anyone else just absolutely despise hearing that? the smart but lazy meme is bullshit, its something dumb people tell themselves so they can feel good. I Hate it when people tell me that im smart when actually im dumb as hell.
"You're smart but lazy"
well iunno about that. probably a lot of above average intelligence pieces of shit, iq isn't the sole factor in how far we go in life. that being said i really wish family didn't think i was smart either, i think it's more important to them at this point that they believe anything other than the fact that i'm complete trash.
Your IQ or acing advanced classes can show intelligence. What's with the current meme that you have to be successful to be smart?
t. dumb and active Chad
I simply don't need the things that others do: strict discipline, repetitious instructions or harsh punishment for serious misbehavior.
Its worse when its
>your smart but not street wise of social then go on that being socialnshite is important and if you dont then the perfect loving society will find a way to fuck with because youre an introvert
For fucks sake I just want to be left alone
I am smart *and* dumb.
I was in a private school and i did ok. i passed alot with A&Bs, i just got bored and dropped out. now i have trouble doing basic math.
My parents are convinced im intelligent. I genuinely think I'm average or below average.
Im not a chad
Kinda same i guess i haven't really thought about it. My parents might tell you im like that ig
Same, i love being alone that i don't play online games i play games with npcs cause they're usually predictable every time i play that game
Who's that mascot?
I see it everywhere.
>the smart but lazy meme is bullshit, its something dumb people tell themselves so they can feel good
The majority of the people that use this aren't even really lazy, they're just fucking stupid. Anyone can be "smart," but whether or not they possess any form of intelligence is the dividing factor. Coming up with novel ideas on how to maximize your own laziness and increase your productivity so you can focus on other tasks is genuinely pretty intelligent. But for the people that use this phrase, I'm pretty sure that they aren't doing anything to increase their productivity (I haven't seen it anyway). They just think they possess a greater level of intelligence than they really do.
Yea it just feels insulting when my parents tells me this. I know im dumb and lazy thats why i didn't finish my private school i was dumb and couldn't be motivated to finish
>i passed alot with A&Bs, i just got bored and dropped out. now i have trouble doing basic math.
From experience, I can say that this usually happens if I refrain from doing it. My brain will forget that thing and will completely focus on something else, so when I come back and do the thing, I forget almost everything.
>Same, i love being alone that i dont play online games i play games with npcs cause theyre usually predictable every time i play that game
I just have a problem trusting people online sometimes and get paranoid that theyre lying. In real life I find most people annoying and try to avoid them, same issue with me believing theyre talking behind my back
Because I'm focused on increasing my knowledge not productivity.
I like the predictability aspect because i have extreme paranoia. I think that they will find a way to doxx me by becoming friends with me. then we chat and i get doxxed i also have hate socializing cause its easier to kill me irl than doxxing me then coming to my house to kill me
>fell for the "ur just smart but lazy lol" meme from elementary to high school
>everyone from my teachers to my parents told me
>halfway through highschool realize that I'm a genuine brainlet and the whole smart but lazy thing is just what they say to the dumb kids so they don't feel bad, not everyone can be smart afterall
Why did they have to lie to me, why didn't they at least have just been honest and called me a dumbass
They wanted to spare you're feelings, but by doing that they made you feel worse. there is nothing worse than realizing you're a brainlet.
I failed at life but feel no sense of shame or sadness at it. What kind of life experiences cause this mentality?
What is there to be ashamed about some people aren't meant to be winners im not ashamed to fail at life its normal we were just unlucky enough to be born to fail
it's a nice way of calling you a lazy piece of shit.
I understand that but my parents genuinely believe it though
I think most people who are legitimately intelligent and self-aware know their shortcomings so they never feel smart enough to fit their expectations due to all the visible gaps in their knowledge.
I know my shortcomings but i am genuinely dumb i wish i wasn't but i am
>Why did they have to lie to me, why didnt they at least have just been honest and called me a dumbass
Because society is based in hedonism where pleasure or happiness trumps truth or reality. They would rather you be delusional than be aware of the reality, as they do themselves by lying to each other. Where I am from, society expects you to lie to someone and give them emotional support than tell the truth and give them an actual solution. Anyone who doesnt abide by rules is deemed cold and rude. This ironically leds to people killing themselves because they had unrealistic expectations of life. Also consider the possibility of them talking behind your back and using you as a joke
I wouldnt mind the unpredictability, just the fact that they talk behind your back and generally have a fucked up concept of good and bad.
