Who do you hate more, your father or your mother? Why?

Who do you hate more, your father or your mother? Why?

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I love them both ya daft cunt.

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I love my mom but hate my dad because he beats my mom

I hate both of them equally. Also do drugs, kill your parents, eat shit.

My mom because she's a psychopath and I adapted those traits thanks to her

I dislike my dad, because the last thing he said to me is that he wishes I become just like him and I did. A complete failure in life.

I love them both. I have no beef with my father everything he did was great and he did his best he was just too beta to get through to a stubborn disinterested son and I can't judge a man on what he didn't do when what he did was so great and he's still very patient with my frankly shocking NEET ways.

My mom is an overbearing literally hysterical bitch. I took the dog out to the train station two houses away. Told her where i was going and came everything safe and well and she was a screaming crying mess cursing me for ruining her life because hte dog could have died.
I never blamed anyone but myself for my failings but now I can concede that she is not normal and her influence has obviously had a negative input.

I don't even know if I hate them exactly, but both of them ghosted me recently. Feelsgoodman.

neither, i love both of my parents

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Hate my mum, she physically, emotionally, sexually and financially abused me and she's the reason I'm fukt up and the reason the family is in pieces

Dad. He could have made an attempt to talk to me and get to know me. He waited unless I was an adult to start being affectionate and it's weird. Now I've got daddy issues reeeee

I can fill the role of daddy if you want. I'll make sure to nurture you properly.

my mom is detestable, my dad is just unlikable.

My dad tries to understand me. My mom wanted to escape, and I was too much like him. They don't know what they did wrong, but none of it should have ever happened.

My father
He killed himself
I feel like I've memed myself into hating him, when he died I was like it's completely my fault but later on i've become kind of glad he's dead.

Father since I never knew him and he never attempted to get in touch with me. Because of him I grew up without a real father figure and my mother struggled. Hope the faggot is dead desu.

mom. i cant really blame her since she had an anxiety disorder and i think i may of inherited that, but she was almost always distant and cold and looked down on me. which is somewhat fair because i grew up to become a lowlife, but she was still an asshole either way.

I fucking hate both of them equally for making me a ugly socially retarded depressed inbred sandnigger.

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my dad because he cheated on my mom numerous times and it fucked her up a little. he's dead though

my mum kicked me out so her boyfreind could move in, my dad even ended up breaking up with his gf because she could deal with a child

just go blow something up it'll make you feel better

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I'm equally disappointed in them both. That said nobodies perfect and they don't get nearly the credit they deserve from me. They really hung in there during a rough time. Kinda like a garbage bag hangs in a garbage bin.

I'm not a muslims and i'm too pussy to do anything.

You can't beat up your dad? Underage detected

both, they are horrible people