I've been stalking my highschool bully for a few months now and trying to think of a good way to get revenge. He leaves his apartment pretty early, drops off his kid at a daycare then gets his car from a garage and drives to work. He does this everyday. I've been thinking about throwing some sulfuric acid at him and his kid on their way to the daycare. He won't be able to run after me while holding his injured kid in his arms and he's not going to leave him behind in the street to chase me either. Plus if I get him right in the eyes I won't have to worry about him going anywhere lel.
If I melt his kid's face, he'll have to raise a hideously ugly kid who will get bullied by his peers, and he will know how much I suffered because of him. Sounds like the perfect revenge what does r9k think?
I've been stalking my highschool bully for a few months now and trying to think of a good way to get revenge...
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Revenge? On your high school bully? Now?
Pathetic. Don't even bother. You should have gotten your revenge back then. Move on and build a better life for yourself.
Don't drag the innocent into this unless they believe in it too. You're effectively just pulling another person into a shit situation, making you no better than the other portal drivel that infests our planet.
Acid attacks are brainlet tier revenge. Psychologically breaking someone is much harder to fix. Report back with your psychological method.
slash one of his tires
to be fair he is probably still in highschool
It's not worth it, just slash a tire or break a window and leave. If you wanted revenge you should have done it in highschool.
The child is not innocent. He has his dad's genetics and will most likely grow up to become a good looking bully as well.
But hey let's apply normie logic to this situation, if looks dont matter he'll get a girlfriend anyway thanks to his amazing personality so what difference does it make?
Like father, like son. The kid is going to end up the same path as his dad. The only way to fix this is to make him experience the future consequence of his bad future decision. Fuck em up mate
rape the dad in front of his son
>what difference does it make?
I had to, sorry
Fucking onions boy. Kid did fuck all too you. Burn his house down when he is out like a normal person you stupid liberal
Forgive him and move on with your life. You're allowing what he did to you to continue to wound and control you to this day. Take a new start, pray. Any satisfaction you get from this will be fleeting, and when/if you get caught it will only make your life a lot worse.
>Forgive him
Nigger, he bullied him, why the fuck should he forgive him?
OP: Don't listen to this cuck, I advise you go through with throwing a nice cup of acid over that faggot and his kid
To add this cuntfuckulation. Why the fuck didnt you beat his ass in highschool? You got fucked with because you were a school boy bitch. I beat some dick head with a 3/8s drive ratchet in my autoshop class. What stopped you from throwing a biology book at him?
Kidnap his kid retard
i was going to do this just now
nice, good to meet another smiths fan
>Nigger, he bullied him, why the fuck should he forgive him?
Why shouldn't he? He isn't getting bullied by him any more, is he? Vengeance would create unnecessary suffering that does not improve the future in any way.
Stop being a cunt and get over it. We have have been bullied. our lives have all been made a living hell. Stop being a pussy and move on with your life or go to a therapist like I did
It's not about improving the future. It's about vengeance.
Theropy is a waste of God damn money. I dont need a cocksucker in a suit to tell me "youre feeling this emotion because of past experiances" you re live the memory in your mind and it brings back paranoia and dred. Basic fucking psyc. If i were to say "hey you got molested when younger" how many of the fuckers out there who have been molested going to think about that? Try paying someone to make you forget that.
You sound like you probably deserved to get bullied for being this much of a faggot
The kid didn't bully you so leave him alone
>"hurdur but he'll be just like his dad"
Yeah op? Your going to get bullied by a little kid?
Other than that go right ahead
You can get a more accurate shot if you carry the acid in a water bottle with a small hole in the cap.
Also, lye is much easier to acquire and works better.
Oh my god so much onions in this thread
Sounds life some stupid fucking thing Batman would say.
yeah okay sure say hi to your prison inmates for me
just slash his tires or fuck with his car in some way
punishing his kid too is fucked up. how would you like to get punishment for something your parents did?
keep personal matters personal and do not drag in any other people
OP is a onions boy everyone bully this faggot
This makes me cringe. Stop and just get over it, without throwing acid you moron
Onions boys btfo
Revenge all the way
btw if you want to make it psychological for the former bully you could pay some other kid at same school to bully his kid.
Don't let him live a happy life after fucking up yours.
Do it. It's what he deserves.
Were a mask if your really wanting to do it. No one can stop you
He was innocent too. That didnt stop his bully
You should honestly do it. Most bullies, from my experience, remains the same throughout their lifes. Your bully has not changed, fuck him up.
Just find a roadkill cat, stuff it into a jar, keep it on sun for a few days, walk up to the bully's car, smash the window and throw the jar into the car
No need for violence you pathetic fuck
How fucked are you any ways? Why not fuck with him all the time in slow ways? My neighbor is a mid 20s onions boy liberal and i fuck with him all the time and its great.
How is it perfect? You'll go to jail.
Maybe his life is so shit that he doesn't care.
Nigger do you think this is the dark web? Youre violating US law, multiple people probably reported you and you will be watched by the cops.
What a schizo retard. I hope you get jailed
Making it even shittier doesn't sound like a good idea. Prison isn't a good place for people who do shit to kids.
>people cook for you and do your laundry and you get a room for yourself
Other than shared showers how is that any worse than a robots life.
Not that guy but it doesn't work that way. You can get singled out by teachers as a "troublemaker" simply for responding to bullies, and the school will threaten basically ruining your life with administrative measures if you fight again. Then your parents will also fearmonger you with that and threaten you with punishment if you fight. Add to that the fact that the bully usually is a bit more aggressive than the kid being bullied, and you lose all desire to fight unless you get attacked first. Hell in many cases even fighting back when the bully started the fight will get you in trouble.
One of the really fucked up things is that female teachers generally actually like the Chad bullies and the popular/normal kids and DONT WANT you, as a robot, to fight back, which is the reason why they'll punish you fighting back but won't do anything about Chad beating you up even when they see it. A secondary reason is they also like that social order because it allows them to control the class better. I could always sense this on some level but it never dawned upon me until i started reading about social dynamics and hierarchy between humans. Even the male teachers i had were like this now that i think of it so i don't want to fully blame it on women, i think it's more of a normalfag thing than anything else but its really fucked up.
>hates bullies
>becomes a bully
>hero becomes what he set out to destroy
Kino trope
Leave the kid out of it. If there is will be a police investigation on it they'll try much harder if you also attack the kid. If you do it, make sure there are no cameras or eyewitnesses around. Cover your face and dress in a manner that makes you unrecognizable (so dont wear your favorite shirt you always like to wear). Thats it.
Based and intelligent
burn down his car, or burn him and the kid, you can make and easy flametrower with a watergun filled with gasoline
real robots are in jail anyway, it is known as their room