Almost every single emo/goth/edgy person I knew growing up now works in a retail or food service job and worked their...

>Almost every single emo/goth/edgy person I knew growing up now works in a retail or food service job and worked their way up management
>not a single one got a stem degree, trade career or enlisted
Why is this, robots?

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because they hate life

also some become models and/or heroin addicts/musicians too but not most

problems with authority.

Nice anecdotal evidence faggot. Try harder next time.

Requires dedication to studying, not being more obsessed with your standing in a clique above all else.
That just goes against everything the edgy types stand for; see they work their retail jobs with a detached sense of irony; "I could quit this anytime!", not realising they are the literal embodiment of the human they hated; their parents, who "slaves their lives away to get nowhere", despite being the exact fucking same
As said.

Prolly coulda worked this one out on your own brah. I was that metal kid in my high school, and I only managed to get out of that retail loop by a mate literally setting me up with a job. If he didnt, I would be the exact person you are describing

this. they are the embodiment of robothood, but too nihilistic to have enough intelligence or knowledge to be similar to us

goth/emo is just not a success conducive choice. very few people who succeed do so while drawing unnecessary attention to their attire, and when they do it's usually not because they're depressing and cliche.

I still have yet to read any convincing theories on why nihilism is bad other than "well just kill yourself and give me your stuff" in which case I'd live out of spite alone.

Most of these people were pushed towards these scenes because they were unhappy children and teenagers.

They could have been unhappy for a number of reasons, but the most immediately visible and easily measured result of an unhappy child is poor education performance. Doesn't matter how smart they might be, if they've disengaged from learning then they're not going to magically re-engage.

Doesn't mean the music or scene itself is terrible or anything, but kids who jump into it head-first as soon as they can tend to be trying to escape something major.

it's not bad but it leads to a shit-tier life unless it's like absurdism or nietzschean life affirming philosophy

So like suicide by cop or some mall shooter level shit like that? I'll go with absurdism I guess.

As others have said they hate life.
The reason they are different from us though is they have sex.

Life isn't about impressing other people.

Life is about doing what you want.

Leave then alone and focus on yourself.

>Like he's actually read it

Well, sometimes. With each other. It's pretty bad, there's always a smell of menthol and cat litter involved.

absurdism is basically nihilism, or it's just the solution to it.

The goths at my school were having sex in the 8th and 9th grade. They were like the first people to do so.
This was back in the early 2000s. And yeah almost all of them smoked and came from homes that had cats.

I ... I won't say any more than I already have.

absurdism to me is just laughing at life's meaninglessness and taking on an optimist attitude

nihilism in the sense i describe it is more of a constant rejection of life and perhaps living like a degenerate hedonist or killing yourself etc (or like goths, wageslaving at McDonalds and shooting up heroin on the weekends)

I know this is kind of unrelated, but I didn't want to creat a whole new thread just to ask this.. does anybody know what is kira's new ig? I think she changed it again.

absurdism definitely does not imply optimism

nobody cares
what about all the quasi christians that live in food deserts and keep pumping out critters just to feed them happy meals?

maybe i need to read more on it then, i'm basing my knowledge on how the protagonist of The Stranger by Camus lived basically

i dunno i think they're probably not nihilists, just brainless automatons like 80IQ Africans who have 6 kids each as they're starving

>nobody cares

That is not objectively true. I care since I asked. Does that make me a loser? Probably. But that still makes you wrong.

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>stem degree

while a lot of these people are geeky and nerds they're not really mathematically or scientifically inclined most of them are more interested in creativity and the arts.

>trade career

again not a lot of them have the constitution or physicality for that type of work.


this is the one you mentioned that makes the least sense of all. pretty much everyone involved in dark / edgy scenes is a pacifist. they might be obsessed with violent fictional works but they're very rarely violent people themselves.

we're basically talking about a group of people who are usually left leaning, physically weak, and mostly interested in creative pursuits. so it's no surprise most of them don't go into logically minded, very physical, or very violent lines of work. however not everyone that's interested in creative pursuits ends up in a creative field due to competition. retail and food service are basically the go to jobs for people like that. its easy and care free and pays the bills, they clock in, clock out, and can then spend time pursuing other interests.

