Dating women not of Japanese descent

>dating women not of Japanese descent

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I only date REAL Japanese women.

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>dating chinks
lmao no thanks

>dating women of any descent

Look at this original qt3.14

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cuz theyre annoying and either clingy or aloof and total flakes

american japanese are the best because they still look cute but dont have annoying personalities

if its 3D it has to be japs but 2D for everything else

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literally who
>clearly stated that she's japanese
>calls her a chink
a decent point, but partially wrong, jap women are pure.
literally who
rather have a clingy gf than some thot who cheats on you less than 1 week out

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they are only native to hokkaido

>rather have a clingy gf than some thot who cheats on you less than 1 week out

american japanese are too ashamed to do that plus if you think japanese women dont cheat on you youre an ignorant tard. sex means less to them than it means to us

>any woman

>average japs looking like this
I love it when delusional weeks go to Japan and have their whole world shatter. Koreans? Maaaaybe more common after tons of plastic surgery.

Sorry mate but if I'm going to race mix it will be with a race that has a lest some feminine traits not a flat scrawny gooks
She would be kind of cute with out that tattoo

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please do not tarnish the good name of pure jp women
Actually was in japan for a university exchange program for around a year, and the Japanese women look quite good (slightly worse than the 7.5/10 I'm posting)
nice meme

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Race mixing is a meme and i don't like it but if i had to choose i think i would pic a brown girl

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Then I guess it's a taste thing. I was surprised at how bad their jaw and teeth are. I thought the UK has it rough. It's not rotten or bad, but crooked and twisted up, with Jaws having these weird deformations because of it. And that's after 3 years of going back and forth to Japan in its various regions. The girls were disappointingly average.

Your choice of skin tone disgusts me.
depends on the prefectures, I mainly was in and around Tokyo throughout the stay but the amount of teeth/jaw issues were minimal. I assumed you live in a rural prefecture? The average girl looked like a solid 7/10

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It's not just about skin color it's about the body and on average Asian women have the worst body's how they can even push out a baby with them narrow hips is beyond me

Plus this image describes the average day to day Japanese girls that are between 18 to 45. They are godly at makeup and you can find extreme qts, but seeing them in the morning is a stark contrast. The whole thing about Asian women aging slowly is true, as when they hit 18 and up to like 45 they look the same. Unlike all other women.
Actually it's the opposite for me. I saw a lot more average/below average girls in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara for cities etc. But rural regions had some qts. Again, the bigger cities had girls with masterful makeup, but it's a cold slap when you see what's under it.
Again, maybe it's a taste thing as I expected to see people like what you're posting, but those are a smaaaaaaaaall minority, even in universities.

Fuck forgot the image zzz

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Their bodies are actually quite full. They're surprisingly not skinny. Not like Koreans skeletons.

Why do you yellow fever fags think korean women are the only ones who do plastic surgery and apparently Japanese women naturally look like these big eyed anime dolls? They do just as much plastic surgery as korean women, if not more. Pic related

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My grandfather was an US Marine.
He gave them the dick after the boys gave them two bombs.

Idk man they look pretty scrawny to me but then again i don't watch Asian porn i mosty just watch hentai

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And yet your image proves that Koreans are kings at it. All Asians do it, it just feels like Japanese are the best at makeup.

I'm sure my gramps fucked more then his fair share of jungle Asian bitches

How many Asians have you seen in real life?

Read the whole post dumbass. 25% of plastic surgeries in Korea are for Chinese customers, leaving Korea behind Japan.

And Brazil, Greece and Italy.

shitter's clogged

Their are not many Asians in Oklahoma so not many

Did You read your own post where it says that it removes the Chinese customers and even then Korea still only barely inches ahead in first place of Greece and Italy?

The one on the left is pretty damned cute

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Yes, but she's not on the same tier that OP is posting.

Its 5 am where I live bare with me

Then stop posting. If you try to shit on someone, make sure to have your own facts straight. Especially if you're the one posting those facts and misread them.

this is slightly above average in Japan.
Been in and around Tokyo for a year or so.
The girls at my uni were rather decent looking, many 7.5s like the pic I'm posting.
Women in the east tend to age slower than women in the west, women in the west where I live (cali) tend to hit the wall at around 27-30 whereas whilst i was in japan i saw women who were in their 35-40s looking waaaaay better than their counterparts in the us.

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Why are you posting pictures of a trap then?

that's a female model in japan, she's not a trap

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How come they list "male" on their bio?

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She's a Chinese tho

nice inspect element, you won't fool me

Disgusting, I just thought it was a trap.

How long until the Japanese government starts paying their citizens a living wage to breed and be full time parents?

Didn't know you could inspect element on your phone. Could you tell me how you do that?

fuck you, i wanted to believe that it was a girl, why do you guys ruin everything

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>chink poster keeps getting btfod and his bubble popped
I love it

I'm glad I found out before I fapped

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>implying I didn't know all along
only reason i followed him and have his pics saved up is because he was a trap xd been following him since last year, gotta admit thought he was an actual girl when I first saw him

How can I meet Japanese women? I live in Chicago and match like crazy with Koreans and Chinese, but I never see ANY Japanese women anywhere.

I mean, I only reverse image searched cuz I thought they were cute and wanted more. Would've got me good if I never had.