Should I start HRT or seek treatment for my crippling anxiety? Which one will better me, robots? I want to be a pretty girl but I also don't want to be a ball of anxiety.
Should I start HRT or seek treatment for my crippling anxiety? Which one will better me, robots...
if you start with HRT you'll be a crippling ball of hideous anxiety
don't do it, fren
I don't want anti-depressants turning me into a zombie
people at work already call me Eeyore
do cool drugs they're better than antidepressants
i do a lot of drugs already, fren
acid is nice and weed relaxes me, but my anxiety is starting to get bad.
>acid is nice and weed relaxes me, but my anxiety is starting to get bad.
Those are temporary escapes but they make the overall problem worse
t. Used to SWED
They're the only relief I can get. That's why I'm considering going to a doctor and getting real medication, but I'm terrified of the side effects. I don't want to trade anxiety for weight gain, or brain fog.
Get on HRT and fix your life
I've already ordered the HRT online. It'll be here in a few days.
stop doing weed you fucking retard. there's a reason why potheads and acid fags have the lazy and mentally deranged stereotype.
Cream is it you?
Weed is the only thing that even gives me some semblance of relief, friend. It's either that or suffer in sobriety.
there is a reason that the suicide statistics are so high in the trans community, deciding to transition has many irreversible aspects which can severely affect your quality of life if you change your mind. get therapy for your anxiety first, 100% do this first, if you still want to do it then transition after a proper psych eval. reminder, the odds of you being a "pretty girl" are essentially 0 unless you're already a pretty guy and/or you're willing to get facial feminization surgery.
I don't want therapy, frend. There is nothing for a therapist to unmask, it's just 100% suffering at this point. There's nothing left if you peel back my anxious thoughts. My personality was drained a long time ago. I'm afraid if I get therapy i'll be nothing.
Op, I'm in a situation very similar to yours. Been on weed for 4 years, extremely anxious, and I kind of want to transition.
Weed is strange. For some people, it doesn't do "much", and for some others its like THE thing that suppresses their anxiety. For that second group of people, the process is actually extremely vicious. While high, you don't really think about stressful/depressing things, but when sober, your brain wants weed. So it does what it can do to make you smoke, which is just automatically thinking about stressful/depressing things.
therapy isn't just analysis, it's also about giving you coping mechanisms and helping you to alleviate your symptoms. getting HRT will do nothing for you except probably make your situation FAR worse. go to therapy dude.
Take HRT and I'll buy it for you and make you my gf desu
Alcohol made the gender dysphoria worse, and weed makes me feel stupid. But weed is the only thing that even makes me feel even half decent inside.
there are no coping mechanisms that work for anxiety. I had my first anxiety attack in 4-5 months the other day, and I thought I was fucking dying. Drugs and alcohol are just a dollar store bandage on a bullet wound, at this point.
Get on HRT as soon as possible and also go get therapy.
there are no coping mechanisms that work for anxiety.
there are plenty, this is just inaccurate, you're not the first person with anxiety, you're not the worst and you won't be the last. get help, real help, not just meme tiddie pills
>there are no coping mechanisms that work for anxiety
There is a mountain of studies that disagree with your thesis there, Dr.
There are mechanisms. It's just that as long as you keep consuming drugs on the side, they won't "fully" work. Because you can't be investing yourself in them, as you have this thought in your head that says "I don't care that much anyway, I can feel good later on".
I'd be completely fine with dropping drugs and alcohol if I could take some pill that would cure my anxiety. I knew a chick once who was on tons of mood stabilizers+anti-depressants, etc. She was essentially a zombie. If you take a pill for one thing, you'll have to take another pill for something else. And that keeps going until you're on 10 medications.
Yeah do both, see how hrt makes you feel and if it doesn't help stop before any serious side effects occur. As with therapy you need to find a therapist that works with you so you might have to go to a few people over time
You're not obligated to get medication, OP. Just tell the shrink you don't want any meds, and you want to solve the problems by doing actual therapy. It will be harder at the beginning, but it will be so much better afterwards.
Try and get out of the hold you've dug yourself into, and only when you will feel better start considering HRT. If you are depressed and anxious, the last thing you want is hormones fucking with your brain.
HRT doesn't cause irreversible changes to your body. That's completely false. If you stop taking the girlpills, you'll go straight back to being a boy again because you won't stop producing testosterone unless something surgical happens. It's just that the estrogen will take it's place and make you happy ^^
You can literally just give it a go and see if you like it. Just don't chop your dick off
>I'd be completely fine with dropping drugs and alcohol
>If I could simply find the right drug
Why not just actually talk to a therapist?
Statistically it helps more than the drugs.
this, dubs speak the truth
you gotta work through your problems by talking them out, understanding them and deconstructing what makes you unhappy
taking drugs or pills will only ever be escapism, and never leads to true happiness
at best, you'll get some respite, and then when the bad stuff comes back it'll be worse
also, don't give your fucking money to the pharmaceutical industry
>ghosted by people who pretended to be my friend
>ghosted by literal best friend since I was like 8
>jobless people wont hire me
I've given up, and so should you, anxiety/depression DOESN'T go away, it's a lifelong curse, if you get lucky and it goes away it will pop back up at some point and it's back to square 1.
