Brother of Nikolas Cruz tells him to be strong

Anyone else teared up watching this?

Attached: 54E4B957-83AB-4F45-A435-869B8DE19B16.jpg (750x551, 85K)

Why is that pussy crying?

Nah. Yeah shit sucks now that he understands what he's done but if he wasn't a retarded monkey he would've thought it through in the first place, honestly they should just put him out of his misery already, I'm glad he never had the chance to breed.

just stay solid bro, alright

why didn't he love him?

Did he get the death penalty?

What is the originoly story behind this?

he's so pathetic, even among shooters he's absolutely fucking pathetic and retarded

No he got life in prison without parole. It gives a chance to escape and shoot up parkland again.

>you're still stuck in your teenage mindset

that actually kind of hit me.

just stay solid bro, just stay solid

yup now a list of shooters who were actually cool
>texas tower guy
>columbine bois
>chris dorner
>that nigger who killed 12 cops
>that chinese soldier who took is service rifle and killed 27 people after his wife child was aborted and the wife died

You forgot V tech shooter

desu I feel like I'd have done something stupid like cruz if I didn't get my act together.

I feel bad for him now.

We need to start #justicefornick

And brevik

>didn't even have the common decency to kill himself
Fuck these nu-shooters.

ugly ass gross mexicans

I hear you man but just stay solid ok bro?

i just feel he was kinda schizo but he had good execution
>and the i don't like mondays girl just cause of the bants

i forgot, vegas guy for getting the highscore and not leaving a faggy manifesto

>[obvious life or death sentence]
>you only get one life
>it's gonna suck for a while
>a while
what did he mean by this?

maybe cruz likes heroine smuggled rectally?