Jow Forums what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?

Jow Forums what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?

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>must avoid at all cost
i try not to make eye contact or any form of interaction at all

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>Oh fuck I want so bad
>Oh shit I'm a disgusting loser who nobody wants anything to do with
>I must conceal the truth and deceive everybody

This, avoidant personality disorder is my life now

The feeling of loneliness.

Panic, honestly.
She will bring another helping of pain and disappointment, it is only the amount and timing that varies.

>my dick like
>my dick say talk to girl
>my dick wonder if girl single

this. i start panicing as soon as i can see them, sometimes i cross the street to avoid them if it doesn't look obvious.


I would love to talk to them but I never know how to go up to them or what to say.
It's unreasonable to expect them to make the first move but I always need some actual excuse to talk to them.

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anger that turns into depression which turns into anxiety of abandonment

Disgust with myself and then shortly after disgust with her

I don't feel anything don't know why. Always been like that. My mind is always blank.

>damn she's cute
>she probably won't like me
>she can get someone better than me
>yeah I was right, she didn't even look at me
>god damn I'm going to be alone forever

Seeing a cute girl just makes me sad at this point because I see what I'm missing out on. That's why I love winter. No couples everywhere, or hot girls in barely any clothes.

Fear....deep fear from their potential actions.
I try to avoid any interaction as anything they might interpret as "harassment" might end up with me fired or worse.

Damn I think this might be the worst feel

Desperation, because I still have some (waning) hope.

>avoidant personality disorder
fuck. i just looked this up and it explains so much about my social interactions.

I used to notice people but now I walk down an empty street.
If you catch my drift

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>"I want to cum in her."
Any cute girl. Cute barista who gave me my drink? Wanna cum in her. Cute skater bum chick who asked me for a smoke? Wanna cum in her. My friend's cute little sister? Wanna cum in her. My sister's cute friend? Wanna cum in her. My girlfriend's cut sister? Wanna cum in her. Cute classmate? Wanna cum in her. Cute friend? Wanna cum in her. Cute coworker? Wanna cum in her. Cute officer pulls me over? Wanna cum in her. Cute lesbian friend? Wanna cum in her. Cute female friend who identifies as male or nonbinary? Pussy's still good, wanna cum in her. Cute tall girl? Wanna cum in her. Cute short girl? Wanna cum in her. Skinny? Fat? Skinnyfat? Jow Forums? Mom mode? Legally a dwarf? Wanna cum in her.

Just as a reminder for the vaginas peeking in:
Nearly all of us will at one point felt hopeful about seeing one of you, before you decided to be the cool girls and rub our faces in the proverbial dirt.

Hope you get another giggle out of that thought.

This. But I try to look all over her body when she isnt looking and follow her around without her noticing if I can.

>what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?
>implying I feel anything to girls anymore
>implying I don't see them as a danger to me

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Immediately (instinct): happiness (at seeing something good)
Immediately (first thought): sadness (I am alone and always will be, as evidenced by history)
Short term: neutral.
Long term: anger (what did I do to deserve this, despite trying and succeeding in every aspect that was presented to me by myself or others).

The same pattern happens when seeing a non-cute girl with a man.
Only time it doesn't happen, really, is when seeing an obviously thrashy whore (tattoos and piercings all over the place, danger hair, indecent clothes).

Now I feel kind of bad for making this thread...
dear anons, as long as you live there is still hope. That's a easy thing to say, but just know that you deserve happiness just like everyone else, I just want you to know that

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nah dude we're all genetic failures and we deserve this fate handed to us, our genes were destined to never be passed down, we will die alone, forgotten, and full of regret

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>i want to put my cock in her
>she will never let me put my cock in her

Well you are on r9k after all, we aren't a good sample of the average male. SO don't beat yourself too much. Doing this on other boards might have better results and doing so on other sites definitely will.
We are all a least a little broken over here.

>as long as you live there is still hope.
That's something a youngster would say. Not all of us are underageb& or just short of 18. We're old. We're not getting any younger. But there is no hope. Not only is it harder every year because people who used to talk about their girlfriends now talk about their wives, and soon their kids, fewer and fewer people aren't in these deep relationships. We were not allowed a chance even at the time in our lives where there were the most opportunities. The likelihood of success now is close to nothing. And every year, it's even worse. And nothing we do has ever helped us change that. And anything anyone else suggests involves wasting the remains of our fruitful years on an endeavor that has not worked for anyone else.

>there is still hope
I wish it was gone. The hope is the most terrible part, what makes it so unbearable.

>she could be different
>she could be honest and just as fucked up and lonely as you
>she could be the one to care and to care for
Shut the fuck up heart, it does not happen!
And when it should it will turn out she is already in a relationship or you do not have the right prospectives.

This, having hope is the worst. Here's another aspect of it: if you have no hope you can just give up and focus on something else. If you still have hope, the lingering thought: "if I stop trying, maybe my only chance will pass by" keeps nagging. So you try, again and again. This makes you accumulate negative emotions like nothing else. Then you become a worthless wreck, a shell of a human being, which of becomes a vicious cycle since that further reduces your chances. Yet, without some kind of positive feedback (even so much as a girl saying she cares about you and then killing herself thereby becoming permanently inaccessible), it's impossible to get out of this. By the time you do, it's already too late, you're over 60 years old.

i immediately try to look pre-occupied if we have to cross paths

>if you have no hope you can just give up and focus on something else.
Without the hope that she could be who you look for, you would not care more than for any human. You would put little thought if you hurt her, insult her, treat her good or bad.
You would be treating her like she does to you: replaceable and only good for what she can do for you, or the amusement you could wring of her. Just like the Dark Triad guys a lot of girls so want for.
If you could stop hoping she is the right one.. you might get her to adore you and be your plaything.
And now say the universe does not have a sense of humor.

I remember that to them any interaction we have is not a big deal. To me it is a big deal vecause I don't get out much. So you have to try not to care. "one can live on indifference"

>she's nice to look at
>move on with my day
volcel feels good man, though this is assuming I leave my house.

Extremely subtle and distant observation

I know it's the hope talking but I refuse to believe that women as a whole are attracted to that. I still want to believe that at least some non-unicorn amounts of women care for kindness, decency, caring, niceness, and other such supposedly virtuous properties (not to be confused with cowardice, apathy or indifference).

Either apathy or animosity.

women only start caring about that stuff when they hit the wall dude

I found even the better ones seem only to care for the virtues you mention with their head, while raging for the monster with their vagina.
Anyone's guess which body half wins and how often in a day that lil duel gets fought.

But hopefully I am just cynical and in error. I wish to be wrong.

Anger. Always anger.

I stare at them like a creep.

Thanks, I needed comments like these to help crush my hope further. I can feel it, just a little more and I'll finally be able to stop feeling constant anguish.

>Jow Forums what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?
Absolutely nothing.

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>Jow Forums what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?

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desire, nervousness, and sadness, then self hatred

Like I want to cuddle with her but quickly ignore that feeling because there are hundreds of men orbiting her and as anti social person I can't ever have her.

>Jow Forums what is the first thing you feel when you see a cute girl?


how I'm not chad enough