>currently harboring an 18 year old girl who got into a huge fight with her parents
So what am I supposed to do here?
Currently harboring an 18 year old girl who got into a huge fight with her parents
If we don't get a more detailed account of the situation all you're going to get is answers like RAPE HER and such
Alright alright
>preparing my dinner after a day at work
>long term family friend texts me and asks if she can come over
>of course
>she shows up almost instantly
>she's obviously stressed
>ask her why she wanted to come over
>she tries to play it off but eventually cracks
>she's upset for feeling like she's forgotten by her family
>her older sister's getting her college paid for and her younger brother just recieved a car
>she got a job and had to pay for her car herself on her own
>also other stuff about being a middle child and feeling ignored and forgotten
>she says she tried to say something and they started fighting
>everything came out at once and she ran off
>now she's asleep on my couch
Sounds like you're doing good already.
rape her, user
Don't rape here she's gone through enough
but you really should impregnate her
She's 18, she's free to do whatever she wants. Just let her crash on your couch till shit blows over.
Do you live by yourself?
What are you going to do if she stays for long? You'd have to arrange some sort of rental arrangement, or at least she has to pay some share of your basic household bills
if she's a druggie/whore then kick her out and call the cops if you see her again. If she isn't then let her stay.
agree with this
if its at 3 weeks and one day you should bring it up
>if its at 3 weeks and one day
Pretty sure she's a tenant at that point and you'd have to evict her. You should probably not wait 3 weeks to ask how long she's staying.
make her pay rent with that spangled job of hers. She'll prolly even fuck u if u act alpha enough. The name of the game is assertiveness (not being scared of confrontation) This doesnt mean being a dick or getting into fights, it means tersely confrontingthe niggerfaggot who stole the parking spot u signalled for. It means making the decisions and making it clear, especially to her, that u are the leader, the king of the castle. Her primal instincts will make her fall for u
t. mutt volcel who did this and it worked but I refused the sex anyway
Seduce her, duh.
This. Don't be a creep, just let her calm down and she'll be back home in a few days.
She's vulnerable, show her she can rely on you. Take her side in the argument. Poison her mind. Turn her against her parents. Groom her as per your ideas and values so she starts liking you. Keep following up.
Also, don't rape her. Not so soon.
having as much sex you can manage with her
I'd have lunch with this guy.
This, OP. She's practically yours.
You'd never see your home again.
Become the boyfriend.
Fuck her right in the pussy.
If not, throw her out an 18-year-old can be homeless.
So she's a spoiled brat angry that mommy and daddy didn't give her enough shit?
>So what am I supposed to do here?
play it cool. dont touch her til she climbs in your bed, tell her to help with groceries.
warning, if you start fucking her, she wont leave, and will expect you to be her new dad
>till shit blows over.
or she blows him over
Put a trail of cookies from the couch up to your room with the last cookie being on your dick
this one works every time
originalleryly keked