You get to fuck the 10/10 girl of your dreams but all of the robots in the world get their cocks gnawed off by wild dogs.
Do you betray your fellow robots for pussy?
You get to fuck the 10/10 girl of your dreams but all of the robots in the world get their cocks gnawed off by wild dogs.
Do you betray your fellow robots for pussy?
> 10/10 girl
user where is her ballsack
No I already prefer cute boys over selfish women, I'll let my robot fellows live peacefully while I cuddle with a cute boy.
Sign me up famalam
Not for just a single fuck. But if she becomes by 100% loyal and devoted GF then hell yeah, you robots are fucked
damn that's a nice one, unlike those arbys that some people post
but nah id never sell you guys out, even though you'd sell me out
Holy crap I would never do that.
Robots are my frens and comrades
sorry but I'm actually a vocel, so no thank you.
No I wouldn't fucking do that. I'm serious I know a lot of youse wouldn't return the favour but it isn't worth it to me.
i wouldn't sell my fellow robots out for a quick fuck, pals before gals famalam
I'm not one of you so my balls are protected, I'm also a celibate by choice so no, it would break my oath to god.
Yes because let face it, if a robot loss all his feeling towards women, that more then half of his problems gone.
i would fuck incels
No, this board is the closest thing I have to a friend I'm not selling out to put my dick in some roastie whore cunt I'll stick to my onahole.
I can honestly say no. My fellow robots mean more to me than some set of meatflaps.
Just once? Nah, I love some of yall, a one night stand is hardly worth anything as-is.
though for a perfect qt virgin vampire loli wife? that may be a different story. sorry frens
> Fellow robots
I fucking hate every last person on here.
You're all a such hateful and evil people.
I've never seen a robot doing anything good or kind, and anytime a woman shows up in a thread you guys act rude and backstab each other just to get her attention.
Even if you posed the question as the opposite (fuck a 10/10 OR robots get their cocks gnawed off) I would choose the dogs.
i was thinking about but since you guys wont, i how could i?
Yes I would, fuck you guys, you never bring anything but sadness into my life anyway
sex alone is worthless, couldn't fuck over other bots for that
>something like marriage and having a lot of kids
now I'm tempted, just being honest
Sorry. Bye robots. I know you'd make the same choice too.
OP Photo has a cute puss, but it's dark meat inside :(
>anytime a woman shows up in a thread you guys act rude
Agreed. but I bet its just a few loud people maybe.
True robots aren't like the posters you just described desu
I would if you his are just put to death humanely. The world doesn't need any robots.
I would only act rude if she was ugly.
If she was cute, and legal and willing to have me..
I could really use a distraction from this cold reality, please hold me robot-chan....
I would do it. All of you are strangers, even if I've talked to you multiple times.
i thought i would say yes since im an absolute tittymonster fiend and fucking my favorite 10/10 titcow would be the best. however i couldnt betray ALL robots. maybe if it was only 1 chosen at random (cant be me). but even then i probably wouldnt do it
Well it's not like these robots would need their cocks in the first place
If I accept, do I still have to fuck the girl?
I wouldn't even consider it. My romantic fulfillment is aimed towards coming from within, anyway.
Roast is temporary but frens are forever
You're saying I get to eliminate possible competition and in exchange, a 10/10 girl will sleep with me?
>eliminate possible competition
Ya I'd like to think most of the posters on here are pathetic and sometimes talk shit but are harmless and self aware
>"I offer these robots as sacrifice"
>*Dog Eclipse commences*
No, I wouldn't betray my robrots for some stank roastie puss.
The fact that all the other robots get that is more incentive for me so yes.
to hell with everyone who isn't me
Robot here
I would do the same. If it was on the table i would have the girl be maimed by dogs too.
What about the robots without cocks?
The pussy looks good but that ain't the girl of my dreams
Imagine the media reports
>Today the world was left speechless at the largest act of canine aggression in history, thousands of men across the globe have been hospitalized after wild dogs broke into their homes and devoured their genitalia
>Lawmakers have been left dumbstruck as the attack appears to have been a one day incident and are unsure how to proceed
>Countless dogs are being euthanized as their owners see "mans best friend" in a whole new light
>The only known connection between the victims appears to be a similarity in website usage
>More on this story at 8
>I've never seen a robot doing anything good or kind
It's an anonymous posting board how the hell are you supposed to do "good" and "kind" things here. This is like being shocked that Mcdonalds customers are usually fat.
