How many relationships have you destroyed this week by lashing out for no justifiable reason, Borderliners?
BPD Feels
Just fucking kill yourself for being a monster. Borderlines deserve nothing but suffering
How do you even get new relationships every week I haven't had anyone to talk to in 8 months
This BPD girl I know said she was gonna kill herself and signed off of discord for good.
I just lol'd at her because we all know how that goes. She probably just went away to do more drugs and fuck more random guys.
>meet a cute and cool girl
>everything seems great and she's into me
>then suddenly she ghosts me because of something I said
>delete her off my friends list because I ain't dealing with that shit
At least I got her nudes
im alone now.
nothing to ruin
you're not wrong.
I think the girl I met from r9k was borderline. It was like chatting with the sweetest and the bitchiest girl at the same time, but I could never tell which one would be present until it was too late. One day we joke and tell sweet things, another day she is accusing me of things and upset at me for no reason. And she would always come back, and I would always let her come back in hopes of meeting that sweet girl again. We stopped messaging to each other and it's better that way. If only she could had held that sweet girl mood on all the times.
kek this is what robots think bpd is like
She told me she had gotten the BPD diagnosis
>you're not wrong.
This is what I hate most about bpd. You will admit that what you do is wrong, and that you are naturally abusive, and yet you will continue doing it regardless.
>tfw no BPD bf
Part of me knows it would be a very bad idea for both of us and part of me finds it irresistible.
>sympathize with friends mental condition when they lash out at me, and let them know I'm not mad
>they unfriend me, and I let them have their space
>all of our mutual friends unfriend me soon after
There's no winning move, is there
Basically I can't remember or understand what im doing while i'm doing it or the consequences
most bpd also low iq.
i don't socialize anymore so don't worry.
Because they're fucking broken, idiot. Because of abuse and neglect they experienced as infants, they never imprinted onto their moms properly and consequently never learned to sublimate and regulate their emotions the way neurotypicals automatically can. Without years and years of DBT, they are literally incapable of not acting like extremist pieces of shit, always fluctuating wildly between investing too much in new relationships and then becoming disappointed when the novelty wears off and tearing them down and walking away.
>Don't understand
How so?
>tfw bpd but ugly
trust issues dude. bpd is like being a sociopathic animal, you don't care about anything but doing for you, but not for narcissistic reasons but for more desperate reasons. a person with bpd is a soulless creature basically on the same level as any criminal except usually more or less law abiding.
Just going to ignore this? Go fuck yourself you hopeless retard.
>be girl
>get hundreds of offers
>pick three of them
>chew up and spit out
>next week start again
sorry, i got distracted.
basically i just don't understand that saying mean things hurts people.
it is a mental illness.
My parents now despise me for being a conservative
Nobody yet, but I'm pretty good at freaking people out.
>i just don't understand that saying mean things hurts people.
but you do understand it. you just disregard it in the moment. you make a conscious choice to be cruel.
lmao. mega owned
nah, im telling you man. people have to explain it to me.
>bpd male
>meets women on here and ghosts them often. Sometimes even ghosting the same girl twice.
It's so easy making a mentally ill girl fall for you
I see. Do you feel regret afterwards?
wow rude. The post didn't answer my question.
i had a borderline online friend and she was like my bestie and she ditched me because of some minor discord drama after all i did for her.... BPD people suck and arent worth it
when it gets explained i feel awful but then i just react to some other extreme its very stupid.
I don't have BPD but I ghost people often. So oh well. I am a kind person though.
It is an illness in the same way psychopathy is a mental illness. I feel for you man but it doesn't excuse the terrible shit your kind does to people
its not an excuse, jesus you guys are so mad.
Thank you for the responses. At least people with borderline seem to have empathy, unlike people with narcissistic personality disorder.
>you make a conscious choice to be cruel.
No, they do not. They have an infantile sense of justice/fairness/right and wrong, so when they feel that they have been mistreated, even in the slightest, they get triggered and go apeshit. Most people have a fairly solid sense of self to help rein their emotions in during personal crises, but borderlines don't. They are empty husks of people, dumbly running on pure unconscious instictive feelings that they themselves aren't even aware of because of their conditioned dependence on dissociation.
bpd is really just like normal people except you sperg out emotionally instead of about trains.
you seem really knowledgable about this.
thanks for seeming us as human still.
