When was the last time a girl messaged you first?
When was the last time a girl messaged you first?
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>black moth super rainbow
Wow, did /b/ come up with that one in one of those Name My Band threads?
You seem like a dweeb
ive got some cringy ones, coming home drunk after a night out trying to be quirky and funny but end up looking like an autist
/mu/ got me turned on to them, go back to listening to Drake or whatever my dude.
lmfao I'm that dude that got messaged first. I was being honest, she was the only girl I've seen so far that was into NMH.
She even recommended me some obscure shoegaze and we're going to a show, stop being such a bitter cunt lmfao.
>yeah I listen to obscure music, NMH, BMSR, Death Grips, the list could go on
That's because you'd lose all interest and call them "needy" if they messaged you first
Drop your Discord RIGHT NOW and I bet you will get at least 10 guys who will message you first constantly.
whats the band she recommended you
Last night. She stopped responding after a few messages though. I think she was drunk.
Majesty Crush
I always feel like I am shadowbanned on tinder when I message someone, and they never message back. Then I end up matching weeks later with a whale and they send me a message.
>wahh only fat girls match me
kys. i literally get 0
>thinks drake is bad
>triggered by passing comments
>actually listens to basedgaze
Definitely a /mu/tant
did you get filtered?
Nigga, you can have them. I will personally redirect them in your direction.
Drake is bad though
I like NMH too, can we be friends.
Black moth super rainbow is sick but I'd much rather see tobacco first. Hopefully I'll be able to see him when He comes out with nine inch nails in September.
how many times have you ignored a robot tho
This 9/10 redhead messages me on Facebook with "come over." We went to school together but never talked. I never went over because she lived an hour away and I don't drive a car.
Mommy messaged me about whether i wnated my tendies
I've experienced this before, it's a trap and you'll arrive to a house full of drunk normies who will proceed to haze you
couple weeks ago but she was a whale
It has never happened to me. hhhhhdgfghrsgbv
ugh don't fucking bring a girl to concerts, they just waste everyone's time needing to go to the bathroom and having to drag you along because they're like magnets for rape or something
>they're like magnets for rape or something
I get if you're walking near a homeless shelter, but a concert?
Today my GF messaged me first.
Also NMH isn't obscure lol
Never. Get the fuck out.
10 minutes ago. She sent me video of her kittens.
Not counting relatives, literally years ago
I virus bot girl sent covered tiddies yesterday. Didn't fap because nose rings are such a turn off for me
is bmsr still alive
You're here to brag OP. Good for you though, I listen to alot of shoegaze myself.
I got a snap from a girl I really like this early morning if that counts. I really can't tell if she sends stuff to me or to everyone on her friends list. I do notice I only get snaps from her when we've been talking recently tho
Woah. I was just listening to their song randomly when I saw this. Holy fuck thanks for raping my mind with synchronicity.
June 24 dude
Everyday it seems but that is only cause I am banging some married chick who is infatuated with me cause while I am a mental shitshow, I fuck well.