Met an angel

Have you ever been in a situation or met someone you were convinced they were sent for a reason?

>be me
>be severely depressed eversince I was a teenager
>now twentysomething, still depressed but now also severely suicidal
>decide to end it and get a gun
>one night I just put it to my temple
>ask for god's forgiveness and am just about to pull the trigger
>suddenly my door openes and a girl I've never even met comes in
>she sees the gun and freezes
>hear my roommate from downstairs "the book is on his desk I think"
>lower the gun and turn around to look at my desk
>pick up the book I think he's talking about and hand it to her
>wtf are you supposed to do in a situation like that
>"I didn't think it was that bad"
>"the book"
>did she really just say that
>"who even are you"
>she shrugs, doesn't break eye contact with me
>I'm literally supposed to be dead
>why am I not dead

Fast-forward 2 weeks
>still alive
>got to know her better
>mostly cause she didn't let it go, asked me to hang out all the time, gets me to vent to her
>this is actually very therapeutic who would have thought
>she's so pure
>she prays for and with me, but like not in a christfag way, it's actually very touching and it comforts me
>start fantasizing about fucking her but I feel bad about it cause she's so good
>instead just jerk off to her
>It's pathetic but I can't help it
>other guys are interested in her and start orbiting her
>get jealous and become distant
>she notices of course and confronts me about it
>don't wanna admit my feelings for her so we start fighting and she ends up leaving angry
>last weekend we were at a club
>some guy starts a conversation with her
>try to ignore her for an hour
>start drinking
>walk past them and bump into the guy
>he isn't mad but I start a fight just to let off some steam, get punched in the face
>she gets between us
>she's so angry at me
>walks out of the club and I follow her

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Damn, I really want to use that first part in a novel, it's so awkward and beautiful.

>she doesn't yell at me
>get pissed off cause I wanna yell at her
>"why did you do that user"
>can't she just cuss me out or some shit
>my head starts to hurt from the punch
>fuck this honestly
>want to walk away but I'm too drunk to walk a straight line
>want to cross the road, don't see a car driving towards me
>get pulled back by her
>car misses me by 10 inches
>now she's yelling at me
>"Jesus Christ, why won't you just let my die"
>slaps me in the face

She hasn't talked to me since but she's saved my life twice now. (More or less, I guess the car maybe would just have crippled me but still)
Is this coincidence or fate?

Fucking hell, what are you even doing? Considering for a moment that it could be the case you didn't make this story up: What the fuck are you doing? I don't even believe in fate or angels or any of that. But still your story makes me feel like you're spiting the gods out of sheer schadenfreude.

Do you feel like this girl is wasted on you? Do you feel like it would be better for her if you never met? Doesn't even matter, you met and you can't take it back. If you want to kill yourself now you'll cripple her too. And if you just leave you'll suffer forever for having wasted this chance, no matter if it's a real chance or just an illusionary one.

What the fuck even is this story
How long ago has it been since you talked to her?
I think she likes you OP, probably thought you were dark and mysterious or some gay roastie shit

Hahahaha she's definitely wasted on me, dude
She's literally the kindest person I've ever met and really pretty too
She deserves the world honestly
But instead she's filled with this need to help and protect everybody so she's stuck with all kinds of messed up people she tries to support

Ah, I know what it is. You think she's some sort of compulsive person who just wants to help you because there's something wrong in her head too. Or you think she just wants you as her little suicidal pet, that she can use for her own ego, self-presentation and personal use. Some pityful creature you keep by your side in order to feel better. That would piss me off too. Right?

last Saturday when it happened
Idk I think it might be that in part but she's just a genuinely nice person
She sees something broken and wants to fix it. It's not like i don't understand that she's frustrated with me cause I have zero communication skills but I'm too proud to call her
Like what would I even say
I met you not even a month ago but you're like the first person ever to show me real affection so I fell in love with you but I know it's just platonic cause you'd do that kind of shit even for the serial killer who murdered your entire family
Cause you're just so fucking nice

She's not wasted more on you than she is on the next guy. Seriously, you'll regret this kind of thinking forever.
>she's stuck with all kinds of messed up people she tries to support
so you're not the only one? nothing special to her? just one more crazy person in her collection? well, i guess you don't stumble over a person seconds before killing himself every day... seriously, make a move before anybody else does. just imagine she gets together with one of the other messed up dudes. how would that make you feel? if you tell her you love her and she turns you down, you at least get a clean end. otherwise you'll suffer forever for having an other messed up dude get her.

