Robots, do I have a chance? Fat tard here. Always wanted to be a cute trap. I have been posing as a 16 year old girl on omegle and instagram to get dickpics and pretend to suck dicks. Can I do that to you guys?
Robots, do I have a chance? Fat tard here. Always wanted to be a cute trap...
(not me in pic, sorry master.)
Post pics first, it depends on how you look.
You won't be able to become a trap, cuteboy or femboy at best if you lose weight and won't have lots of stretch marks and loose skin
S-so I have no chance?
To be a trap your face needs to be really feminine
I was a cute kid. Gained a lot of weight when I was around 9. Big eyelashes. I don't even know anymore though. I'm too fat I just look like fucking blubber and I want to die why can't I stop eating !
to be a trap you just have to have a severe mental illness and be in a location surrounded by prison gays
like here. this is what did this to me. I'm on day 40 of nofap and I still want to get fucked, why did I come here !? this fucking 4th chan !
Depends on how fat you are, really. Do you think you're worth saving?
158 give/take
Weight means nothing without your height.
You can still be a boi and look cute crossdressing. Some people really like chubby bois too. Don't lose hope user, you can always lose weight, but like I said I'm sure there is someone who will lust after you fro what you are now.
That being said, post some pics maybe? ;3 Have you tried removing your body and ass hair yet?
Depends on your face I guess. Losing weight is piss easy and you should start as soon as you can before you get old.
google animegao, you can hide your ugly oily skin under a latex or fabric bodysuit, and your ugly autist face under a mask
it's quite simple and you will always look pasable
Just from what Iv seen you look kinda cute specially your lil donger. I think with a good diet and exercise you could be one of the best traps around
are you a fucking chimp?
user I told him he can become a cuteboy read my prior post Jesus..
I am writing another huge workout list. I would stay up until 2am everyday doing squats, running, and cardio stuff. I starting taking hour long walks after I ate boring shit (chicken and a salad if I really obliged. just one small serving of chicken every night and either fruit or a sandwich for lunch with water.) every night and I lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks after not eating breakfast and halfsizing my lunch and just fucking broke down.
Never shaved my body hair that much since being a young fat ass teenager. I am a shy ass fag and can't take pics of myself in any extent.
that is a horrifying image. good idea almost?
awww thanks fbi man !
Use hair removal cream on your tummy, genital area, butt and upper thighs, the ntake a pic of your lower body while wearing thigh high panties. You'll find SOMEONE on discord who will find you cute and sexy I guarantee it.
You didnt really make that clear
>that is a horryfying image
don't worry OP, we will be the ones looking at you while we pound your boipussy
The body looks like you could pull it off but with out seeing the face it's hard to tell.
fucking boner. i can't help but salivate at the thought of being filled up. jesus help me.
no one is stopping you but yourself OP
go do some cardio, a keto diet and work at McDonalds for a couple of months to buy your first mask and latex bodysuit
there aren't good dollers in the west, so you will be prime boipussy
Okay! Would I have to order that online or would it just be at any pharmacy? I'm going out tomorrow.
I'm not the pic? I'm confused.
Don't bother looking at the scales because it'll make the process feel a lot slower than it is and it'll demotivate you.
I think traps tend to just become skellies which seems unhealthy, I might be wrong though. Look into nutrition a bit more (protein/types of carbs/fats etc.) and you'll find tastier things to eat, having to eat boring things is a common misconception that people have with becoming healthier, you just need a balanced diet. You can try a meme diet like keto or intermittent fasting if it appeals to you as well. Also I don't even count calories myself either, I just eyeball it (I'm muscular though not a trap). Throw away everything that isn't water and drink that exclusively, do at least 30 good minutes of cardio a day and watch the fat fall off you.
Don't give up and start thinking long term instead of the short span of two weeks, view it as a lifestyle change. It took me 2 tries to stop being fat because I wasn't informed enough and expected results too quickly.
also, once you achieve the aesthetic, start a fetlife profile or a pornhub account and so on, Men will line up to pound you
I am intrigued but horrified. Looks like a doll. Why do I have such a boner right now? What the fuck man ?!
