You're coffee, sir
That'll be $4.27 + tip
You're coffee, sir
That'll be $4.27 + tip
tip goes in mouth
Can I get more than just the tip?
if you think i'm going to tip then you're crazy
>drink covfefe
>pretend to throw some of it up
>tell them Im not paying
Bitch where are your PANTS what the fuck
>hot foam all over the cup
um i'm not holding that sweetie
I am coffee? No, I am human.
Sauce friendo??????? Seems like you cut part off
i wish someone would stick their no no rod in my cute tight bottom
I'm NEET so I'm going to leave because it is awkward just standing here without any money.
too much creamer in my coffee im not paying for this shit
>cropping out the dick on a nsfw board
>get turned into coffee
>expected to tip this witch for cursing me
check again my friend
Where do you live where coffee costs $4.27 + tip? That's fucking highway robbery.
>Not posting the full image
I would.
Maybe I posted the wrong one?
no i can sleep but i already fapped
thanks late-user
what is that word mean?
friend is someone who
So you're implying i'll never know what a friend really means? Pretty accurate desu
>ywn go to a futa bar and drink fresh cum straight from the source
Why live
5 dollars for a fucking coffee? fuck off slut.
Lol, nice try on hiding that dick there ;^)
Put on some pants faggot.
please stick it in me daddy
That's not coffee that's her CUM ; )
>4.27 for what looks like a medium coffee at best
nignog its not even that bad in Canada yet
No tip. Fuck tipping.
Coffee? Comes with fresh cum!
what the f dude???!!
I would love to drink somebody's cum in coffee. I should try it with mine today
I like 7/11 shit