Shit that's dark
I don't see her that way
Like she's most definitely attracted to dark people but it's not like she's just there for 24year old guys who wanna die
She volunteers at a homeless shelter and is in college to become a social worker. She used to work at a retirement home she still visits as often as she can. Idk man she's an angel I'm telling you.

>you'd do that kind of shit even for the serial killer who murdered your entire family
If that's the way she is then she has some issues in her head too and someone needs to help her fix that.
And I just realized something. There might be no such thing as fate in a metaphysical way, but there is fate as a psychological reality. Cause after a situation like this where she prevented you from shooting yourself, you'll never ever get her out of your head again. That's fate in a way, because it means you're connected and can't do a thing about it. So you'll have to deal with it. You can't just avoid it. Avoidance won't get you anywhere because you won't be able to get over this girl. It's a curse in a way, but it could also be a charm.

Op, is there more to this story.
I"m caught my interests.

I was in similar situation. Met a qt cowork the first person to show me affection and fell in love with her, but she was just doing it to be nice.

She super nice, sweet, caring. She even show affection to this weird co worker whom clearly wanted to fuck her brains out.

After a month of knowing and falling for her. She reveal that she had a bf. I quit that job and left because I was getting into deep waters.

That was three and half years of ago. Sorry, lad....just move on.

Some normies are super nice and want to help everyone.

It's her own philosophy
She's kinda religious and one time we talked about it she told me that she thought about this for a long time and she came to the conclusion that there's a moral obligation for her to love being as such, because only if you love being you want the best for it and only that way you can improve something in this world. So she "loves" rapists, murders and all those people alike so that she can want the best for them, not resent them and "only see them as their deeds" and help them become better versions of themselves
She said more about it but that's roughly it.
I like your theory with psychological fate- no matter what happens I'll never forget her and every time I want to harm myself I'd feel like I'm betraying her and whoever "sent" her to save my life so I can do something useful with it.

>Idk man she's an angel I'm telling you.
I knew a girl like this in highschool. I don't exactly know what she did after, but I'm pretty sure she went a similar path, devoting her life to helping people ans such. I couldn't get her out of my head for 8 years, even though I never really talked to her and only saw her for a year before she changed schools.
And you know why? Not because she saved my life or anything fancy like that. No. Because one time she sat at my table. I was sitting in an empty cafeteria and out of nowhere she showed up, we didn't even know each other but she asked if she could sit at my table, even though there were plenty empty tables. I said yes but practically ignored her after for half an hour or so. But in the half year that followed I realized that she was an angel. And I couldn't get her out of my head for 8 fucking years and tried to kill myself because I regretted not having talked to her so much. That all because she sat at my table, something that seemed so utterly incomprehensible at the time. I probably had a severe lack of affection too, and that's why that triggered so much.
But now just compare my story to yours and think about what it will do to you if you act like a fool now.

I know exactly what you mean, dude.
I'm afraid she's one of those people.
It's a shame tho you have no idea how badly i want her haha

She's going to get violently murdered one day
Calling it now

>>wtf are you supposed to do in a situation like that
>>"I didn't think it was that bad"
>>"the book"
nah m8, she totally killed you right there with that savagery

That girl is stuck in my head. No matter what i do, I can't shake her off.

She only work on the weekend and I would always pray the week went fast so I can see her again. When it came I was genuinely happy.

When I found out she had a bf. I couldn't even sleep anymore. Just imagining the guy hugging her, kissing her... really kill me inside.

Wish you the best, man.

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>So she "loves" rapists, murders and all those people alike so that she can want the best for them
Um, I get the feeling that has a point here. She seems like a good person, but also very naive. Don't tell me you don't have the desire to protect her from all that evil she might run into.

That's pretty funny, user. Kek.

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I literally told her the same thing, just listening to her talk like that gives me mad anxiety

I do but how on earth are you supposed to protect someone as blindly idealistic as her.

Make her your girlfriend, get really buff, learn martial arts and talk some reason into her.

what anime is this from ?

How attractive are you op
When girls meet psychos like us there's a fine like between "I wanna save his poor soul" and "I wanna save his poor soul and also I need him to fuck me"

Average maybe? I get compared to this lanky dude who played the clown in it sometimes

Bitches love eyebags on tall dudes

I read this op and i want to fuck you up to the point you cant open your gay little mouth. Im seething.

Msg her saying thankyou for what you've done but too leave you alone you dont deserve her attention or time; your a broken individual and all attempts to help you is futile, due to your little crush. She will never reciprocate those feelings so do yourself a favor and get hit by a car this time round.

who hurt you bud
Sounds like u'd need an angel to soothe your soul too

Don't get involved with people who are "nice". It's wrong and completely untrustworthy to act nice to everyone.