Robot jobs

What are some robot jobs?
>inb4 wagecuck at fast food

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Security Officer at a factory

Doesnt that require to be Jow Forums ?

I also would like to know this in an original way

Overnight stocker, decent money. Minimal human interaction. But you have to be productive at work

Worked making college composite boards
Surprisingly calm job, just tossed in my headphones and put photos on a board for 4 hours, lunch, then 4 more hours

Eventually moved to a different department and operated the plotter machine
Same deal; headphones in, get orders on the machine for 4 hours, lunch, 4 hours

Be happy to talk about it if anyone is curious
>pic related

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Inventory counter. Solitary, repetitive, data-driven. A robot's dream.

why does that take 4 hours

What about being a guard at low risk places like parking lots

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Package handler in a sorting facility
Very minimal human interaction, you're basically a machine

Most security guards I see are fat middle age men that couldn't run for 5 seconds straight.

Government military contractor for the ascended warlocks and wizards.

Overnight security. Is usually suggested, Having done it at a hotel it was definitely a true robots dream job

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I used to work night shift in a parking lot and I can't think of a more robot job. Minimal human interaction, I just sat down for most of the time and browsed Jow Forums.

It doesn't, one board usually took about 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on how many photos and the crest
If you're wondering why the crest matters: we used to cut them out by hand with an exacto-knife, so the intricate ones were a bitch
>pic related
That was a mildly tough one, there were a few real fuckers that I cant remember the greek letters for right now

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Saved ty fren

Grocery clerk. Pls kill me

you'd think but security officer is the number one reject job, they hire anyone.

I did security at a industrial facility that was being sold. It was boring as all hell. 8 hours of Jow Forums is not desirable.

I usually just smoked weed and watched Dateline in the lounge walked the floors every few hours Got some mcdicks if i was feeling hungry, 10/10 job desu

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fecal matter/blood/urine colector in a lab

Factory work is fine used to work moving oil barrels onto crates and prepping them for shipment. Paid decently but it was manual labor.

For liability reasons, security officers are mostly just someone sitting waiting to call the cops.

Dishwasher at a restaurant. You do the dirty hard work none of the normies want to do. You're the very last person to leave, you stay cleaning up after all the other staff have left. The best part is you earn less than everyone else. The attractive waitresses and social waiters make more in tips than you could ever hope to make with you measly hourly wages, and they work half as hard, in fact they spend most of their time just standing around talking and joking with each other. They don't have to cook or anything hard, all they do is carry food out. You get no respect and in fact chances are you're a robot so everyone just ignores you entirely. Easily one of the most robotic jobs. Hey at least you don't need social skills.

Waitresses should all be in a fucking gas chamber.



Autistic dj behind a robot costume has worked out.

03xx riginal

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semper fi originally

other marins here?

tfw maybe picking up corporal soon

I'm a dog trainer, not sure if that counts.

failing self-employed entrepreneur
>"c-can u invest in my startup sir?"
>only employee to his "business," minimal social interaction
>inevitably disappoints everyone when it fails miserably
haha, w-what a dumb robot, am i right?

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I'm not a marine just a shitposter although I been thinking of enlisting since I have nothing to lose but I'm too weak honestly

do work around computers, be honest you spend all your time on them anyways its only logical

How do I get this type of job?

join now baka!

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Gardener originic

Absolutely not. Even the PTSD vets at my work who work as security are fat as shit.

Had a friend from my last job work there, they told me there was an opening and I scheduled an interview

You can get a job like this just by applying once every 2 weeks, they'll hire you eventually for sure, probably within a month or two

yes hello you said you wanted some benefits?

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Head of security at a retail store. You watch the cameras, worst case scenario you have to confront someone that tried to steal something

just a robot who needs to get out of the neet life fast, as its the mil or some shit job like janitor

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what would happen if you messed up?

Unless it was a huge fuck up (like my hand slipped or it somehow got crushed) it was always salvageable when I had to mount it on the board
If you mean fucking up the whole board, which I did a few times, we either had someone else fix it or just start the board over

There was one time I scratched a board with 300+ plastic-frame photos and we didn't catch it until I finished
That was like 5 hours of work down the drain but I never got reprimanded, I was easily their best worker and sorely underpaid (and they knew I knew but didn't care enough to demand a raise)

Armed security jobs are the real deal. Unarmed security jobs will take anyone.

>8 hours of Jow Forums is not desirable.
Fuck yeah it is, if you're getting paid. One of my previous gigs as a janitor, I used to slack off for 5-6 hours a night. Loved every minute of it.

i have the same feel
not athletic enough
not overweight by the way