It is an excuse. I suffer from anxiety and psychosis and I acknowledge this and still try to be an active member of society and treat my relationships well. You on the other hand treat people like shit and use your illness as an excuse
My ex was borderline, so I've read a lot about it and experienced even more personally.
>bullying people on the internet
>playing oppression Olympics with ur own diagnosis
I have ADHD and I notice that it is hard to control my emotions I don't act disrespectful or mean to others I only loss my temper or stuff on my own. Medication helps control my impulses which I'm great ful for. Like that SpongeBob episode were he is normal that's what it does.
none because I never started one
>this week
None, because I only have internet friends these days I handle online relationships more easily.
In the past month? I think I ruined a long term friendhship, but to be fair they have their own contribution to this problem.
Also who hwere high and drunk? Real borderliners do drugs compusively.
when you say ruin relationshis what do you mean
I would kill to be in a relationship with a borderline girl
they don't ruin relationships if you're their first btw
Let me guess: you led one of your long term cuck orbiters on and then later rejected him after you were sober again lol.
Yeah, they do.
>Sauce: me.
Well in this case I was just really rude to my friend because I got mad at him. He'll forgive me if I say sorry, because he's patient and knows I'm borderline. Thing is I just don't think I can make him understand how I feel and why I was rude, why I lashed out and why I felt wronged. He has his own personality disorder too and I think it contributed to the breakdown of our friendship. I don't know how to continue our friendship now. I could just go back to the way things used to be, probably, but do I want that? We had a plan to do something great together, but I don't think he's willing to put in the work- he's too anxious and worries a lot, so when he started doubting the logistics of our plan I said something like "let's just step forward and keep trying, there will be pitfalls" but he didn't respond well to that so I eventually got angery and started acting like a dick.
Sorry for the wall of text I'm just buzzed so I feel talkative.
Do you think I'm a female? I'm actually one of the few males with BPD. I don't have orbiters.
I was using it as an example. Can't really enter the opression olympics on an anonymous image board. Maybe if I was tripfagging or something
I see, I'm sorry you're not getting along with your friend, I myself had some issues forming close boands with everyone my whole life. I usually am extremely hyper and bounce off the walls , I never listen I act impulsive and every time I do I regret it, like can't stop it. I take stimulants for ADHD and it makes me a little moody if I don't eat. I honestly hope things work out with your friend, I'm sure if you truly are repentant he'd accept you back.
Yeah, I'm especially prone to fly off the hook if I'm drunk. I might have been drunk when that happened, I can't remember. That being said, I sincerely do believe our fight isn't only my fault. I played a big role in it, and I even told him that, but I don't think he understands the role he played in this drama.
>the post didn't answer my question
it literally answered your question.
That reaction tells me you're not that great of a person either
if it's ever been explained to you then you have a frame of reference, and any time you do it after that it's a conscious choice. this is a cope to pretend you can't change.
I lost friends and had the worst relationship of my life to BPD's. I have no respect or anything for them, they are a blight
The term is emotional amnesia. BPDs never developed emotional object constancy when they were babies the way normies do.
>They have an infantile sense of justice/fairness/right and wrong
That's absolutely horrifying when you think about it.
I've had my fair share of experiences with BPD people. It sucks. I always try to work with them and not take it to heart when they lash out, but after years, what's the point if all I do is suck it up? My best friend (only irl friend) constantly attacked me at the drop of a hat and then the next day acted like nothing happened. She could go from being affectionate and cute to hurling abuse at me and hanging up the phone within minutes over nothing. Sometimes I blamed her illness, other times I blamed myself because I have low self esteem. But she also thought that psychiatrists and therapists were hacks, so she refused to get help. I ghosted her after 8 years when she lashed out at me out of the blue again and I simply stopped replying.
>Lost my best friend years ago, still hurts
>Almost lost my only other friend for good, but they talk to me on occasion purely out of pity
>much more aggressive than usual lately
>scared away 2 long term orbiters over the past two weeks while drunk
>Have absolutely no family to rely on
>So tired of life on a never ending emotional rollercoaster
>Sick of hurting people and getting hurt
>probably going to kill myself before the year is over
None. Whenever I have a breakdown I just lock myself away from my friends until I can think rationally again.
A lot multiple times over. I want to die.
The way you reacted to being denied what you wanted when you were a child no matter how fucking stupid it was is how these adults react to mundane interpersonal conflicts and problems when they are triggered.
None this week. Any takers?
My prescription for this problem is pic related