Walk into room

>walk into room
>see this
>"hey user, why don't you join me and suck chad's dick? it's just sex and i know you'll like it"

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I don't know babe, Chad's dick looks pretty fucked up. Why does it curve down like that? It looks a bit like a fish hook doesn't it. Perhaps he uses it to bait on imageboards? :thinking:

pull out my ksg 12 and shoot both


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No thanks. Lemme know when you're sucking off Tyrone, though.

Are you mad I stole your precious fpbp AND trips of truth with my discord emoji?

well I'm not gay but that dick ain't gonna suck itself

honestly fucking die you mongoloid piece of neet shit. actually try to walk on 2 legs when ever you get out of bed and not on all fours like a fucking animal

s-shuabi h-have you returned??

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Don't worry mate, there's always more threads and more trips to get!

maybe. maybe im shuabi maybe im not you will never know

My roommate did this a few times and I joined. Am grill though and she was Stacey.

so you're telling us you're a roastie because..?

Because what the fuck kind of thread would it be for guys in the same situation?

I'd suck on it till he busts a fat nut down my throat and fills my tummy with hot cummy.
Afterwards I'd bounce on his dick as if he was my homie in need.

Hey, why don't you fuck off, you insipid cunt? No one needs or wants you here. Please go attention whore someplace else.

Well, of course, since this was my room, this would be impossible. Since, everyday, when I walk out of my room, I lock the door, there's no way this bitch or chadster could fumble the lock and get in, so this is a paradox, and I should leave immediately, for safety reasons, It's only natural.

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Ok then enjoy another faggot/trap/twink/sissyboi thread.

this is the kind of hero this board needs

I would suck his dick and let him fuck me.

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This is my fetish, bonus points if she gives me tips and teaches me how to suck cock

You know, you have all of society to validate you, support you-- but you think you just have to ingratiate yourself into this community where you're clearly not wanted or valued. You think you should be accepted anywhere you want to go. Well, you're not. Why don't you go suck Chad's dick, you tedious whore? Don't you realize that YOU and YOUR KIND are what have driven us into this hovel? Christ, I fucking hate you roasties. Go bleed out the last of your eggs.

I will never be happy until i have two chad cocks in each hand, one in my mouth, one in my ass, and like four others jerking off all over me desu.


-signed trump

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why you gotta do me like that user

you know i can't say no

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Shame we don't get to see that little thing suck his dick

try pornhub
agree with this user, begone thots

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Please ignore the disgusting homosexuals, you're input is appreciated by us straight boys

the fucking post us meant for guys who are cucks dumb roastie

What how? I thought it was like sharing a hot guys dick, thats gay territory.

But what if youre straight and your girl forces you to succ? you can't say no to your gf

I-it's not gay if your gf is making you do it...

The is just a reminder how none of us will ever be in a similar situation

We would never be invited into sex with a bro, and a girl will never be Invited to suck our dick.

Most of us will never even have our dick sucked at all.

So it's just a reminder that we never experience sex in the same way most women can