Be honest bois do you shower daily? How bad do you stink?

Be honest bois do you shower daily? How bad do you stink?

> Yes
> I don't stink

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2-4 times because its hot and i sweat like a motherfucker, i still stink sometimes though.

I don't stink either, every other day is just as good

>yes in summer or if I got sweaty, every other day if it's cold or if I didn't sweat at all; I wash my hair daily unless I'm really lazy and I don't have to go outside
>I don't stink (apart from my pubic hair, which always stinks, no matter how hard I scrub), but I'm really greasy

>I don't stink

Only shit genetics causes stinky. No amount of showers can fix it. Fortunately I am blessed with white genes.

you stink
you just can't smell yourself because your nose is used to it

>i shower 2-3 times a week
>probably don't smell bad

not op but I use deodorant that says 48 hours and I shower daily so how can I stink?

i wash regularly but don't use deodorant so I smell a lot but I like my own smell for some autistic reason and nobody comments on how bad I stink so ye.

>shower daily
more like every 3-4 days now
>how bad do you stink
a little. i don't reek but i don't smell good. i don't care anymore.

anyone who does not wash reaks. You fucking degenerates.

what's the point when i work 5 days a week in an environment that reeks anyway? i wash off the smell for what? a few hours of cleanliness before i dunk myself in a stink tank for most of the day? it don't matter none-a this matters

i shower once every 7-10 days, same clothes/underwear for those days too, i dont really smell.

2-3 times a week, plus i eat a lot of garlic so my smells are pretty strong.

I shower once a week
Got good genetics so I don't stink, occasionally if I get sweaty or it's a hot day, I'll pop on some deoderant but I never have any lingering smells. My parents always make sure to let me know I smell bad if I do

Once a day and I don't stink cause I take HRT.
idk what i smell like but it's not that strong musky smell guys smell like.

Shower twice a day usually. Once after I work out and once before I go to bed just to cool off. I like to stay clean mostly but smelling better is a nice side effect.

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You stink of "deodorant".

>once every two days
>I don't stink

Once every two days to conserve on water and allow my natural oils to do their thing. The only thing I consistently wash on a daily basis is my balls, perineum, and ass. Showering daily is OK for some people, but not for all.

i shower daily but never use shampoo

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>Shower 4 times a week one of thems a bath
>don't smell

I shower once a night but if I get dirty during the day (work, exercise, etc.) or I need to go somewhere I'll usually have a 2 minute shower too. I try to let my natural body oils recharge by having just one or two 2 minute showers on the weekend.

I don't smell, I sometimes get told I smell good.

Used to be a twice weekly type, every other day now. Water bills are nice.

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every day,i will go a day max without showering,i dont stink or anything even when i sweat a lot,i just wont feel clean and so i'll shower

I stink if I work out, which is every day. Otherwise I don't need a shower.
Generally i don't shower anyway. I enjoy my own musk.
Shampoo is bad for you

But user, East Asians are the superior non-srinkers
It's scientifically proven

Cold shower every other day for spiritual and physical gains

i shower once a week. the only thing that stinks are my arm pits. spread on some deoderant and i'm good to go for another day.

No, that's unhealthy. I shower every other day.

Every morning, cold shower. I have started to smell fish on my fingers lately though. I do not even eat fish but my fingers have a fishy odour and sometimes my arms too. No idea what it is. Diet is pretty clean. Could it be the cold showers? Been doing this for like 3 years now so I doubt its that

>Two or more times a day
> Awful

I dont

I stink just a little. Been showering more often than I used to though which should count for something

>East Asians are the superior non stinkers
This is true

My sweat smells like weed and i never touched weed

Not daily but i don't stink either

Like once a month my guy

Three to four times a week my guy. I never smell

>I don't stink
Why do you shower then?