Jesus christ man I decided to take a year long break from this board and I come back for one day and it's even worse. Scrolling through the frontpage and the first thing I see is /r9gay/ and then this. What the fuck.
that's because it is a doll, just human sized and with a boipussy to pound
Once I move out of my parents house I plan on finding a submissive boy on Grinder, buy him a custom 3D printed mask of my waifus and force him to wear it,basically getting quality masks from Japan is a headache so might aswell just design my own ones based on much better looking merch
there is a general in /cgl/ if you are interested
Pharmacy or online. Make sure the first bottle you buy comes with the scraper. You will need that. Hair removal cream basically weakens the hair with chemicals until it can be removed by the scraping tool.
Good luck user, and if you want to add me on discord email me
i'll have to go to the general, i'm just too intrigued. what's your area? I like this idea...
sorry bro i have nowhere else to ask
Thank you! You may receive an email very soon...
Latin America, so probably nowhere close
Yes you do, you guys have an entire containment board for this shit full of people just like you.
shit sorry nigga didn't know you loved these boards so much
Anyway user, I hope you end up being a happy trap one day, all you need to do is try
I shouldn't have left /v/ and /o/ this place is a shithole.
>tfw can't be gagged and forced to do master's bidding
This is some fucking brave new world shit. Society has advanced and degraded so much that peoples lives come down to sexual discomfort/comfort and seeking it. Orgy porgy I guess.
but user you can't be dominated and forced to be a sex doll if you are dead
sorry master... looks like i need to be punished for my post. don't spank me too hard dadd- i mean master
>ywn make sweet love to a cute trap
The quality of most boards has stagnated since like 2015/16, it's not gotten better or worse, before that it was just slowly getting worse. I know that whenever I take a break from Jow Forums it always looks garbage upon my return but I quickly realise it's the same old shit.
Also I think /lgbt/ is a bad influence on people who are interested in becoming a trap, the mentally ill posters there will try to get OP to become a full on tranny if they can by geting him on HRT and shit, I really wish that board would just be deleted.
>he believes animegao is a recent phenomenon
newfags gonna new
>forced to be a sex doll
Found some youtube videos of people in these suit doing things and I got the weirdest boner
i'm sorry i'm like this
I didn't say that you stupid faggot. This shit is old as dirt. I'm talking about that retards comment, I didn't even reply to you. Kill yourself.
Anyone looking to become a "trap" is already fucking mentally ill. Voluntarily becoming a faggot is the mentally ill thing you can do.
share them bro
that's a cute belly button :3c
know these feels well bros
>he believes traps and crossdressers are a new thing on Jow Forums
newfags gonna new
I didn't say that shit either, but fuck off with your revisionist history. This wasn't nearly as big of a phenomenon 5 years ago as it is now.
hey if any of you guys wanted to talk to me i made a discord
we can talk, i'm with family until saturday. then i'm game.
Can you imagine how unbearably hot it would be to fucked in one of those suits? I'll just stick to my thigh highs thanks.
have this pepe dude, couldn't stop but think of you when i saw it in my folder.
even m00t wore dresses
sweaty sex is the best
Truly he became the little girl.
just imagine being sweaty fucked and just laying there after in tired bliss fucking shit i am so lonely
There are probably so many twink furfags into fat daddy furs, or chubby twink furs. Check out F-List.
I want to be the little girl was literally a meme, we wanted to be cute anime girls not disgusting ugly 3dpd girls you revisionist history faggot.
Something like 80% of furries are gay and they have all sorts of niche fetishes to cater to whatever your heart desires.
what happened to my fucking thread can i pretend to suck any dicks on discord or
>I want to be the little girl was literally a meme, we wanted to be cute anime girls
Yeah no shit. You're just getting pointlessly frustrated anyway, nobody cares about your complaints, I don't even know what point you're trying to make exactly.
Anyway not even talking about "I want to be the little girl" now, if you've been here long enough then you'd know that even though it's blown up to insane levels over recent years, traps were already rooted in /a/ and /b/ culture since the beginning. Again you're right it's become a bigger phenomenon.
hi, i didn't read this thread since i'm sure it's 80% Jow Forumscucks or repressed men bitter that you're acting on your feelings and fulfilling your vision (just about the manliest thing someone can do), or 120lb weeb traps who want all the attention for themselves.
stop eating so much and you can dress up. if you're 6' or taller aim for 155 max, and lot of this weight should be in your cheeks and thighs from jogging&squatting yoru way down to this weight.
men don't care about your face, and can fuck you doggy or make you wear a mask or veil if it's an issue. men don't care about stretch marks, most people have them and if yours are bad find some cute clothing/accessories that cover them
thank you so much! an actual reply lol