I hide in my house as a NEET now.
both. i had this problem and anxiety meds didn't help at all. only hrt will.
That's really nihilistic but I'm tempted to agree. I can make the suffering disappear for a while with the right amount of degeneracy, but it always comes back.
Why don't you start working out or spend a month or two at a monastery? drugs are not good for you, fren.
I don't have the energy to work out. And I have no interest in religion.
hrt makes you sterile dude
>I don't want anti-depressants turning me into a zombie
They won't turn you into a zombie, this is a meme. What they'll do is either not work, improve your condition or make you suicidal.
so I have a chance of my anxiety being managed, or I might just feel even worse
why risk it though?
God I wish Eeyore still posted here, he'd have taken all the trap faggots to school
>so I have a chance of my anxiety being managed
Yes. However you need to do therapy alongside it since otherwise it at best dampens the symptoms but doesn't fix the cause.
you're gonna look like shit, dont fall for a meme
but you have the energy to go out and seek dealers. You dont need to be religious to become a wholesome monk
there is no cause to my anxiety. Many things cause me anxiety, such as leaving my house and going to work or using the phone. But there is no one cause. I've been having trouble with anxiety for like 6 years at this point. I don't know anything else.
I don't seek dealers, I use one person who brings me what I need.
There's no point in being a monk if you're not into buddhism or something. I have no beliefs.
you're a retard if you think you have anxiety by leaving your house and there is no deeper cause to it, you just want to deny your problems to avoid going to therapy. GO TO THERAPY YOU FUCKING FAGGOT
This board has really gone to shit. Why do I come here
There's no specific event in my life that caused me to suddenly develop horrific anxiety. I wasn't traumatized or something, I just woke up one day and it was there.
>there is no cause to my anxiety. Many things cause me anxiety, such as leaving my house and going to work or using the phone. But there is no one cause. I've been having trouble with anxiety for like 6 years at this point. I don't know anything else.
Therapy will help you to identify specific things that cause anxiety and will make you more aware of your condition and yourself in general, which will make it easier to manage on the long run.
>no specific event in my life
just because there hasn't been a specific event WHICH YOU REMEMBER doesn't mean it doesn't have a cause, it could have been caused by long-term environmental factors. the behaviour of your parents or peers for example. you might have been bullied, your parents might have been overprotective, your parents might have been abusive or neglectful, it doesn't have to be "that one time i was raped" it can be a multitude of more subtle causes. THIS IS WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT IN THERAPY
So? Even if user wasn't a robot and had a chance of finding a mate, anyone on here should know it's wrong to breed.
regardless it's an irreversible change, if he escapes robotdom and decides he wants to be a dad then he's gonna regret chemically castrating himself for the sake of a meme-fetish
Sure, I had a lot of shitty moments in my childhood, but overall I feel as if more people have/had it worse. My whole life my parents told me medication/doctors were a meme, so as an adult I can't break out of that mindset, even if I know therapy is probably a good step for me.
user's first puberty was an irreversible change and yet nobody sperged out about that then
Again, on this board everyone should know that breeding is wrong.
>my parents told me medication/doctors were a meme
an indication of bad parenting, there are likely more that you've never stopped to consider if they're normal or not which may have affected you negatively. it doesn't matter if people have had worse childhoods than you, mental health isn't a competition. don't chemically castrate yourself and potentially mangle your body because some autists on Jow Forums convinced you it's the magic bullet to your problems. get help, get therapy, if you're advised to take medication then take it, stop letting memes ruin your life.
Get the anxiety fixed first. You'll probably find out you don't want to be a tranny.
People want to be trannies because they have other underlying brain problems and aren't happy with what they are. They see cute girls being social and think "I wish that was me". That combined with the need for validation and the praise heaped on crossdressers by normies for being "brave" pushes them into cutting their dicks off and taking hormones. But you'll never be a real girl or pass as one because you've been raised and socialized as a male from birth. You'll just be a man with tits and no dick trying to be what they think a female is.
>I personally think that breeding is wrong therefore a random user i've never met will never want kids
puberty is a normal part of life, fucking up your biology with titty pills isn't.
Sounds like you've got alot to talk About in therapy. Try it.
Good therapists know the right questions, they'll ask you a couple things, you reply and then it gets you thinking about yourself and your past.
You'll never br a gril user, plus many trannies end up regretting transition, thats why there is such a high suicide rate
Why do you think so many of them kys. It's people who hate themselves and think changing your appearance is going to change you fundamentally and magically make you happy. Underneath all the make up and dressing up, you are still the same person there is no getting away from yourself. Work on your problems instead of trying to run away from yourself.
Some Anti-Depressants actually work, some fuck people up. Also changing your diet and lifestyle may work to cure depression (although those methods have had varying success.)