>t-the 80/20 rule doesn't exi-
T-the 80/20 rule doesn't exi-
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The 80/20 meme. What does your post have to do with that incel cuck fantasy?
some fake news site tried to investigate it
don't remember which and they found it was actually 60/20 and was like INCELS BTFO
magic johnson was fucking 300-500 girls a year until he got HIV
And that was just 1 basketball player. He has probably fucked over 1000 men's current wives.
And? How is this related to the 80/20 meme?
The 80/20 rule is a meme you retard
>incel cuck fantasy
Literally less popular than traps and pedos by spades. It's about 10 people who spam the board with these threads, and they've been doing it for years.
like it or not buddy, 80% of good thing comes from 20% of the population, that's just how it works
it's a meme to suggest there is a disparagement between the sexes. and there is. posting a roasties ignorant opinion on the matter doesn't mean anything.
well 80/20 is an exaggeration but my point is that it's not too absurd to think that women will throw themselves at mega chads like magic
What women like in a men is not universal, far from it. There is no "Chad" who can get any girl he wants. He will be rejected 80% of the time at least. Do you seriously believe that a lot of white girls would ever have wanted to have sex with magic?
The 80/20 rule isn't literal, and isn't talking about "relationships" like this woman is.
80% of the women are willing to sleep, at least once, with the top 20% of men. They are then, not virgins or celebate. These leads to other problems, but the big ones are; cheating on their spouses or boyfriends, higher expectations, inflated self worth, and yet a blow to self esteem when Chad pumps and "dumps" her. Women then have to try and rationalize their missplaced feelings and expectations for a longterm relationship with a high value male, their ability to attract these men, for at least sex, as well as the slight Chad placed upon for "breaking up" with her. This affects the woman's relationships down the road, leading to both bitterness and jadedness against men, and yet implanting a thought and desire that perhaps another prince charming (Chad) will stick around this time.
Men, on the other hand, don't have to worry about this. Only 20% of men actually demand attractive attention from women. This leaves the other 80% to have to compete, not only for women's attention, but against other men. 80% of the men lose this competition with other men outright in the presence of the other 20% of men. This destroys relationship, because men can never really trust their women to be alone, as they shouldn't, because women are perfectly willing to cheat as long as it's with a higher status male.
So 80% of men have to live in fear of losing the love of their wifes and girlfriends, while these women live life with the nagging thought that they could have done better. Making everyone miserable.
just look at the mouse utopia experiment ;)
>Do you seriously believe that a lot of white girls would ever have wanted to have sex with magic?
Yes. Not all, not even a significant portion, but more than enough for him to be satisfied. He could easily fuck at least 1000 different white woman. A white basketball player of his caliber would do even better.
>white basketball player
These anons get it. 80/20 isn't literal; if it was, society wouldn't be stable. It's the thought behind it that's real. It's been proven countless times women are hypergamous by nature and will trade up if given the chance. Most women would gladly be in a Chad harem permanently if given the chance. The only reason they don't is because it's looked down upon culturally and because Chad can't/doesn't want to provide for so many women.
Can you post anything that backs up your claims with facts?... (Crickets)
If 99% of white women had no interest in sleeping with magic (feasible) he still can fuck a few given enough time and effort.
>It's been proven countless times
Prove it.
But 100% of men are willing to sleep with the top 20% of women.
Also people look at it as simply having sex or not having sex, but 80/20 also effects every aspect of relationships. Woman having so many options allows them to control their men because if he doesn't play along, she can easily replace him while he would have to struggle yet again to find a gf.
But they won't only sleep with those 20%. Men find all sorts of women attractive. Women will exclusively and only go for the top 20% and leave everyone else out.
The 80/20 rule originates with the OKcupid studies, but is consistent with other studies on attraction. Without secondary characteristics of attraction present (money, status, personality), women find only the top 20% (approx) as above average in attractive. You can do your own research on cheating habits between genders, the social consequences of the sexual liberation of the 60's, and modern pair bonding. I recommend reading the Selfish Gene, and The Red Queen, as starters.
But women will sleep with anyone.
That fake made up study again? Even if it were true, you wouls need to be a literal retard to jump to the conclusions you made. You wrote a long rant about how women are sluts who sleep with everyone who is not you.
But okcupid is for loser men and regular women. So it makes sense. It doesn't represent society at all.
I have read the Selfish Gene. You haven't. You have nothing but incel memes and cuck fantasies. There is literally nothing true about "80% of women have sex with 20% of men" but you cling onto that lie like the brainless incel cult member you are.
It's easier than looking within for a reason why he's still a virgin.
To every one saying this is a meme
8000 year ago for every men that reproduced 17 women did and the number trough out history is at least 2 to 1tierneylab.blogs.nytimes.com
so is more 66% to 33% but you cath the gist
That's not even 1% of the population, it's not even 1% of a million.
Jeez dude, at least have some credible evidence.
>a one time prehistorical anomaly where most men died to warfare accurately reflects society today
About 50% of men and women get married. About 99% have sex at some point. There is no noticeable difference in the numbers of sexual partners or men and women. These are all facts but incels ignore them and believe in memes instead.
right above your post mate
Magic Johnson is a incel compared to Wilt!
even with the huge boon in population after the industrial revolution, heck even after the agricultural revolution we started increasing like crazy, the number of females to males is 2-1.