>You're all such hateful evil people
The people here are mostly mentally ill losers and people roleplaying as losers, only like half at most are seriously evil. The irony is that in the same way that the people here are more vulgar and offensive when they're not held accountable for their actions you're fine with castrating all of them and ruining their lives because you don't have to actually know any of them and don't see them as human. Yeah the board is full of shitty people and you fit right in.
better them than me
No I would not betray all robots for a single fuck.
This sounds like a great premise for a Junjo Ito story.
>Even if you posed the question as the opposite (fuck a 10/10 OR robots get their cocks gnawed off) I would choose the dogs.
In others words, YOU are hateful and evil person you fucking nigger.
>millions of people die
>go to bed with the girl
>all your anxieties and autisms set in
>can't get it up
Post yfw
Yes, then i wouldnt have to be here anymore
origami salami
I would have the girl gnaw the dogs cocks off
Yes I would. Fuck all of you.
what is the original s a u c e on that sir
I appreciate it sir
>t. toasty roastie """""fembot"""""
>largest act of canine aggression in history
Lmao I was originally a definite 'no' but your reply is making me reconsider
No, fuck thots
not true fren, neets are my brethren, i'd never betray our fellowship
Not for one fuck. But for permanent marriage and children? Yes.
I'd put them all into a gas-chainbar myself for some 10/10 pussy.
>ywn smell her asshole
Oj, kurba! Kaj dela Preseren tukej?!
I'd rater trade my 10/10 fuck for a acceptable/10 fuck for all robots in the world.
Any answer would be misleading since I neither want to fuck a woman nor do I give a fuck about my fellow robots
this looks too much like my gf i had too look twice, luckily she isn't the nudes taking kind of whore
I like a natural poo stained brown asshole, not this bleached shit.
bits of poop around the rim is hot too.
I am but a weak man
sorry bros
Yes, in a heartbeat. That sounds hilarious.
No, I am mentally unattracted to 10/10's anyway, everything in life is handed to them on a silver platter therefore they have a huge superiority complex to everyone less attractive than them.
yea you say that, but if you could get a chance to fuck one you'd sell the soul of your mother to the devil.
fuck you all, if it were in my power i would have all of your dicks torn off by rabid dogs for no reward whatsoever
the roastie beef "prize" means nothing to me
i just want to see you fuckers suffer, as a change from your constant l wailing over how everyone ignores you and does not bother noticing your sorry asses and at the same time ignoring me as i make conscious efforts to improve
fuck you all, you are just as two-faced and detestable as everyone on this wretched earth
Well fuck you then.
Do you want people to congratulate you on your luck you salty ass baby bitch?
You want us to be happy that you think you're better than us? I honestly would tear of your dick myself. Please kys, even though you'll never be a hero.
You're literally the scum and dreg of this board. Don't come crying back and screaming that you belong once you inevietably fail.
No, no I really wouldn't. God himself can hold me to this fact I would never fall for such a "temptation"
your little toxic outlash and exclusion attempt only shows how you operate in the same manner as the average roastie.
not once did i say that i am in any way better, i am simply sick and tired of the endless stream of tears which would be better used as sweat spilled in an attempt to accomplish something
you could not tear off my dick even if you tried, and i honestly doubt you would even dare try if we met face to face
on another note, you talk like a nigger. a good start to your ascent from this hellhole would be to fix that issue.
AYOHOLUP who is that? sauce?
You are not better than them then.
> roastie
> nigger
Good at least you're trying to fit in Chad. Maybe a few more days and someone belives you're from here.
Workoutcucks worse than wagecucks.
Fuck off to Jow Forums
Brobots, before hoebots.
>all of the robots in the world get their cocks gnawed off by wild dogs.
Thank me later, robobros
No. Even if it would guarantee me a loving relationship and not merely something as useless as sex, I'd still not do it. This is probably the reason why I can't find love in the first place. I care too strongly about others and will too easily sacrifice myself for others, even going so far as to become angry in their place as they passively accept being walked all over.
