How do you let the past die?

How do you let the past die?

I keep thinking about failures with girls, betrayals, fuck ups, bullying and it's all weighing me down even after years later. How do you shake off this shit. I don't need it.

Attached: 1531118249054.jpg (540x538, 82K)

user, what the fuck is that image

that's a pretty gnarly pic to start your thread with man.

Mods plz delete op pic and ban this thread and him

is that doggo stil alive :D?

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Well my attention has been acquired by that image, I'm still trying to figure out how to do it myself too

You are your past.

I let it all go because I'm at a point where I just can't relate to my younger self, feels like I'm a different person with somebody elses memories if you get what I mean.

Oh no poor dogo is cold

By accepting that you do not live in the past nor future. You must focus on the now.

Attached: 1525298558114.jpg (630x577, 45K)

Leave my fucking board.

>the dude that's a failed normalfag is telling others to leave "his" board

>Calls other "failed normie" to fit in on "Muh secret 4nigger" board
>Muh le long edgy abbreviation meme
Normie leave.

This is cringy on both sides.

Attached: get_real_pepe.jpg (259x194, 10K)

You don't let the past die, you kill it.

Attached: 46532745.jfif.jpg (637x358, 49K)

You are a bigger faggot than ISHYGDDTfag. Fuck off and leave him alone.

>thread about not letting the past die
>dude why you using old memes

Kill your past. You've already damned your future.

It's the closest to how I feel on the inside I suppose

You feel nothing? Because tgat nigga has no inside anymore. Feeling nothings isn't too bad all things considered.

How the fuck did that dog die in that position?
And how come his body was consumed that way?
This pic is actually (morbidly) fascinating

Looks like a sled dog frozen in place. I don't know what animals are it while leaving its head intact and upright. It is weird. Maybe it froze in place and the torso being the thickest part was more thawed

> are it
this is why I turn autocorrect off

>This pic is actually (morbidly) fascinating
IT IS SAD AS HELL. If you find it fascinating, you give a fuck about animals.

It's probably a sledge dog, and it froze to that position for some reason. Dogs often times take miniature naps their head held up high, so it probably just started slowly freezing while doing that, and finally it's neck got stiff and it could not move anymore. Soon after it died. Then some beast like a polar bear ate its body. Or wolves or other dogs.

More like rotting and hollowed out on the inside

I feel bad for the doggo, dead animals really disturb me

oh nonononono all the reddit dogcuck crybabby s0ibois are coming out, based OP, kill yourselves leftcucks

The pensive in Harry Potter was a metaphor for writing music. Memory. Get it out of your head so you can treat it as an object and ignore it, or embrace it. Depends how good you make the track. Thats one way OP.

>i liek disturbing images i'm so cool guise xDDDDD

jump off a bridge faggot

Never thought i'd see Harry Potter mentioned on an edgy right wing board like this

>implying i even care about the photo
t. ribbitcuck

>How do you let the past die?
By leaving the football(soccer) team, I was very good, but by anxiety and pressure I have to leave it. I have the feeling that if I stay here I would became something great.

It's not disturbing. It's clearly an emotional sad image which is exactly what the depressed OP is trying to convey.

Damn normie just going with his base reactions and offended culture garbage.

What OP was trying to convey with that image is irrelevant. It still stands that going by the norm that picture is unsettling

Fuck you centrist scum

Pussy. Go lock yourself in the basement if you don't want to experience things or see reality.

>implying this is reality
I don't know in what kind of shithole you live in but here i don't see this kind of shit on a daily basis

Death happens every day you pampered little suburbanite. Sometimes even good creatures meet grim fates.

God you're such a blatant neurotypical. Go watch netflix and stay off this site.

Holy fuck same
I lasted 2 months and was already at the level of a guy who keeped for 5 years there

Of course death fucking happens but there's a difference between a peaceful death and freezing to death and having your corpse decompose in such a way.

God you're stupid

By letting yourself die in the present.

>skips over the fact brutal death is a part of nature
>not understanding any of the obvious points

Unironically kill yourself.