People that are mean to house centipedes

>people that are mean to house centipedes

Please don't feel like you have to kill one whenever you see one. The are very docile creatures that will do their best to avoid you. They are very clean creatures and they like to hunt nasty pests that can cause disease , ruin your household, or get into your food supply.

Attached: house centipede hunting.jpg (1600x1066, 222K)

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This, I never kill centipedes. They make look creepy as fuck, but they're useful.

i don't care if they don't harm people and eat other disgusting little fuckers, i smash these cunts whenever i see them. can't stand to imagine one of them crawling on me while i'm sleeping.

Fuck house centipedes and fuck you, op.

What about spiders?
They are more useful than those fuckers

That thing makes my skin crawl. Why would anyone want that in their house?

They're not going to crawl on you or be near your bed.

I love bugs.
When I was a kid I collected jars and jars of bugs.
I do not kill any bug I see, I trap them and:
/a/- let them go
/b/- study them for a day or two
Sometimes I would keep them in a small plastic container and bring them in my pocked to school.
They are my pets for a while and than I let them go.
Fascinating little exosceletal creatures.

Fuck spiders. All they do is space out for hours on end and look creepy as shit. Why did nature have to make all useful arthropods look so fucking weird. Arthropods were a mistake.

/a/nthropods were a mistake

fukk me

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Saw one of these guys take down a huge german cockroach at work once. Since I hate roaches more then I hate them, I'll let them stick around as long as they leave me alone.

>this exists
Dude fuck me man

bugs are more scared of you than you are scared of them.

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t. has never been stung by one

No dude if bugs were scared of the sight of humans they would avoid them. Bugs will only be scared of you if you try to do something to them. I will always be scared of just the presence of certain insects

They're so fucking gross. I'm lucky enough to not see any of them in my house. I'd keep them around if they ate bed bugs though.

The chad logistic


The emotional cuck

I wouldn't kill them because I wouldn't even be able tp stay in the same room as them. I'm already iffy with spiders, but these guys are straight from my nightmares.

I think Jow Forums is the only place I have ever seen house centipedes get shilled and I have no idea why. I think one of you fucks may actually be one

>german cockroach
Funny joke there friend. My only comfort is at least I'm not in Australia.

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Huh. I don't think I've ever seen one of those in my life. Must not be native to this location

Ima kill it. Centipedes, milipedes, and roaches are the only bugs I have a problem with and I kill them on sight.
Sometimes when conditions are right milipede populations will explode and they will swarm. When I was a kid for years every fall we would get thousands of the fuckers creeping under the basement door like a nightmarish writhing black carpet. Much like pic realted but orders of magnitude greater, imagine more than a dozen of thpse titles completely covered in that. They'd die in droves for no discernible reason flooding the house with their musty acrid stench. To this day just seeing one makes me gag and sometimes even retch. Centipedes have the misfortune of being similar enough to draw a similar reaction provoke disgust so I will murder them and I will find great satisfaction in it.

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those centipede fuckers definitely smell horrible, but thousands of them just writhing around desu just sounds awesome to watch. ofc the smell no where near makes it worth it

>They are very clean creatures

If dem eats, dem shits.

I aint be clean'n up no cent shit mofo.

society's perception of them is the only thing that makes them look creepy to people

Instincts make them creepy to people

Crabs are arthropods user. Crabs are NOT a mistake. I would like to know about how the first human discovered they were food, though.

Nice try, centipede.

No. Crabs were a mistake. Pic largely realted.

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I love house centipedes.

Collect them, put em in a glass and hold it over your cock and balls. Let em crawl all over, then kill em with piss and cum. Was enlightened after doing this, straight blessing people like L Ron Hoyabembe.

Reading this pushed me to leaving the thread, i hope you die alone.

But I do eat spiders. Sea spiders. If spiders lived on land that were as big as crabs people in Louisiana would probably eat them.

pic is retarded when places around the world eat spiders anyway

yeah this pic is dumb, lobsters don't lurk in the dark corners of my house/room and try to crawl in my mouth or ears while i'm sleeping. they're also not delicious like lobster meat.

I don't eat little spiders that can bite my esophagus but I will eat the shit out of some lobster.

>can't kill mosquitos or roaches


Spiders eat mosquitoes and other parasites. I keep spiders around whenever I can and feed them fruit flies and shit. School season is coming up and my neighbor's kids will have to walk through giant webs on the way to the bus stop.

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They are scary with their legses and make my skin crawl when I see them. I once found one under my blanked beforr going to sleep and I asped out and murdered it smashing it into a wall. I got scared and I hate them


I wish I lived somewhere that had these. I went o France once and stayed in the countryside and these little guys were everywhere. I'm quite fond of them.

yeah I cant stand them either, I wish I could keep them like pets like spiders but they're so fucking gross

I'm phobic and so everything with more than four legs is to be smacked into the void in my house

Yes I know I have like 3 spider bros in my room to kill flies and mosquitos but these fucks are just too much

>Do their best to avoid you
Maybe the ones in my house are autistic but they run straight up to my feet sometimes. I don't kill them because they are op against other bugs but they are still autistic.

One appeared in my bed last night so no thanks.

They are like little robots that clean your house. Look at his little head and his little eyes. So many legs! Cute!

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No, they are the most horrifying things ever and I'm crab user. They look like microscopic organisms. Isn't there anything else I can infest my house with like silverfish that will eat dust and vermin?

The problem with spiders is sometimes they drop down on your head. When I'm in my mom's basement, it gets annoying and creepy.

I don't get big spiders in my house. Usually. One time there was a spider that was as big as a fucking grape and when we doused it with Raid it took 10m to die. Was not keeping that fucker around.

If you really want to get the job done I suggest importing a small colony of whip spiders. Stylish and very efficient.

Attached: whipspider.jpg (1280x1024, 103K)

I don't know why people even bother killing them, in my view you just make a mess that you have to clean up and get nothing out of it. When I see one of them in my house they usually run pretty fast and either hide or just chill in the middle of the floor. Spiders are
pretty chill too

>They are very clean creatures and they like to hunt nasty pests

They are the pests

Attached: IMG_1142.jpg (193x193, 22K)

How to I get rid of these cunts? They run around all over my room

Attached: 1200px-LepismaSaccharina.jpg (1200x861, 182K)

>get off /an/ to check Jow Forums
>see this post

Attached: worried.png (154x205, 23K)

>How to I get rid of these cunts?


>get off /an/ to check Jow Forums
i'm sorry /an/ is so slow, I will watch more bbc america

>get off Jow Forums to check out Jow Forums
>see this post

Glue traps

I kill them on sight because they disgust me.

Bugs don't have emotions

Is fear an emotion? I'm fairly certain that bugs run away from threats, which is a pretty good approximation of fear. If its a lack of human level sentience thats the issue, then by that logic torturing dogs is a-ok, because they lack the intelligence to be truly aware of their own plight.

I would say its an instinct. There is no thought process, its a reaction

its a blurry line

Fast-moving organisms pretty much need emotion to survive, user. Your postulate doesn't make any sense.

Reaction = thought process

Those american ones are no joke. You don't know fear until you lie down for bed and see one of those things bolting at light speed across your ceiling.