>haha nice slurs, Chad
great argument.
i'm 194 tall and weigh barely 60kg. i do not visit Jow Forums since their closet faggotry becomes stale quickly
i bet you got a degree in robotics just so you could be able to create a contraption which tips your entire fedora collection simultaneously, you massive fucking faggot
> nearly 2m tall
> has propper wight for a 1.60 tall woman
How the fuck are you even still alive man. You must look like Slenderman.
Butthurt normalfag is butthurt. This is why nobody likes your ilk. The average robot's problem is too much empathy, which turns into hatred and therefore ignorance of said empathy upon the realization that everyone else is a self-centered prick like you.
Disgusting whore
They're not mutually exclusive. In real life we've been trying with all we've got all our lives. We didn't even get a single hint of positive feedback for it (you are doing it again, trivializing not just our effort but even our results), so objectively, there is nothing to be accomplished by these efforts we waste endlessly. That's why we need reassurance from some place, since nobody in the real world will do that for us.
It's also precisely why people like you are so disgusting. You never have, never will and never even want to try to understand what it means to be a robot. All you'd have to do is try to listen for a fraction of a second but even that's too hard for you lot. You just project and assume, project and assume, as I've outlined you're doing right now. All because the world revolves around you and everyone else is a tool to be used for your own benefit. That's all you egoistical fucks ever think.
Did you know that on average, practice only accounts for 12% of skill differences? And for some skills like work performance, it's less than 1%. No amount of 'bro just learn to talk to people' can help because practice is not what defines the ability to talk to people. The same applies to any other meme 'it worked for me xd' advice your kind keeps repeating like a mantra.
The real question becomes: who are you trying to convince, really? Us or yourself?
depends if there are consequences. if i could get away with impunity then sure why not.
apart from my posture being much worse than that of the standard depiction of slenderman, i do look very simmilar to him.
i appreciate your adorable little outlash, as i now have proof your "empathy" is nothing more than an act.
>That's why we need reassurance from some place, since nobody in the real world will do that for us.
funny you should mention that. every single time i cried out for help in this shithole of a tibetan basket weaving forum, i was ignored. every time i asked for advice, i was replied to with pitiful namecalling.
>You never have, never will and never even want to try to understand what it means to be a robot.
i understand what being a robot entails and i have absolutely zero interest in self-pity and pathetic, insincere reassurance said to me with the sole purpose of nudging me to respond with the same insincere reassurance.
being hated even by those who are shunned themselves has helped me realize that dependence on others will never bring me happiness. ironically, the normalfags and chads of the world speak the truth, but they do not see the reasoning behind it.
i do not wish to convince anyone. i merely treated myself with a pointless rant, just like you did with this wall of text.
i would kill all the robots of the world for a burguer, hell i woul do it just for laughs, i dont like myself very much,and becase of that i dont really like anyone very much,i certanly dont like you people, we are just stuck here together
Fuck no, I love you guys. My fellow robots are worth a fuckload more to me than one quick fuck
Not a robot, don't feel any sorta camaraderie with you lot, ain't even considered a real robot by many so nah, I'm fucking. Not like you lot were ever gonna use your dicks for anything more than wanking to loli porn anyways.
>come to a community you are explicitly at odds with
>mock them with details about your success
>wonder why people don't like him
really makes me think, and stopped reading there. Kill yourself normalnigger. You have never been welcome here and hopefully never will be. Your only value would be if you killed yourself live. You are the very definition of evil and self-centered. You're no human, you're a monster. Go bully people who deserve it like redditards, not robots. Haven't you bullied us enough in real life already? Nigger.
>your success
where the fuck did i mention anything even related to success? i have been a failure my whole life, as you can obviously see it is impossible for me to be accepted even into a group of rejects.
how about you stop being a faggot instead of telling me to "go bully people who deserve it"?
Fuck off normalfag. The world doesn't revolve around you despite what your humongous ego is claiming. This board isn't your board. It's not about you. This isn't "Normalfags9k". Leave us alone. "Abloobloo I'm so lonely my 500 girlfriends left me ;_;" kill yourself.
>r9k is an incel board
Of course, my own self satisfaction is of higher priority than the state of miserable literal strangers
never had a girlfriend. never kissed a girl.
"humongous ego" kek.
you would rather lash out at those who speak the truth than stop living a painful, unfulfilling illusion? pathetic. you are very much representative of this board as a whole - a sad, pitiful shell of a human who craves constant praise, while at the same time attacking those who do the same but have their lives set straight.