Been a NEET for 10 months and finally got the call today that I have an interview for a job tomorrow that I'm pretty...

Been a NEET for 10 months and finally got the call today that I have an interview for a job tomorrow that I'm pretty sure I'll get. I was anxious and not very proactive in my search for a job search, and always thought I'd be extremely stressed when I saw a real opportunity on the horizon.

As it turns out I'm really excited and looking forward to it. Just want to say thanks to everyone on here, you guys are nice people. Looking forward to talking to you all more

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Just want to bump in hopes of some comment. Either way, thanks Jow Forums

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Am sorry, but you transcended this board you're not allowed to visit anymore.

You're a normalfag now. Live your normalfag life user.
Was nice knowing ya.

From everything I've come to understand of this board, I don't think this is true

Pls. be a good boy and leave. Don't contribute to the normiefication.

Having an entry level joob doesn't mean I'm a normie

Have fun user but wage slaving is awful. At first it will be cool because its new and you have money on your own. But eventually it becomes a grind week after week of the same old shit. Meanwhile you are getting old and tired and have to start prioritizing sleep more and more. You will realize that all the toys you bought with that money is useless to you in the end. The weekend will go fast and you will use it to catch up on sleep and do chores. Eventually the grind is all you will have left. Nothing but endless toiling going on and on forever. You will become nothing more than an easily mass produced cog in the machine.

I hope it works out for you user I really do but I get the feeling your going to be back in 6 months to a year contemplating suicide.

Held two retail jobs for over a year before this. What's the real alternative if you hate being a wagecuck

Yes it does.


NEET. If that's not possible you either have homeless or death.

>neet bux
>investing in stocks bitcoin etc but you have to have money to do that

the last one may sound bad but really if you wage cuck you are already dead anyway. The difference being when you commit suicide you deny the rich pigs at the top a slave. Gotta slave away so Mr sheckelberg can buy a second yacht for his daughter. Its a shit system and in truth it would probably be better if life didn't exist at all.

even wizchan accepts wagies because believe it or not some people need to work to survive.

I want to say something mean but you might actually be

So no real sense of accomplishment at all

very proud of you, man. keep us updated

>adapt and find a sense of accomplishment in other things
>get a job you can deal with and do that
>discover a totally different lifestyle and make the shift

I know a guy who pays board to live with his friend. He works just 3 days a week but still has money left over at the end of it since expenses are so low.

I appreciate it. I will

He is a very lucky fuck

well done mate. all the best in your interview.

Nice bro! I have an interview at my local movie theater on monday. wish me luck!

He lives in a small guest house in the backyard, there is a term for them but not sure what it is, like a guest house.

The point I am getting at is that there are easier ways to live, you just have to look for opportunities.

All the best man