Can we have a thread for lurkers? Why don't you post?
Can we have a thread for lurkers? Why don't you post?
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Also gonna post some Froppy.
>Can we have a thread for lurkers? Why don't you post?
You try posting when you have absolutely nothing worthwhile to contribute. Too normie for robots but too strange for normies
>too normie for robots
user, this place is normie central..
I kill threads almost every time I bother to.
I'm no longer of the opinion that my thoughts are worth contributing
Means you're a cyborg. We are the true victims here and need to shitpistost in every thread
The only thing worse than wasting time on this site is wasting it passively reading.
I do post, but not often. It's kind of just like being the silent guy in a group of friends who sits and listens.
Sometimes, i just dont really have much to say.
>spend 10 minutes to decide what to post
>delete text and start writing new instead, repeat
>End up posting with most simple and lowest effort of thinking
Too autistic to even write comperhensive text so i'll better lurk and not shit on board
BNH shitposting is my preferred style.
Posting is risky business. I'm frequently ignored or insulted, or I feel like my post wasn't worthwhile after I post it.
>oh no someone is gonna call me gay
I don't mind being called gay, I mind when people rip me apart and I see they're right.
>post shitpost
Boring, no one will answer except obnoxious people
>post argument
I can refute it even in my head.
>post long, detailed post
Way too much efforts for one guaranteed (if at all) reply
>post how bad you feel
There are others who feel worse, or you'll be mocked
>engage in popular discussion (politics, femalesetc)
Too dumb and self-assured contingent
This place is dead, but I have work not to sit here for hours anymore
Is that what we're called? You know, failed normies, too virgin to be Chad, too Chad to be virgin? Nice to know I ain't alone.
I think you guys should come to mewch.
A small ckrit imageboard.
Take a look around
Its a ckrit club, don't tell everyone about it, this is your invitation.
Hello you made a spelling error too
Too dumb to make a decent post, get called newfag 24/7, got bored of it, never achieve what i want
^practically a resume of my life
Yeah.. why would you not post on an anonymous image board? That's a whole new level of social anxiety I didn't know existed.
this tyryhtfjvtffk
Because I am still shy in an anonymous board.
Im more of a cyborg i only post on similar threads if the discussion is good. R9k has been serious cringe lately with the incel refugees from reddit. You incel fucks need to die you are not true robots you are un origi you post the same shit and should be banned you are worse than johnny neptune ahbhhh!
I feel like I have nothing to say to people here. I'm a normie to all robots and a complete failure recluse to everyone else. Stuck in between unable to really relate or able to interject in conversations on any sides.
But it's your best chance to practice social interactions without almost any long term consequences in case you fail.
Like even if 99% of your interactions fail here, it doesn't matter. Right? Because nobody knows who you are from one post to another.
Chatting on an anonymous image board is as far from socializing, as hugging a pillow is like hugging a loved one.
what the fuck is there to say, i'm lonely like everyone else here