
Show everybody just how pathetic you are.

Attached: 1421692331350.png (4128x2948, 1.24M)

This isn't a stat chart, it's an advertisement for potential relationship partners.

Problem? I'm going to start filling it out.

Well whatever, it's still fun.

Textless posts are not allowed so here is an original comment.

Attached: 23523585.png (4128x2948, 1.94M)

loll benis da wenis

Attached: sdfsdfsdf.png (4128x2948, 1.11M)

Yes hi. I'd like one QT fembot GF.

Attached: meme.png (4128x3365, 1.81M)

>only redeeming personality trait is cynicism
>avoidant of easy going, kind, romantic, or sexual partners
>wanting another cynical partner to further fuel your cynicism
>wanting a partner who browses Jow Forums

Hmm. I don't know user.

>0-20% devotion level
>wouldn't date an atheist or agnostic

I don't understand.

This one's a better chart. Do you have the template?

>not wanting a confident gf

Also, it's good to see someone else who understands how draining being with someone cynical is. I hope you find your QT user.

"Easy going, kind, romantic, or sexual" partners
are what made me what I am today.

Attached: b5693754f9477e28acab5720b23b71a4.png (473x575, 340K)

0-20% will be fixed

Attached: daodododo.png (4128x3365, 1.69M)

I don't think my preferences will ever be filled but here it is anyway

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.36M)

Sorry for cutoff at the bottom and side, I'm a retard.

Attached: okay.png (4116x2944, 1.11M)

Half way through I realized I used the wrong template but I hope I got what I was trying to say along

Attached: For R9K.png (4128x2948, 1.27M)


Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.24M)

Couldnt fill out bottom part bacause phone is gay, mandatory mods reeeeee

Attached: 1533785713034_1.jpg (1006x530, 135K)

Yikes, that says e+ nevermind

Bump for finding partners.

>would date muslim

Why did it hurt so much to fill this in?

Attached: qt.png (4128x2948, 1.33M)

Femanons post stats and let me pick one of you to date me

Arabs can sometimes be attractive and a lot of them are M*slims. That being said, though

They're both Abrahamic, so not sure why your tits are in a twist.


I said date nigga not marry.
I don't really believe that meme but they're closer to me than Atheist and Pagan trash are.

>Not dating with the hope and intent to marry

I hope that's not what you're saying.


Attached: 635ED55D-7706-4665-A712-FAA635CC6044.jpg (2152x1536, 602K)

Aw man, if you were white I'd totally love you.

>you would date a muslim

30 minutes to make, time well spent (reupload, had to fix something)

Attached: 1533785713034 (1).png (4128x2948, 1.34M)

an original comment goes here

Attached: ggg.jpg (4128x2948, 1.72M)

Have you cinsiseeed hrt friend?

Nah, I am a bit of a twink though

this is gonna get drowned probably but whatever

Attached: blehhhhhhhhhhhhh.png (4128x2948, 1.15M)

get off here while you still can

Attached: FUCK YOU.png (4128x2948, 1.73M)

itt everyone posts no one reads
also here ya go

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.3M)

Tried to on my phone and just filled in the QT thing what my gf is and our situation now

Attached: 1421692331350__01.png (4128x2948, 1.36M)

>All these 6ft robots
Youre either lying or dont belong here

Attached: CC669907-EBFD-4AE8-A4C3-02FED8107641.jpg (499x287, 53K)

Yeah, I know I don't belong.
I apologize.

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.71M)

jokes on you we're not actually robots

Attached: you fucking weeb.png (398x309, 14K)

hey this was pretty fun!!

Attached: 1533785713034.png (2400x1714, 1.88M)

Why does every girl want Ryan Gosling as a boyfriend?

oh fuck that's the wrong chart file.

Attached: 1508569548649.png (1024x1161, 801K)

lf chubby tiny muslim/orthodox christian girl that wants to breed and tell stories from history to our children
t. mathfag working for the pharma jew

Attached: mathfag.png (4128x2948, 1.5M)

im a crapbag but here

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.38M)

every girl secretly wants a goose bf

took me forever and threads already dead

Attached: Untitled.png (4128x2948, 1.12M)

Not anymore, babygirl

textless and unoriginaI comment

Literally all of these but I don't look like Gosling and my dick is only half of your mandatory lmao

Awesome music taste, too. Hmu

9/10, would gape and pay for breast enhancement to a pair of nice DD

can you show me cool rap

that is quite lewd

I'm all about these threads.

Attached: infograph.jpg (1710x2316, 1.03M)

one, two, three...this is an original comment now!

Attached: 201808091322.png (4128x2948, 1.27M)

t. Thomas the Doubter
don't tell me what you are, because that's garbage. show me.

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.32M)

what programm do you use? Paint?

one day i'll get that 15" dick and then we can listen to the funky homosapien together

Attached: 1510104619875.jpg (540x540, 15K)

drop your discord already you teasing thot


its meddling loops#2427 although i'm not sure who you are

This kind of girl doesn't exist

But I am willing to be flexible on the cup size

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.81M)

The font that I wanted to use broke, so you're stuck with this instead.

Attached: chart2018.jpg (2064x1474, 1.3M)

nice dastamine thread fag

something something and original shit here

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.3M)

You sound so qt. Too bad you arent white.

that's like 90% of guys

Well I could qualify I guess

Here is mine, took me a while to fill all the squares

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.28M)

Here's mine folks

Attached: r9k.png (4128x2948, 1.37M)

Yes, I prefer teenage girls

Attached: 27D11307-DED2-486B-9E9F-82F0242612ED.png (1920x1371, 428K)

Dropped. Too bad.

>data mining general

I'm not sure why I've actually bothered to do this since all the replies are going to (((((((females))))))) anyway. No one rates each other anymore!

Attached: uuhhuuhohohoh.jpg (4128x2948, 1.57M)

Couldn't bother to fill all.

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.27M)

Eww, a female.

What's your discord? (or burner email)

I hit all of your criteria and also really appreciate that you made sure to cross out Judaism

I fit most of this.
Same here

why would we ever need to share tv shows?

Attached: test.png (4256x2968, 1.37M)

Ate you a qt twink

I don't think you exist

that was kind of fun, i hope i didnt fuck it up

Attached: chart thing.png (4128x3365, 1.82M)

would it surprise you if I told you that I also really like classical music, especially Frederic Chopin and Richard Wagner?

Hello fellow robots. Searching for friends :)

Attached: let's do this niggers.png (4128x2948, 1.26M)

Fuck your datamining thread

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x1220, 813K)

I might be up for a trap too

Attached: stats.png (1304x932, 679K)

These are kinda fun l guess

Attached: Templato.png (4128x2948, 1.61M)

Woud you discuss theology with me?

here's my chart very original comment yes sir

Attached: chart.png (4128x2948, 1.55M)

Whats more rare than a fembot? A jewish fembot.

Attached: RRRR.png (4128x2948, 1.16M)

ah, sorry I guess
thats good I think? I dunno
I feel awkward leaving my contact information

My standards are really fucking high and thats why Im alone.

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.31M)

plz marry me. Im so alone out here

Attached: Untitled.png (4128x2948, 1.17M)

>make one
>nobody comments on it

Attached: 1533696257876.jpg (255x253, 16K)

w-which one was yours user?

can't say that, that would make you comment on mine only because of this post, sorry :c

wait the < symbol denotes its smaller fugg slide me up to 18-20 pleaseeee


Attached: biglaugh.jpg (2500x2485, 1.16M)

worth a sh0t

Attached: 1533785713034.png (4128x2948, 1.39M)

>not reverting to the true faith

Literally why even post one if you are male?

mostly delusion