>Hey user, want one?
Oh no thanks I dont smoke.
what kind of teacher cannot notice people on their phones turned around and taking photos and shit in her class? that doesn't even look like it's more than 20 students there
forget that how do you not smell the ciggarettes
>>Teacher, Stacy smoking cigarettes!
>>Sorry Stacy but mom told me to always follow the rules.
Pretty sure theyre in russia so they dont give a fuck.
and you would know this how?
fook me she's cute. i would gladly share a ciggy with her
Take your lung cancer some where else bitch.
no thanks i vape
Actually to many edge vape lords where I live. Stinking up the Smiths where I work
Are you guys seriously such pussies you wouldn't share a cigarette with a cute girl? If you don't want to smoke, just puff it, don't inhale. It's all about having something to occupy your hands and mouth with. Plus you could just get her to quit down the line if you hit it off.
why don't you occupy your hands and mouth with my dick faggot.
>tfw no teen Slav gf to smoke with
vapour smells nice though
Ya it dose I suppose but not when you have a gaggle of dissidents raising hell in your story everyday with that sickly sweet shit dripping out of there face holes
No, thank you.
I'm doing quite well with my cigar
Bring it on, I'll make you like it you slut. Don't forget, I swallow, cunt.
No. I am attracted to you for a variety of reasons, but your smoking habit is not one of them. Are you trying to suppress your appetite and thereby lose weight? Why not go hiking with me instead?
And on that day two robots started there life long romance, Some say that they now live in a little sea side cottage in California and have 3 adopted children
enjoy your mouth cancer
yeah i don't even vape around people unless they're okay with it, anything less is shitty
you are afucking queer
>Stacy is literally smoking in the class chatting with other Stacy
>old bitch ignores it
>everyone laughs
>no thanks i vape
good job leaving her thinking you're a faggot.
>good job leaving her thinking you're a faggot
he's just being honest
>i've seen h3h3
cool, salty smokers
>I only smoke weed Stacy, and I don't even smoke it, I vaporize it