Why do women ruin their skin with makeup instead of actually spending the money for treatment to help acne?
Why do women ruin their skin with makeup instead of actually spending the money for treatment to help acne?
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This is the most virgin post I have ever read. And I'm a virgin incel myself.
>acne treatment
It's not that easy user
Walk into a nightclub.
Not sure which girl is the 6/10 because all of them have too much makeup on. They all look hot and too good for me. I'm just looking for a skinny 6/10 sad emo girl.
I can't even tell if this is bait.
you know there's a spectrum of treatment options that will fix the problem. it is that easy
>And I'm a virgin incel myself.
virgin incel detected
I don't get it.
I used to have pretty bad skin before but I treated it by cleansing, moisturising, exfoliating and also wearing sunscreen everyday.
I don't get why girls can't do this.
Faggot true. But read nigger. medium.com
>Detectfagging cuck detected
>detectfag detector detected
i had acne all the way up until i started drinking a gallon of water a day
no topical treatment ever cleared it up
fuck make up is so fucking disgusting
What a sad world we live in. That level of acne would hardly bother me at all
>takes years
>side effects are a russian roulette
>not deffinitive solution
>will involve chemical peels and laser treatment if you want serious smooth effect
Good quality makeup products could actully improve quality of skin.
That's because you're shallow and would only accept girls because you want to get laid, so it's not real acceptance. I am going to attention whore with it though.
Did you respond to the wrong post, maybe?
This isn't actual makeup. It's some form of art created by some makup artist. Most women use a very very thin layer of powder or just a couple of drops of foundation to do their whole faces.
Nice reddit blog Pinterestcuck
Girls do all those things.
Stop making excuses and actually start treatment you acne face built ass nigga
This. Special effects makeup with Ps touchups.
>Just wash your face, bro!
Acne sucks
This doesnt change the fact that women would rather cover their face in make up instead of actually spending the time and money to get better skin
still pretty nasty that most women cover their whole face. minimal is cool but the whole fucking face
>minimal is cool
I can tell just from this that you're still a child
Been there, done that. Worst years ever
Try too senpai.
Why dont you fucking google how to get rid of acne then. Crying about it wont make it go away
I can tell from this agro response that you are a roastie
Nope. You're delusional because you're a 17 year old who posts on Jow Forums
All I did was google the name in the image. Took me all of 3 seconds.
rather a young whipper snapper than a middle age roastie who needs make up
What is minimal to you?
Because some forms of acne can't be treated. If it's cystic or hormonal, it just an unfortunate case of your skin generally being fucked. Most health insurance won't cover dermatology or the related medicines such as Accutane. At the cheapest pharmacy here, Accutane is $400 per month.
I don't know much about make up but if it still looks natural (doesn't half the time) then I'd imagine they aren't wearing a lot
Oh dear... How innocent of you.
don't get mad cause that shit is nasty. Stay based
Is there a website where I can read and learn about makeup? I really don't know anything
asking for a friend
There's a multitude of coverages available. There's light, medium, and full coverage. There's also CC and BB creme. There's lastly powder which is used to set everything. There's also mineral foundation. All of it goes over the entire face. Full coverage and medium coverage with powder are generally the two that look unnatural. Most U.S. girls tend to wear a light to medium coverage foundation over the face.
Find someone at a beauty counter with a look you like. Otherwise, turn to the Asians for foundation tips, and look deeper once you got that down. A little foundation, tinted balm stain, and a brown eyeliner on the waterline will get you started. Never skimp on paying for foundation, but you can buy cheap lip and eye makup until you get the hang of it.
You... or your friend.
welp it would be hard for me to make out with a girl wearing all of that shit. Not like I would have to opportunity to anyways
Fucking typo.
Balm stains and tints aren't like lipstick or gloss. They add color, but they aren't gunky or sticky.
i didn't mean give me advice it was just purely to satisfy my intellectual curiosity honest.
but thank you i'll look those things up and thanks for telling me the fact about how much I should spend.
okay thank you for educating me. made my night a bit better, stay based
Be careful with YouTube videos while you're satisfying your curiosity. Often, they're doing makeup that only looks good on camera or in the darkness of a club, party, or bar. It isn't good for everyday makeup.
Or you could just stop caking makeup into your pores and follicles and just clean your dumb face regularly and throughly like everyone else does.
Godspeed anons. I wish you luck in whatever you're doing.
Oh god i've been watching those for weeks and they've been so inspiring, do they really not translate to irl well? They look so pretty...
wait it's not like it'd be everyday anyway so that's fine.
idk what i'm doing
feels confusing.
Alternatively, if you do cake your face, remember that cleansers can't remove makeup in one go. Those who like the face cake need to use an oil-based creme and tissue, or remover wipes, to remove foundation prior to washing with a normal facial cleanser.
It's just not going to look good in broad daylight or under the lighting seen in most businesses. It's best for when you're taking photos, videos, or going out at night or to a restaurant. You want to search 'everyday makeup' for daytime looks. Makeup looks harsher in real life then it does on camera minus bars and clubs where there's low lighting.
Have the same problem, girls think they're hot shit because of loads of make-up and I feel like I'm inferior to them and they think the same about me.
>tfw you can't find the right girls in a public environment because of make-up.
even with make-up some girls will look like a surface of moon (craters)