Emo kid post 20 here

We're robots same as you. Problems with authority and disengaging from life overall are good observations. Emo kids might have been banging early, and I did, but haven't since. Just don't care enough desu and unironically want to die but lack the conviction

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>stem degree
>trade career
fuck off jew
nothing wrong with being a manager
wheres my goth gf?

Not all trades are really physical though

>intelligence or knowledge to be similar to us

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>Problems with authority
so not being brainwashed?

goth girls have the best pussy

Yes mein nibba originolio. Juggling 3 jobs RN but the above posters are right, clock in clock out, rest of the time is me time, and I can work on creative pursuits like board game and rpg design, drawing, and other gay shit like that. And all three have a lax dress code so I can bee myself sans the really crazy shit. I'd never work in a place with a uniform or strict dress code ever again if I can, it's miserable lol.

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be goth gf

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Those are low effort, low responsibility jobs.

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Emo /punk bf sorry, but I'm working hard on my twink game so I mean I regularly get mistaken for a girl from behind if that counts something something bussy something something

>he thinks there's girls on the internet

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Were you always gay or did you decide to just go gay because you couldnt get any girls?

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Shhh don't disrupt the delicate ecosystem of the zoomers

That's a great question and I'm afraid I don't know the answer. Candidly, I've always been a girly feminine fuck and spent most of my life repressing it because I didn't want the other kids to call me gay or my mom to think she was right. Plenty of opportunities for chicks but I either spill my spaghet or just let them pass me by. I like things in my butthole and guys are chill and I can connect with them more easily, so it just seems more practical anyway since I don't plan on breeding regardless, plus then I get to be myself in the (hypothetical) relationship, instead of having to basically LARP as the masculine half of the pair just to appease the lady.

Long story short: at least I'm not a tranner

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Eat some birb dick faggot, fucking big tiddy goth girlls have downs

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Most of them are low responsibility, low self control, and low intelligence. Most people in "alternative" lifestyle think they are rebelling but they are actually still slaves to the system. Then they get old and ugly and yet still stuck in the childish teenage mindset. They never stood against the system, they were pretenders who liked feeling edgy and different with makeup.

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I know this is more anecdotal evidence, but I was a teen goth and now have STEM PhD working in academia. Having a problem with authority helped me to find a career where I am THE expert in my field. Plus the dress code in academia is casual.

Wow ... you brought back the 80s and I hadn't even realized it.

i guess that's what you call a 'cock'atiel

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>instead of having to basically LARP as the masculine half
Im bi and this is why i want to date men more. Im not feminine but pretending to be ultra manly all the time around girls sound exhausting. Its not like it matters since im on r9k and will never be in a relationship

>lists stem, trade school, and enlisting as examples of being successful

you know how I can tell you make sub 40k a year? lmfao

Also blood play nigguh

turbo nast

I don't know what you mean by that, please elaborate

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all I can say is that there is hope for zoomers yet

Thats still miles better than most of this board can accomplish

same bro. i worked zellers, grateful it shut down at the end of highschool, it scares me that i probably wouldve stayed there"for a year while i figure out what i want to do" after highschool and end up a degen lol

>recently saw emo/scene girl in the wild
>she sat next to me on the train a couple days ago, heard her listening to metalcore on her headphones
>dressed in all black, skinny jeans and metal band shirt
>no over the top goth leather boots or anything, just normal skate shoes
>minimal face piercings, not too ridiculous
>dyed black hair in ponytail, could see red hair underneath the dye
>first time I've seen a true emo girl in over 7 years
She wasn't conventionally attractive, but I still think she was really cute in a weird way robots.

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Bro to get to that level in a shit tier job place takes years of brain cell killing work. Would you rather spend 6 years trying to become manager at the vans store or spend 7 years getting your masters and bachelors and become regional director of vans stores

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Because being goth/emo is a reaction to feeling worthless and also being fatalistic and cynical. They dont become a failure by choosing to be goth, they are already one, and their path in life is (ironically) set before them by embracing those attitudes.
Being goth and a social/financial failure are not cause-effect. They are correlated because theyre both symptoms of the same personality traits.

So simply put: goth/emo/SJW is just a dominance hierarchy for inferior people. If they have to compete in the free market they can't survive and end up with shitty jobs at best.

I am goth and am almost done with my degree in STEM degree.