag mixed up with gunjy, gunjy inst a pedo though that is a rumor that is untrue.
gunjy likes some lolis and he doesnt even fap to 3D woman at all only anime and he is pure.
>t. gunjy doing damage control
A torso picture where you can easily tell it's a female figure would be good, but I guess some traps try really fucking hard to twist their manly bodies around to look feminine
I personally prefer face pic,I think is more personal then boobs or a vagina with time stamp, I also image reverse. Always to make sure it's real
suprise suprise that is one way on how you get contacts
silly roasties man, lel.
what do you mean by timestamped
>80% of the ones I have asked comply
That's crazy, these girls must have no anxiety or are just plain retarded. I would never send a face pic to a random robot.
When I catfish I always minimally edit the proportions of the photo so its not reversable. Always ask for timestamp
>That's crazy, these girls must have no anxiety or are just plain retarded. I would never send a face pic to a random robot.
I'm not retarded I talk to them first and get to know a little about them before asking for it.
you're not gonna get any cute shy girls who will comply with that, you'll get a lot of bpd whores though
it doesnt have to be an actual timestamp. a simple request will do, for example ask for them to hold 3 fingers over a nipple. anything like that to give evidence that i'm talking to a real girl.
>a little bit
Wouldn't be enough for me, we'd have to be practically dating and know each other for 2 years.
>a lot of bpd whores
That's a lot better than I could normally reach for, i'm sold
>you're not gonna get any cute shy girls
got a virgin fembot, with tons of anxiety and neet problems doing just that yesterday.
Hello.. who is this?
well man, im not a pedo man what do you expect.
I want this meme to die, im a lolicon not a pedo.
I dont even fap to 3D woman at all and kids dont turn me on they are 3D man.
I literally compare 3DPD to naime when I see them IRL..
I had a nurse touch my PP a month+ ago and I didnt even get hard, jesus
She lied about her anxiety.
t. someone with actual severe anxiety and paranoia
you will get cucked or ghosted pretty damn quick, the point is to develop intimacy otherwise you could just ask a fembot for nudes here on the board
no way dude you're lying straight up
>She lied about her anxiety.
I don't really care, I know most girls pretend to be suicidal for attention, I have done this before
Genuinely suicidal girls are the best though if you can tell them apart, they are sooo cute.
Is this really you? it's me, L
Yes it's really me. Add me on steam.
get out of thise thread please incest faggos
why would i you slut
Don't you add her on facebook or something in the two week period? You need to be quick to find some other means of communication outside discord or you will get ghosted fast.
Having a discord means you are not a real robot
Please fuck off of my board and go to /soc/ or some shit like that.
This is a board for robots, not "Hey guys just get a social media and get a gf"
Fuck off
>had a few girls added from here (they actually added me surpisingly)
>talked to them somewhat regularly
>realize that they're just gonna flake one day
>unfriend all of them
autism or chad?
>add her on facebook
2 weeks isnt enough time to trust her with my real identity, faggot. you go ahead if it works for you.
look man I just need to throw this out there I'm not whoever this hungry guy is I don't even know who he is to begin with so.theres no possible way I'm him so can you stop calling me gungay I really like guro loli and shota myself aswell but real kids are nasty
If it's really as simple as setting up a discord account in 2 minutes aren't you just intentionally alienating yourself point? It's not like you have to go outside
Well where do I fucking find girls? Every server I go to is all dudes
Kai, are you still picking up girls on r9k? You should stop. Seriously.
You are literally me. I would say autistic failed normalfag also I'm sorry to any fembots I've ghosted usually it would be you doing it
it's not impossible to meet women on here, just too much work. you'd have to be online 24/7 adding random people from different threads and boards and talking to them for a few weeks at a time trying to figure out what their gender is. almost like a full time job. I'd say 1-2 out of 10 users are female.
Unironically /soc/, but be warned, most are underage or just swarmed by drooling idiots so your chances of being the cream of their crop are slim.
Don't use servers man they are full of retarded hypersocials
Just get individual discords from girls on Jow Forums and talk to them that way
not even once, user.
Can you leave me alone seriously? I don't want anything to do with you and your group of evil people.
don't use /soc/ stick to Jow Forums native femanons they are much better