>tfw after 21 long years of being a fembot loser weeaboo with autistic hobbies I finally got a hot 6 foot tall white bf with a 10/10 personality
Tfw after 21 long years of being a fembot loser weeaboo with autistic hobbies I finally got a hot 6 foot tall white bf...
Where you live fembot? Would you like to be platonic friends with me (i'm a male). I want a female weeaboo friend
Where do you live fembot? Would like to set your house on fire and shoot both you and your fag bf in the fucking when you try to get out.
Fembots don't exist, die you cunt and I hope you get dropped hard pathetic cunt.
You fucking cuck, you just cannot wait to eat creampied pussy can you?
People of the opposite sex can't be platonic friends unless both are asexual or gay.
that's not true at all. all of my friends i had were girls
I'm happy for u user :-)
He would break your neck you weak beta male
Correction, I was a fembot. Now I live a better life than all of you and I can enjoy the title of normie.
I said "shoot", not have a brawl, but whatever.
Please be my friend fembot
is not me
Why does everone hit on fembots on Jow Forums?
>tfw they dont, theyre hitting on normal women
>tfw fembots dont exist
>tfw people who call themselves fembots should all kill themselves
>tfw you dont belong here
Kill yourself faggot
good for you I guess. probably a larp, no one cares get off this board already
Is me, can confirm. Source : is me
and then they claim that fembots exist
Mentioning that you're female on this board is the most consistent bait possible, I fucking love it.
You incel retards line up like lemmings
>implying my bf doesn't own guns too
>implying he wouldn't kill you like the weak bitch you are
Thanks user!
incels aren't even on Jow Forums. go to incels.me, they won't give the time of day like these bluepilled fags do
You and her boyfriend are obviously pathetic betas lmao
Are we doing the whole "my dad could beat up your dad" thing? If so, it's faggotry and should be stopped.
I also finally got the tall white boyfriend I have been searching for, about 2 months ago. And our relationship has been fantastic so far.
Good luck to you!
>incels aren't even on Jow Forums
I am happy for you user! Do you want to talk about it? Add me on discord?
Sorry user. I don't really need or want friends because having a bf is enough for me.
Ok fair enough. I wish you all the best anyway!
Thanks for agreeing with me. Stay based
If you want to talk my discord is
are you worried that he'll leave you? do you think he could do better?
Imagine being this much of a thirsty cuck
Great! When are you leaving this board?
It's not worth it for a tall white meme. I thought it was and now I'm stuck caring for a selfish oversized man child. I want out but I'm too afraid
>hot 6 foot tall white bf with a 10/10 personality
What race are you then?
And what did you do to get him? Nothing of course. He just came to you, like what always happens for women.
quoted post best post
Afraid of what? Abuse? Isolation? No more dickings?
Be fully compatible with him, do his hobbies with him no matter what he likes, emotionally support him, love him very much, spoil him with gifts
Sorry your relationship isn't going well
No. That is a man insulting another man. Attacking a man by calling him and his genes weak without providing him any way to defend himself is a sure fire way to piss a lot of guys off. Not to intimidate you or anything, but I've done it quite a few times myself
That's what you've done to keep him thus far. Not what you did to GET him. You didn't do anything to GET him.
Was a virtuous weeaboo pure femcel who didn't get fugged before. Had a personality that appeals to him. Be attractive and take cares of myself. What else? Exist I guess, if you want to trivialize all human relationship by saying
>ur just a woman u existed and life ez mode
Compared to the hoops men have to jump through (not to mention all the ways they have to be lucky), that's nothing.
>ur just a woman u existed and life ez mode
your post sounds exactly like that
gg ez I guess
Women have it easier, I already knew that. My once close friend is a fat/chubby woman with mental illnesses and delusions but can get a new bf every 5 seconds.
Well then I recommend you don't come to r9k to rub your success in our faces then.
Let's fix society together by complaining about it on Jow Forums. Actually I can't repair things for you as a singular person, but I can share my condolences and understand your situation.
Jow Forums is my blog though since I have no real friends anymore, but I'll move to tumblr 4 U
just leave him for a short guy, short men make better partners. I'm never going back desu
no fucking shit you are on easy mode with cheat codes on.