The most important things these days are social skills and no physical or mental illnesses. It's better to use your 20s to fix all your issues than focus on getting ahead financially. Fix them while you have a safety net with your parents. Gain enough abilities where you don't face burn out in the future. If you don't fix them you have no chance. It's better to be a loser now and succeed later than burn out with no safety net.
Make my comment original ffs
Nope just above average at most things, no gifts, no talents or specialization.
Feels odd muh bots.
That too
I have social anxiety and suicidal depression im not gonna make it very far in life
I don't know if I'd call everyone who says it smart. But I do think it's a sign that people across the board aren't putting as much effort into their education as they could be. So many people just don't see the point in putting in effort. I think people turn to drugs and video games for the same reason. The real world isn't interested in them as anything more than cogs. Think about your life, your goals, your plans. Ask yourself "Why bother?"
I have never been able to ask this question and then go about my day happily. It must be even worse for others who don't understand the feelings rumbling inside them.
Everyone is fucking clueless anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot
>everyone except for me of course
>"You're so smart user, why do you sabotage yourself like this?" t. parents
>meanwhile I graduated high school at the very bottom of the class, dropped out of college twice, and currently don't even feel motivated enough for burger flipping
Fuck off if I were actually intelligent I wouldn't have condemned myself to eternal mediocrity
I scored on the genius scale on the Stanford-Binet yet my life is a trainwreck.
I scored 150 but I was very young, like six or seven, so I don't think it counts
Either way, intelligent people are usually aware of their intelligence.
Youre right if you werent fucking idiots youd be wondering how anyone quantifies intelligence bc all these normies have some stupid two bit definition of what it means to be smart
Ligmaballs folks
The sole reason I believe I AM smart and lazy is because I was placed in a smart kid program for scoring an IQ above 135 or something. I just really dislike academics, I'm one of those fuckers who wants to waste their potential on the arts. I actually had a deal with my first period math teacher in grade twelve where if I did the work he assigned I could sleep uninterrupted the rest of the class.
I dropped out cause i hated school i thought it was boring and i hated math
To add to what I said, IQ tests are based on a test which was meant to gain an average inteligence of age groups for research purposes, not to quantify an individual's mental capacity. An IQ score can change from day to day depending on a lot of different factors on how your day goes and how you feel. Even setting that aside, it mainly tests your problem solving and pattern recognition. Those two things aren't all there is to deciding whether or not you're a brainlet.
Idk about you OP but I respect a great artist in the same way I respect a great scientist
Mastery is mastery my user fren
Yea but i bet you don't respect a HS dropout neet
i have a tested iq in the 120s but im also an autistic fuckup
so not smart but lazy but smart but autismal
I'm not lazy, just efficient.
The idea of lazy but smart is very true but the phrase itself is just stupid
I know that i can get top grades and be one of the best student, both academically and also socially speaking
But it obviously takes effort, not a whole lot but enough to be an annoyance, and for what?
I really dont care for being a top student or anything like that, the effort outweighs the gains
Be lucky you're not a retard like me
Xavier from the show Xavier: Renegade Angel
Thanking you kindly for your service, my good lad.
>straight As and honors classes in high school but it didn't matter because I had no extra-curriculars and spent all my free time playing DOTA 2 and WoW
It just meant I dedicated all my time to my studies so obviously I succeeded.
I would trade it for Bs in standard level classes if it meant I picked up an extra-curricular earlier on in life.
You could tell them that IQ is a meme then, many sources goes against his validity
Idk. I think there might be something to the meme. I am certainly lazy. Whether I'm smart is more controversial. I've been told I'm smart by friends' parents, relatives, and a couple professors. I apparently qualify to join Mensa on the basis of a cognitive aptitude test I took when I was 8. I read much more than most people and can almost always pull As when I try.
But a smart person, theoretically, would realize the importance of hard work and have sincere desire for achievement, intellectual or otherwise. A smart person wouldn't be such a loser, because who would want to be a loser when they had the means to be a winner?
This. Im a fucking failure because of my own incompetence
>that pic
If you didn't try it means you weren't cut out for it anyway