Be typical female in 2018 A.D

>Be typical female in 2018 A.D.
>Start getting fucked by a different Chad each week at the age of 14
>Diversify your vagina and start getting fucked by niggers on days Chad is too busy
>By the time you're 20 the semen of hundreds of men has stained you inside and out
>Your sins start to burn away at your being from the inside out
>Look like this at 23

The absolute state of roasties

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-08-13-14-02.png (720x1280, 813K)

Why do you think having sex with multiple men ages you more quickly?

Jesus christ, she looks like she is in her 40s.

>sperm hits ovum, ovum ages into a baby
>sperm hits teenager, teenager ages into an old woman
Think about it logically user.

>Why do you think having sex with multiple men ages you more quickly?

I think science needs to study this, because it CLEARLY does so, even if the mechanism is hard to determine.

real Jow Forums hours

Or they just have shit genetics, damn near every woman looks fuckable when they are young, then some age shitty, others age much better. This one got hit by the ugly train and got fat.

correlation =! causation

most likely it's just hoes that get dicked all the time use buttloads of makeup a lot more often, which is proven to be bad for skin

I mean, has he even drawn correlation? It would have to be thousands of women watched over like a decade with sexual histories the whole time to even do that, he is just running his mouth with mental retardation.

I mean, it's just science.

Attached: Fug.png (255x207, 82K)

Or maybe OP ugly girls like this are pure, but you need to assume they're roasts to avoid realisinh how shallow you are. I bet when Asian Stacey With Bangs and a Turtleneck waltzes into class you envision how pure and lovely she is despite her choking on Chaddick every night. Get fucked.

t. Ugly chick

Correlation ain't caustion. People who age poorly:
>suntan or go outside a lot
>wear makeup
>are poor
>do drugs
All things that correlate with promiscuity. So instead of arguing that semen = aging serum, consider confounding variables.

Attached: F4F14230-453B-4400-85CF-E835DA797E98.jpg (960x900, 86K)

This is literally the best thing that's ever been written on r9k. Period.

>people who age poorly age poor
relly makes u think

Attached: cancerous image - thinking pepe.jpg (640x519, 29K)

>he can't read the word "are"
Stupidity also correlates with promiscuity, so why are you an outlier?

oh no I have BTFO'd myself
You win this round user

but also consider that sometimes correlation does = caustion

>hurr because sometimes causal relationships manifest in linear correlations, that means I don't need to prove anything
Neck yourself, brainlet. And no, corration will never be sufficient means to prove causality.


>form hypothesis based on perceived correlations
>prove that these correlated, does in fact =causation


I'm not a scientist but this seems logical enough.

How does the number of women she's slept with affect her facial features? What the fuck are you even trying to argue?

desu its mostly due to her fatness and staying out in the sun. Two biggest things that age you

it has to do with the stress, emotional baggage, and wantonness that takes a toll on a roasty's body, that does contribute to someone aging fast but it also has to with roasties drinking tons of alcohol, eating terrible diets, having to go to the stress of working, and also because of their unnatural and dysfunctional lives they are depressed, depression and high levels of stress are known to age people rapidly.

So OP has a point, don't be such a pseudo-intellectual moron.

Be kind to people. Try that

Damn nigga you want your prize now or should we wait to give it to you in a few years?

this is really something to think about

1.) Nice spacing, douchenozzle.
2.) Read my post very slowly, brainlet. I specifically said that correlations could appear in causal relationships. What I also said is that correlation will never be the proof of causation. A randomized experiment that limits other variables will be proof. The correlation was the impetus to your study, but not proof in of itself.

This nigga gets it. Used up whores don't look that way because of something inherent in jizz. They look that way because it turns out lives that invilve taking miles of dick for a living correspond to shit that is bad for your body, like getting shoved in a wood chipper.

I'm sorry youre not involved in any form of research at all, stay mad bucko

she looks like a hamplanet, so much so that she couldn't even hide it in her profile pic. If you eat garbage your whole life then of course you'll age like shit

This is literally the most Reddit thing that's ever been written on R9K. Literally!!

Under kek'd poste

>"I'm sorry"
Sorry you're a soiboi. What's next, "maybe, just maybe"? Get bent. and I literally work in a trace metal lab you illiterate hack

we don't allow this kind of behavior in our labs, sry bucko