This shows that at the very least 50 percent of men do not reproduce trying to maintain to a evenly distribution of womne, this gets even worse when you take into account men who impregnated several women.
The data is against you.
You just ignored every fact like I said you would. You want to believe memes because they fit your incel cult worldview while facts don't. What part of "no noticeable difference in the numbers of sexual partners of men and women" is too hard for you to understand?
Where exactly are you getting this idea? I'm a successful guy, half the girls on there are unemployed fatasses. You're just exposing your bias of how you think even below-average girls are better than above-average guys
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce, and being the type of guy who gets married, has sex a couple times a year, then she stops having sex, then she divorces him, doesn't exactly count as not being an incel to me.
But you're on r9k and okcupid so you're a loser. Thanks for proving my point.
the 80-20 rule probably does exist but its 80% of men who get sex and 20% who don't, not the other way around as some delusional individuals believe
Why does being on r9k make me a loser? Why can any girl who uses r9k still find hundreds of bfs if she wants with no effort? Clearly using r9k applies loser status only to guys, not girls
Chad can use r9k and still have no problems. Stop confusing cause and effect, retard.
Doesn't sound like an incel at all. Incels are virgin shut-in neets.
Stop confusing different topics. The social group that identifies under the word "incel" tends to be virgin shut-in neets. But if a married non-virgin is being refused sex with his wife for years on end, he is by definition an incel because he's being celibate, and it's involuntary unless he cheats on her. So he's an incel. Get some nuance of views please
Men are more likely to physically cheat, correct. Women are more likely to emotionally cheat, as in have expectations for a better relationship with another partner. Men get their rocks off, and go home to a wife who loves them.
>There is no noticeable difference in the numbers of sexual partners or men and women. These are all facts but incels ignore them and believe in memes instead.
where is your evidence for your claims? 99% of people having sex is too high considering the surplus of men china has right now, not to mention sex is usually self reported and can not be accurately measure. Then only thing that can is reduction and it's as it follows according to the research 2 females to 1 males. so assuming a perfect 50/50 divide, which is not the case males have a slight number advantage of 70+ millions according to the lastet census done in 2015.
and asumming equal distribution of women for men
which is not the case as one men often procreates with multiple women, ex Genghis khan, my father, his father, my brothers, every tribe lider, etc, while cases of women bearing children from multiple men happens but is much rarrer
Then you are looking at 50% of males never reproducing in their entire life. These are the cold hard facts.
Magic was probably gay. The hundreds of women was probably a false rumor spread to hide his homosexuality.
There's only one of us here denying facts, and that's you.
>In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man.
Now, let's go over that again so the few brain cells you have can process the statement.
I have a source for my claim. You don't.
No, that's not true, numerous studies have shown women cheat more often, they're just MUCH better at lying about it
i thought this was talking about magic the gathering
Not even close. The problem is people look at it terms of who is having sex and who isn't, obviously most men will have sex at some point, but only a minority of men enjoy even moderately successful sex lives, at least when compared to most woman a minority of men. If you count all men who have sex even once as being successful, then everyone from the guy who gets laid once and dies alone to Magic Johnson is winning, but that's obviously not the case because being the former is just as sad as having gottne none at all.
80/20 is simply saying that the majority of woman and a minority of men enjoy high levels of sexual and relationship success while everyone else struggles or gets none at all.
>magic johnson was fucking 300-500 girls a year until he got HIV
HIV is spreading more now by friend got HIV from just having sex with the first or second girl on Tinder.
Most men would not tolerate years without sex.
This. As usual, the internet roastie defense force is resorting to attacking strawmen by pretending that robots literally believe that only 20% of the western male population is having sex at all (see for an example of this dishonest tactic.) Obviously that isn't true, but what is true is that only 20% of the male population (probably less, but I'm being generous) is truly sexually desirable. If you're in the bottom 80% in terms of desirability you may very well be in a sexual relationship, but only because women have needs too and they understand that they can't expect to keep any partner if they go completely frigid (regardless of how desirable that partner is.) So in reality, the 80/20 rule is more like "20% of men get to truly enjoy sex (hook ups, FWBs, one night stands, real passion and enthusiasm from their partner etc) while 80% of men are settling for bland maintenance sex with their average looking long term partner, if they're not just single and jerking off." This tinder study further illustrates this point
>Unlike I thought, 240 of the 300 girls actually had sex through tinder! Only less than 50 of the 300 men, which is remarkable
Virtually all women are in a position where they can enjoy casual, uninhibited, on demand sex with good looking partners, while only 50 out of the 300 men (so 17%) are hook up worthy. I'm sure many of those 250 other men are having sex, but they aren't having "fun" sex in the sense that they're probably just stuck in a LTR with some frumpy girl who doesn't really love fucking him so she treats it as if she's doing him some big favor. Pic related is the 80%, not literal incels.
You are using a one time prehistorical anomaly and claiming it applies to today. Why are you so dumb? Around 50% of men and women reproduce today. Why do you not believe contemporary accurate statistics?
