So you say you're pro-life, but you support the death penalty. Interesting. I wonder why, in your mind...

>So you say you're pro-life, but you support the death penalty. Interesting. I wonder why, in your mind, it's acceptable for the state to put to death someone who raped and murdered a child, but you're against a doctor going into a woman's womb and ripping the limbs off the fetus, then crushing its head and sucking out the brain matter. These are clearly the exact same issue.

Attached: paid 10 smackaroos for a chicken nugget.jpg (410x658, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm pro choice and pro death penalty. Not everyone fits in a fucking box, you faggot.

>not being pro choice
Found the nigger lover you dumb fucking christcuk

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this. i honestly wouldn't support abortion if whites used it at the same per-capita rate as minorities, but currently its one of the only things keeping the black population of the US from growing.


>Not being able to read OP or understand sarcasm.

Literally couldn't fathom being as fucking brain dead as you. Do a flip cunt.

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Blease don't use 'this' user. It reeks of Reddit.

It was obvious to read the sarcasm in OPs post. I was replying to that sarcasm by saying those things aren't left/right dichotomy. You, complete fucking idiot.
>Classic brainlet poster

>going into a woman's womb and ripping the limbs off the fetus, then crushing its head and sucking out the brain matter.
Is that really what happens?
Based and redpilled. That's why I support it.

i'll use whatever i want

i'll even use this spacing if i feel like it

just try to stop me

Yes, it is. It's really gruesome.

Attached: abortion procedure.jpg (1650x1238, 932K)

That's only during a 2nd trimester abortion, which makes up a minuscule percent of abortions performed. and of the small percentage, nearly all of those abortions are performed out of medical necessity, like fatal fetal anomaly.

Honestly, who gives a shit. That fetus gets totally fucked and I'm fine with that.
>Being so new that you think "this" is from Reddit
How does it feel to be born after the 90s

pro-life is a misleading title, as it implies more lives are being saved through abortion being illegal. however, when abortion is illegal, people still get abortions: the difference is, they get abortions from a sketchy med school drop out with a clothes hanger in the back of an alley. legal abortion is much safer. if you are "pro-life", you are advocating for twice as many lives being lost without realizing.

they don't care about woman lives. they obviously place the fetuses life far above the woman.

>Being this retarded

Why, God? Why?

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I'm not a woman, so I don't give a fuck about abortions. Kill the baby, don't kill the baby. What the hell do I care?

This. Most abortions are performed within the first 3 months. Basically a medically induced miscarriage.

I'm not the user you replied to, but you are making yourself look very stupid right now.

It was a request user, not an order.

I know its use predates reddit, but it's still kind of a norman thing to say, perhaps by association.

t. 1998fag

>you are making yourself look very stupid right now

this guy just doesn't learn

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atheist pro-lifer here to say it's about ethics. you were helplessly and safely carried to term and raised, to kill your child to avoid the responsibility is completely unethical. it doesn't matter if it doesn't have thoughts or feelings, it has a will to live and that's all that matters when considering ethics (because it's not muh feelings). the only arguments for abortion are selfish. to have sex is to accept contractual possibility of having to give birth, be better about your contraception but don't make an innocent child pay for your mistakes.

>yes goy, blacks are great, we should stand together against abortion!

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>being a pro-life
>taking showers and killing bacteria lives

This bait is so shit I don't even have a reaction image for it

ethics and morals are subjective. feel free to not obtain abortions or not sleep with women who have abortions, but you can't force your shitty ethics on me.

>make an innocent child pay
it's not innocent or guilty. how is it paying? it doesn't have thoughts, or consciousness or feel pain. it isn't a punishment, it's a medical procedure. emotional faggot.

>imagine being this autistic
>probably would even be able to leave the house

You can't have a will to live if you have no thoughts. An insect doesn't have a will to live. It's just a vessel carrying out the functions that will cause DNA similar to its own to survive.
I wish I were aborted. My life has been nothing but shit and my parents won't let me kill myself.

Hey here's an idea, because whites are evil raciat oppressors they should be the only ones denied the wonderful privilege of abortion, if it's a baby conceived by two whites they must raise it as punishment

Maybe they should even be forced to have 5-6 more of them to truly repent for their sins

What do you guys think?

>won't let me kill myself
Grow a pair, Mary.

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Eye for an eye, life for a life.
If you kill your baby why should anyone recognize your right to life. You deemed life not important enough to cause you inconvenience and should therefore be totally fine with the idea of someone stabbing you to take your spot in line should it convenience them.

Attached: anti israel.png (640x638, 1.05M)

I can't put my mom through that pain. She'll die some day. I don't give a shit about my dad though. I'm mentally ill so there's always somebody watching me. I hate it.

It has no thoughts but it is alive, it will be alive if you let it go undisturbed, like you were.

I didn't want to live. Why should anyone want to live? I never got a choice in the matter. It's better to have never lived than to have lived and suffered.

haha yeah imagine being so autistic that you would even be able to leave the house. the only people i see walking around in public are turboautists.

>like you were
how does that matter at all? i was also beaten as a child, so that means everyone else should be, right?

Then kill yourself, that's your prerogative, no one else's

And look at that
We've gone full circle

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Like I said. I can't. I'm obligated to suffer by my shitty parents until they die. Being aborted is the optimal choice to reduce human suffering.

Wtf can't you, are you chained down? People commit suicide in prison.

One is crime, secend is choice of women.
Guess why

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>No sharp objects
>Windows are sealed in my home
>no door on my room
>Constantly checking on me
Idk how to get away with it. There's nowhere for me to hang myself.

abortion is a joke.... it keeps the black population down and child support money down as well

Prison is viewed as two different things between right and left.
>Prison as punishment only
>Prison as reformation
So it makes sense to separate that from abortion

male humans don't care about babies, that's why half of them are hard wired to leave when the child is 4-5 years old and turns out to be retarded or gay

every male who takes a stance on abortion other than "its not my problem" is pissed they can't get laid or aren't fit to reproduce according to their partner, who supposedly deceived them into thinking otherwise by having sex with them at all

Did someone die?

break the window and slice your wrists, electrecute yourself with the outlet,

They would hear me break a window. I'll try electrocution.

and also give white women abortions. no matter what you do, niggers will always breed more kids than whites so the only way to combat it is to pump out as many white kids as possible

>i think you shouldnt murder innocent children
>by that logic you also think you shouldnt execute rapists and murderers

>being this threatened by a baby you want it murderered because its a different skin colour

>Not being pro choice and pro death
>Not mercy killing those that would objectively have a fucked up life if forced to live
You're cruel people

Not him, but it seems you require pictures of a stupid wojack to make your point which is sad. Can't you make a valid reponse without such a need for a kicker?