Furry hate thread

Furry hate thread

All furry hate welcome

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What a fucking legend, that man

yeah fur suits are gay

Check mate pol tards
Black people can be based to

Absolutely savage. Not all people with crippling autism are furries, but all furries have crippling autism.

Can we crowdfund to post this guy's bail/pay for his legal fees? What a legend.

My mom is a furry and a huge MLP fan.
Please help



A mom liking MLP isn't that bad, unless she's part of the internet brony "fandom." I like to watch it with my 3 year old, it's a cute show (when I block the brony porn shit out of my mind).
But considering she's a furnigger, she probably is a brony too.

>mom is a furry
NO FUCKING WAY. How old is she? How did she even get into something like that? Does she have a furry costume too?

That is just so weird for me to think about. I'm sorry for you user.

furry reporting in. ama

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Why haven't you committed suicide yet?

because im very happy and engaged. i have hobbies and people who i spend time with

Are a furry into the sexual side of the culture? If so what appeals you to it? If not, does it bother you that horny degenerates gives your community a bad image?

I don't particularly hate them, as I have never met one irl. I do see them as typical degenerates that degraded themselves further and further because they have no self control. Also for the people who don't know the image isn't real sadly.

You're actually asking that after the image he posted...?

im very picky about porn in general and im not a huge fan of the sterotypical long nosed sparkle dogs
but yeah i am into it. i usually just view it as a colorful-skinned human body rather than fur so its easier to jack off to??? im not sure how to explain but i dont like thw whole fur part of it, im not the most furry-ish furry

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He could just be meme'ing or baiting with the picture he posted to trigger anons.

You realize that's what every single person who posts porn anywhere outside of designated threads are doing?

it was kinda bait but that was from my own collection

I don't care, you have no personality other than being horny and annoying, you have no excuse, go back to /trash/

Absolutely, originally and unironically based.

uh oh someones stinky

It's definitely not the person who got lost on their way to /trash/

>If he wants to be an animal, he is legally allowed to be eaten.
Finally someone who gets it. If these retards want to be animals I will treat them like animals.

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I like animals more than people though. Also you don't see a lot of people larping as pigs, cows and chickens.

>using the same insult twice

Well you didn't listen the first time

come on now, share your feelings. why dont you like furries. personal taste is a valid reason and thinking the majority of them are cringey is also valid but is there anything beyond that?

I'm not the one I said I hated furries, but if you want to post your fetish garbage you should go to /trash/ just like sissy posters belong in /cm/, Jow Forums or /h/

Nobody here wants to circlejerk with you and your badly drawn fat fetish shite you absolute nimrod

i dont have the energy to respond properly but youre a pussy

And you belong in /trash/ with the rest of the low energy low test larpers. Take your bait and take your fetish and go.

Traps/trannies are the new bronies which were the new furries 2bh, prove me wrong you cant

You're entirely right. I remember when Moot made a /fur/ board for April fools day and then banned all of them the next. Fucking great.

Why do people hate furries again?
i never even see them

Word's cannot describe how much I want to break him out of jail for being so based

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i feel like this pic is totally fake but honestly i would have this man acquitted and maybe even paid some sort of cash stipend for ridding humanity of a furfag.

I just noticed the milk coming out of his ears. Did he died?

The original is just mouth and nose

Oh, I guess I am that drunk. They are coming out of his eyes too.

This isn't reddit, buddy.

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Try that excuse in court, mate.

that's the part that's funny

Furries are pathetic. pic related is the extended family of every fursuit owner

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hes not black, hes honorary white now

is this the furry thread? ;3

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>Also for the people who don't know the image isn't real

>not real
whodda thunk it

commit a suicide you fucking cunt

...ok so that's a yes, then?

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They used to be really obnoxious, spreading their shit fetish everywhere. I think the hate died down a lot because bronies started becoming a thing soon after.

I think you should off yourself, my dude.

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Best way to kill furry is gasing them or using flammenwerfer

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I don't mind furries, they are just doing their thing most of the time and seem happy to do it. I don't really trust the ones wearing fursuits and let themselves being touched by kids. Who knows what that person has done with the suit on them? Disgusting.


Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

Please bleed to death as soon as possible waste of life

piss off to /v/ you fuckin clown

it's another
>user doesn't understand that his parent's weren't always the age they are now and that they might have an interest in a subculture that has existed long before user was born

not that user but i have a comment for this.

for me, the sexual side of it isn't the attraction or focal point.

yes there are tons of retards that only care about that and give everyone associated with the scene a bad name.

then again, there are tons of gay people that find pride parades and that kind of culture disgusting, people that feel the sex-obsessed gays are giving gays a bad name too.

the most visible are often the most obnoxious, in anything. see Jow Forums for more examples.

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian.
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

; Furbesat in the bridge, cluwne here ASAP

please just bleed and die

and then bleed out some more until there is no blood left

Furries and bronies are fine in my book. Sometimes they make some cool music and/or video games or even non-furry art. They can sometimes channel their surplus autism into artistic endeavors.

Anyone who owns a fursuit or a dragon dildo (or any other animal dildo) should be put on a list though.

not all robots are pissbottlers.
plenty of furries don't like fursuits or the hypersexuality frequently associated with furries.

ok then cool do it

How fucking new do you have to be to actually give a shit about what people fap to?

Based basketball american.

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what did user mean by this post that was made

Its fake you gigantic fucktards.

Reverse google search takes you to some meme page and nothing else. There isn't any actual article on this because it doesn't exist. Its completely made up.

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>replying to people who didn't even mention the OP image
Also no shit, retard
Doesn't mean it's not funny

I had doubts about its legitimacy, but then I saw its from palm beach county so I'm pretty sure its legit


i hate furry fags but the News SUCKS SOME BIG ASS.

These old-timey niggers are so ignorant they cant google what a furry is. Like id rather they not report on things they don't know (which at this point is everything)

based black man works his magic once more

>t.60 IQ retards

SonicFox ain't got shit on this guy.

Post her fur suit already. Bio Female furries are super rare. And a lot of them are super ugly. Is your mom deformed?

Just another low-quality bump post.

can furries be robots? originally?

remember when hating furries was the norm?

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>tfw live 50 minutes away from Palm Beach County

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>tfw special needs brother is a furry and I have to go to all the furry conventions he wants too.

I've already been to 5

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You could say they're not human, so potentially.

Can I ask a question? What do furries smell like IRL?

The point is that they are insecure that their fetish isn't mainstream so they spam it out of context on irrelevant boards just to "bait" or "trigger" people which in itself is just obnoxious childish behavior. No one's interested in anything they have to say and they know it so they stubbornly shitpost their fapbait all over the place to avoid humbling themselves or growing the fuck up.

Honestly, that's quite sad.

I don't really understand why you included me in that, as I acknowledged that I knew the image was fake.

really depends honestly

surprisingly I never found myself choking for air, just a few random people not wearing deodorant probably the same amount you would find at a random Jow Forums meetup, fursuits tend to get sweaty.

ask away though, honestly the cons are kind of a blast if you walk around drunk/high as fuck (which I did)

It's the fact that they let others know
I shouldn't know if someone's a furry in the same way that I shouldn't know that someone jerks off to gore or scat

I don't hate furfags at large. I just want a government sanctioned assassination on this smug, ugly fucking nigger

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Yes, it is sad that people can't just masturbate on their own time in private and leave everybody else alone. They should get some fucking self esteem.

You're literally replying to a pedophile who does the exact same thing with his images of little anime girls.

And he can go fuck himself too?

Went to twinsdays and there was a guy with a furry stall , i almost puked.

Yes, by all means. But not literally.

Don't all furries do drugs/drink anyway? Doesn't that just make you fit in more?
But ya, what are some of the odd things said to you?

most of em do. 3/5 cons had pretty ez access to weed and booze, I didnt look for anything harder tho. I dont even think there's a such thing as "fitting in" at a furry con, even tho this is a "furry hate thread" one thing I can say about them thats nice is that they really dont give a fuck who you are, what you look like, if you're a furry you're in, pretty accepting bunch.

Every single one asks for your telegram
I got asked if I was into vore
they really like to hug

so you're saying that the typical furry and the typical Jow Forums user are basically the same? never thought about it that way...

>that moment when some negro furfagoot is better videogay autist than you
fighting games are cancer
there is no skill involved
just be the ultimate autist and waste your life to learn button combinations

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I guess I haven't either but it takes effort to read someone's post. I haven't visited Jow Forums in months so when I read Jow Forums tier posts I don't bother to discern whether or not they're crossposting just because they're posting stupid larp shit.