Do robots want a soulmate or infinite hookups?
Do robots want a soulmate or infinite hookups?
just a casual friend, its apparently too much to ask for, so I guess I should be in a rush to die too
In an ideal world, infinite hookups.
I seek a soulmate because that's much closer to the realm of possibility.
Soulmate, I just want someone who understands me and likes being with me, to cuddle with and kiss and maybe sex on top of just doing stuff in general.
This feels like it was too much to ask for from life.
Definately a soulmate
>Definately a soulmate
im too dead inside for a soulmate i just want to fuck my hot coworker
I want a soulmate, a companion for life, a best friend to start a family with.
You forgot to end it with tyrone coming over to fuck her every saturday
I don't even know anymore.
I still believe the idea of a 'soulmate' but I'm starting to think that it is completely mutually exclusive from the notion of a girlfriend. The basis for my belief here isn't just my personal experience but literally every romantic relationship I've ever seen, particularly when cross-examined with platonic friendships I've seen cultivated faultlessly over the course of a decade.
I don't want that part
>all the "I want a soulmate" fags ITT
I don't believe any of you. Imagine you could walk up to any girl you like, ask her for sex, and have her say yes. She'd do anything you want, no exceptions. Are you really telling me you'd stick to just one girl?
i want a soulmate but how can that even exist for me? no female understands.
Wtf is the point if it doesn't even mean anything? Chads are cynical sacks of shit and roasties are mindless sensation seeking animals, but both are braindead hedonist fucks who don't find mutual masturbation to be depressing af.
I've rejected seven girls that have outright asked me out themselves, some of them multiple times. I'm still a virgin even though I could have had a gf and sex, my reason for celibacy isn't influenced by religion nor culture but my requirement closeness and trust basically a soulmate.
Sometimes I do regret not choosing one of those girls, most people assume I get laid regularly,when they find out I'm a virgin they treat me a bit different then before especially women that think there is something wrong with me (probably true)
I don't hate you for your choices, user, but I disapprove of them and it sours my opinion of you slightly.
> but I disapprove of them
Why do you think it is better to have sex with people you don't give a shit about then waiting for someone that you do care about?
The only benefits are busting a nut and gaining social exp towards interactions with women, but if I really just want to bust a nut I can fuck my fleshlight without the risks of STD's,pregnancy, being accused of rape/abuse or drama.
I'm with you on the soulmate thing, but come on, all those girls come up and not once do you say yes? Half this board would strangle you.
if soulmates were real, and one existed for me, I'd prefer that. I'd always wonder what all the other women would have been like, but I missed the boat for that. To be fair, I was never welcome on that boat anyway.
I want a real nigga.
Soulmate or life partner tfw no gf originally
I imagine that trust can build during a relationship, not just outside of it. Not to say those women would have become a soulmate, but I will saying from experience that a close relationship with a women outside of a romantic relationship is usually just a friendship, and that's a tough role to get out of once you've come to love someone.
Soulmate for me
But sadly I have no soul
Neither really, but absolutely not hookups. I don't really believe that somone as socially stunted as me can have a normal growing relationship, but I also don't want to live in some codependent pity-trophy relationship with another robot.
Tried for soulmate, got lies,deceptions and "lets be friends"
I've hurt someone I loved was born a robot but I had a chance to escape my shackles but I got scared. I was dragged back in with nothing more than a whimper, Left her distraught. If you're wondering what I did I decided to ignore her for like a year it hurt like hell, but I did it she was someone that hated most people so I jumped rather high on her shit list. I guess to answer the question, a soulmate. but being the robot I am we both know that's impossible
What the fuck is the point?
I don't just want sex, you fucking dumbass.
Try to use more than your dick to think for once.
Robots want a soulmate in their waifu.
****** faggots and normalniggers want infinite hookups.
I completely agree with you that you can build trust at the start of a new relationship or friendship, but the level of trust that you need for a relationship is much higher then a friendship and it also contains much more risk.
Either way I can't emphasize with you on this point because I rarely initiate new friendships with men and never do so with women, because I don't want to put myself in the position where I get a crush I know I will never act on.
To be honest I avoid friendships with women because they tend to mostly be a bias transaction of resources and favors, with men there are many activities I can do with while we both are contributing an equal amount.
I have a mental block where I won't ever initiate an interaction with a women first while also not allowing myself to date a woman unless I consider her a friend, but I avoid putting myself in situations where I can make female friends on purpose
just someone to hug and be myself with
can you Explain this Waifu shit? I've never been able to attach emotions or care for anything that isn't human. So I don't care about dogs, waifus, or kids, just anything that does not have the capacity to think.
I want a soulmate. Fucking many women might be enjoyable at first, but I want somebody to play videogames with and watch anime and other shit and go for walks and to theme parks with. Somebody who actually wants to hang out and do stuff with me all the time.
i want a soulmate but as i grow older the possibility of that happening grows dim and i begin to see the ugly truth of the world
I want to experience life with a partner who will never leave me. Too bad these dreams wont happen
Infinite hookups
You get a plethora of options, whenever you want and you become the envy of the average man by having what they want.
A soulmate is just some weak fantasy bullshit, being stuck with one person for the rest of your life unless you cheat is dull sounding. Besides, whos to say you might not find a soulmate through the hookups if thats what you really want?
>Besides, whos to say you might not find a soulmate through the hookups if thats what you really want?
Hey, no cheating user!
soul mate forever and ever
Soulmate, but those don't exist so infinite hookups would be fine... or at least one hookup...