The 80/20 meme has been proven false over and over again.
>Most men would not tolerate years without sex.
weak pussies I am still a virgin at 30.
What exactly are they going to do about that? You're completely wrong and the issue is that you take part in different social circles from those who are affected by these issues
Go take a look at Jow Forumsdeadbedrooms. Guess what, it's mainly men whose wives won't have sex with them. This has been a meme for thousands of years. You get married then she lets herself get fat and stops having sex with you. Stop pretending like this is some new idea incels made up, everyone knows it retard
The link you posted is completely made up you know? No such study was ever done?
Not on any sides here, on the incel thing, but you haven't seen married men. They tell you all the times they might have sex on their birthday if they are lucky, but besides that it juts not happens, and many have gone years without sex.
>every fat ugly girl can have sex with hundreds of Chads
>even if you are Chad you can only get ugly girls
Who are the attractive girls having sex with then? Incel math, once again proven wrong.
Well I think its pretty obvious that we are being trolled. We've been the target of these kind of subtle attacks for a while now. People claiming woman can be robots, that robots have high standards, and trying to debunk 80/20.
Stop making strawman instead of going after arguments, this is why "incels" don't listen to you.
This happens on so many issues like climate change to incels that I think it's a targeted propaganda campaign
Every single dating app study returns similar results
>every fat ugly girl can have sex with hundreds of Chads
>even if you are Chad you can only get ugly girls
Who the fuck said any of that? Attractive girls are having sex with attractive, high status men. Average to above average girls are also having sex with those same men but settling on passionless relationships with safe, lower status males once they realize that a long term relationship with prince charming isn't happening for them.
It's obvious that the 3 or 4 incels that spam their copypasta lies all day long are getting scared of being proven wrong. Even they are seeing their precious 80/20 meme blown out and are desperate to come up with new memes to protect their incel bubble.
Every single link posted is a made up "study" on an incel blog. There are only 2 or 3 of them and always the same ones get posted. Don't you realize you are only lying to yourself by desperately clinging onto false, made up studies designed to keep sheep like you in line with the incel cult teachings?
>when poes law is on full throttle as people who you were arguing with were that stupid.
When in doubt call bait.
If what you said was true you would easily see it as a discrepancy between males and females in statistics about sexual partners. Guess what, no such discrepancy exist. Now what? How will you explain facts directly disproving you?
I'm not even sure how people can deny this. When I was in high school 16 years ago I noticed many women sleeping with a few jocks/Chads/players. Before I knew what blackpill was I noticed 80/20 in real life.
What nice incel blogs we have over her, look. complete with scientific papers and all.
Also i guess all the dating companies are now incel blogs, shame i though they were dating companies.
You're an idiot, these studies used to be on the official OkCupid (or was it Tinder?) website before they deleted them recently after they got news attention from incels and they didn't want to be associated with incels, they used data from their dating apps
Because according to the studies women reproduce twice as often as men.
Which debunks anything you say since you DON'T PRESENT EVIDENCE!!!!
Yeah I really wanna know who is doing the trolling and what is their motivation. My first guess was that its just the jannies fucking with us because we are like fish in a barrel to them and they are likely normies anyway. Or it could be woman, they can't stand admitting that men have it harder than them, which is why they co opt all our internet groups from redpill to incels/robots.
I had to take the bait a few times just to make sure my arguments were sound, now I'm sure we are being trolled.
>I had to take the bait a few times just to make sure my arguments were sound, now I'm sure we are being trolled.
Yeah at this point I'm just doubting anyone can be this stupid. Maybe it's just a bunch of Chads who unironically have never experienced the things we have so they can't comprehend what we're saying, but I doubt it. So I have to conclude that it's intentionally malicious gaslighting on their part to deny these obvious things that have been known for thousands of years.
>Even they are seeing their precious 80/20 meme blown out
All you've done is attack retarded strawmen. We've explained to you over and over again that the 80/20 rule does not literally mean that only 20 percent of men are having sex.
Medium is an incel blog? Christ just stop
Ten men, ten women. Two men (chad) fuck all ten of the women. Three other men fuck one woman each. The remaining five men don't fuck
Average number of sexual partners (male): 2.3
Average number of sexual partner (female): 2.3
>Average number of sexual partners (male): 2.3
>Average number of sexual partner (female): 2.3
Thia is actually how female-male sexuality works. A lot of guys are just left out to dry
Even then he is full of shit because more women than men have sex or at least reproduce, which is the point of sex in the end.
So he is lying when he says women have just as much sex as men.
>high school reflects adult life
Why do you keep posting that prehistorical singular anomaly as if it had any relevance today?
Is your tinfoil hat on tight enough?
Actual stats about the number of sexual partners do not show such a skew. Grasping at straws here incel.
Post a study that proves your point then.
user I have clear memories of reading these articles ON those websites. They're now deleted. This isn't tinfoil hat level stuff idiot.
Because we're still apes whose nature hasn't changed. It's only because of socialization and cultural norms that we don't actually see the same behavior. 80/20 can only be nullified through artificial means. Women will never genuinely like anyone but Chad through their own volition.