Why are women not funny? Has there been any scientific studies done yet?

Why are women not funny? Has there been any scientific studies done yet?

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It's pretty simple user. They have no need to be funny in the first place.

Desktop link: vanityfair.com/culture/2007/01/hitchens200701

>inb4 mobile poster get out reee
Smartphones make it easier to lay down and rot.

>I've met numerous female specimen that are light years funnier than men! Just go outside and you'll find them!

>oogle dot com amp
user stop. youre embarassing yourself

Posted a desktop link in reddit.

Men are forced to built a personality to get laid, women are basically carbon copies of each other without any shed of personality, since they must only exist to get laid.

Same reason why the subject with the most women you can study, has no math and no job perspective besides working in McDonalds and the subject with the most men is hard, tech and math based with failing rates beyond 50%.

same answer every time we have this thread: men need to be funny to get laid, women don't.

>another "guys have to do all the work to impress a lady article"

Women can be funny but in an entirely different way that men are.

Here we presuppose that 'funniness' is defined as 'phenomena which elicits sincere laughter'. Women can entertain men and elicit sincere laughter from them in a way that is different between how males do intra-sexually. Laughter has an evolutionary-psychological basis in the recognition of an alleviated threat- when tension diffuses, there is laughter. Women make men laugh, therefor, by diffusing their intersubjective tension - they do this by reaffirming the man's masculinity- for example, often a woman will say something ridiculous or confessional and in turn would laugh at herself, her boyfriend will also sincerely laugh because he finds it that her ability to 'open up' to him and put herself in a susceptible position of embarrassment as a diffusion of tension.

if you don't think Chelsea Peretti is funny we can't even be friends

>Men are forced to built a personality to get laid
but it doesn't work. women just laugh at hot guys jokes

It is generally true though, and now there's Stanford research to back it up.

Because they don't have unique personalities. Most are just carbon copies of each other.

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Just because it's true it's shouldn't be encouraged

>sympathy laughs
>inherent social value so don't need to be the funny one to try and make friends
>don't need to turn pain into something constructive because people will listen to you

that doesnt show that women are funny though. if anything it shows they exist only for mans amusement

Yeah, but researchers are only concerned with studying existing behavioral trends, not with altering them in any way.

Women make other women laugh all the time. Maybe men just dont have good senses of humor.

>that doesnt show women are funny
>they only exist for amusement

Attached: brain'd.png (211x239, 6K)

Is this bait? Their gossip isn't funny in the slightest, and doesn't hold a candle to male banter, but maybe that's just my male bias speaking. They probably just fake laughter for mutual social acceptance as well.