>be me
>be 16
>son of an immigrant Irish family who are proud of their nationality
>as the new kid it's difficult for me to make friends
>blame it on my heritage and them being ignorant Americans
>get lonely and depressed
>where I live there's a big problem with racism and neo-Nazis
>One day a guy approaches me and talks about European nationalism and European superiority
>attend a few meetings
>get sucked in
>cut off my family and any contact I had to the real world
>finally a place where I belong
>even get a swastika tattoo on my chest like the fag in american history x
>desensitized to the pain and suffering of others
>become increasingly more violent
>one night we're out looking for trouble
>start a fight with a latino street gang
>this one guy fucks me up badly
>when the police arrive half of my friends are gone and I'm on the ground half unconscious, bleeding
>get arrested
>parents bail me out, there isn't any real consequences to this
>they contact our pastor, so he'll talk some sense into me
>"user is this really the path you want to take"
>"user this life will be filled with pain and regret"
>"user you'll end up dead on the street if this continues"
>"user god loves you"
>he makes me promise to attend church again
>after a few weeks I get depressed again
>I can't be catholic and a neo-nazi
>identity crisis
>I loath myself
>still hang out with my friends from the movement
>when we go out to beat up random people on the street I'm no longer the one throwing punches
>I want to get hurt
>I want them to beat me to death if that's what it takes
>I'd deserve it
>go to church battered and bruised
>pastor talks to me after service
>break down crying
>he gets me the help I need
>detatch myself from the movement
>receive countless death threats
>I don't fear for my life
>I fear god and his punishment for what I've done
>nothing happens
>go to college
>meet a girl there
>she's perfect
Oh golly I enjoy reading sad stories...
I will never understand why people don't pre-type shit like this...
Regardless, I'm intrigued
>fall in love with each other
>trying to keep it casual cause I don't know how to explain my tattoo to her
>not going beyond kissing/teasing/fingering her
>this is literally the girl I want to marry
>a few days ago
>it's way too hot to be doing anything
>wearing a white shirt
>we're outside with a few others
>they wanna go to a lake
>the guys start fucking with each other, pushing each other into the lake
>she's swimming
>suddenly someone gets behind me, pick me up
>two others grab my legs and I get thrown into the lake
>she's laughing
>swims in my direction
>she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist
>kisses me
>looks down
>sees the tattoo through the shirt
>she stares at me, visibly confused
>don't know what I'm supposed to say
>somehow we get out of the water
>she wraps a towel around my shoulders
>no one but her saw the tattoo
>after that she stopped touching me
>just fell silent, doesn't look at me anymore
>we get back, I want to take her hand
>she shakes it off
>she's visibly hurt
Is this god's punishment I've been waiting for
How long ago was that?
Have you heard anything from her since?
just do something like this or get tattoo removal?
You should explain it to her. She'll understand if you really changed your ways. God is supposed to be forgiving to those who have sincerely regretted their actions and wants to become better.
3 days ago
No she isn't picking up the phone and she doesn't respond to my texts
But one of her friends approached me telling me that I "better fix whatever I did" "cause she's been crying everyday since Sunday and refuses to tell anyone why"
It's sweet of her that she tries to cover me in a way but I feel horrible for her being in pain because of something I did.
How big is it?
Can you get it covered up?
This is a stupid LARP lefty story and you all should be ashamed for falling for that. Fuck off you bolshevist OP fucker
Fuck off nazi boy. Go suck hitlers cock
If she isn't answering you with electronic stuff you could be blocked. I recommend going to her home personally and giving/leaving her a hand written letter explaining things to her. Include the phone number of your parents and priest on the letter so she has the option to call and confirm your story.
Unrelated but semi-relevant, when my Russian Jew gf saw the swastika I hung on my wall she just said "oh my god jeez, I won't tell my parents." Not as bad as a tattoo on my chest but it shows what women are willinv to put up with when they like a guy.
Yeah it's kinda big
lollll lefties still believe the pendulums in their favor, Jesus Christ
Idk I think big part of her problem with it is that I didn't tell her the truth right away and now she feels betrayed
Is that in fucking sharpie? What the fuck
thats fucking shopped LOL
If she's catholic too shouldn't she be forgiving and accepting
It's not even symmetrical, get a refund mate.
God this is such a fake ass story it hurts. Back to lefty Jow Forums
Protestant but yea
No. Women live trying to fix broken (masculine) men. Just tell her you know you should have mentioned something sooner but had no idea how to bring up the subject.
Ahahaha try getting a professional tattoo artist who will put a swastika on your chest
I got it done in a garage, they sterilized the needle with vodka
Aww user
Realistically, is there a way for you to reach out to her?
If she blocked you everyone on social media you could visit her home like an user suggested. Or in case you think she won't let you in and talk, write her a letter where you admit everything and tell her how you feel.
If you know her address, just throw it in yourself. I had a postcard going lost once, and you sure don't want this letter to get lost.
I have plenty of home job tats and none of them look that shit, nor that shiny.
I think you're full of shit.
Great maybe your contact would like to tattoo Arbeit macht frei on dysfunctional holocaust deniers like me for 5 bucks
Half of mine are done stick and poke with a sewing needle, the other half with a cheap gun off eBay. If your tattoo is real and looks like that I think whoever did it was seriously retarded. Not even my drunk mates fill that poorly.
Czech em
Anyway, I don't think it looks shiny, if you look close enough you can see OP's skin shining through. It's a bit patchy and the lad is Irish.
They're right
It's really not that difficult reaching out to her
I think that it's the same thing you had during your identity crisis
When you wanted to get beaten up cause you felt like you deserved it
This time around you're still waiting for "god's punishment" so you let the only thing good in your life, the woman you want to marry for fucks sake, go cause you feel like that's what you deserve. You need to forgive yourself bro
Even if she was the love of your life, losing her wouldn't be punishment enough for you
Being forced to watch her getting gang raped by your ex-comrades wouldn't be enough
Go kys fucking Nazi
Grow up u commie cunt
He's trying to better himself
At least he can be redeemed
Do you want to talk? I could post a throwaway mail address if you want
Whaddya mean m9?
lol what is the point of doing such a shit photoshop you fucking idiot lmao.
you even go to the trouble of giving it an iphone file name whant anyone can see that totally smoothed out gradient on the skinaround and inbetween the swasticka arms.
fuckin idiot.
Nazi sympathizer scum
I hope she picks a big black cock to console her after losing you op
Idk if you really feel like talking to someone, I have time
But good for you if you already figured out what to do
Are you under the impression that I'm OP?
>>I can't be catholic and a neo-nazi
It's fully possible
>>be 16
>3 days ago
you must be over 18 years old to post on this website
Thinks I care about a pendulum and being on the winning side.
They're just trying to make the world better. Most stuff that gets blamed on them would actually be solved by them, with everyone in their own national socialist countries the racial tension would decrease.
I'm 21 buddy
I was 16 when I got into the movent
Stayed there until end of highschool
Changed towns when i moved to college
Met her 4 months ago
Oh I was
Alright senpai