I can't go to any of my local take away's anymore because the owners all think I'm stuck up for not talking to them and get all sulky and passive aggressive whenever I go in
Why are normies such delicate little snowflakes?
I can't go to any of my local take away's anymore because the owners all think I'm stuck up for not talking to them and get all sulky and passive aggressive whenever I go in
Why are normies such delicate little snowflakes?
You get sulky and passive aggressive?
I don't know what it's like where you're from, but in takeaways in the UK it's nice to at least recognise the existence of the people serving you in a friendly way.
It's one of the only times I get to speak to people outside of my family atm also and the girl at the Chinese is kinda cute
>You get sulky and passive aggressive?
They do.
>I don't know what it's like where you're from, but in takeaways in the UK it's nice to at least recognise the existence of the people serving you in a friendly way.
I'm from the UK and fuck that. There's one place I actually like and it's a chinese where they barely speak english and have a high countertop to discourage conversation.
>It's one of the only times I get to speak to people outside of my family atm also and the girl at the Chinese is kinda cute
I don't want to speak to anyone, even the cute chinese girl taking my order
I dunno then man, do order instead of collection or just learn to cook yourself?
Just go anyway who gives a fuck what they think
literally no store owner gives a fuck about your conversation. they want your money and then they want you to leave. you're doing something to piss them off, then you're coming here to cry for attention while not telling us the whole truth.
No, I'm telling you the whole truth. They're asshurt that I shoot down any attempts at small talk. I just politely respond in one word answers until they take the hint and then they get sulky that I don't want to be friends.
This is the whole story you stupid normie fuck.
Get the "pls be patient I have autism" cap. Since I got mine people especially in retail treat nicer even if I avoid eye contact and don't speak.
>you're doing something to piss them off
>I shoot down any attempts at small talk.
There ya go, brianlet.
Grow up and talk to them normally you shite for brains. You are part of the reason this country is shitting itself culturally. Faggy little white boys who have no sense of community
I'm not required to have smalltalk with you, grow up pissbaby we're not in school anymore.
Fuck you, I'm there for food not to talk to you. Don't talk to me unless it's about my order. There is no such thing as community and it hasn't existed for the past 20,000 years, get a fucking grip. The last time real communities existed was before the dawn of agriculture. I don't care about you, you're the food monkey so make it and shut up. I'm paying you, that should be enough you fucking child. Stop sulking that I don't want to talk to you.
why dont you just phone them up shortly beforehand and just go in and pick it up?
they wont chat to you on the phone and there will be minimal talking in the store because your food will be ready when you get there
Uh why so angry? I'm just telling you how it is. Normies get pissy when you dont play their silly games. Also I strongly doubt someone like you even talked at school
devil trips confirm the real reason because OP has a shitty attitude
Sounds like you're the snowflake, bro.
You need to fix your attitude.
Act like an asshole and people will think you're an asshole. I really don't get what the big mystery is here.
Tell that to the workers not us. What are you even doing? We dont wanna hear you vent
>Why are normies such delicate little snowflakes?
said the guy who thinks that sulkiness and passive aggression means he literally can't eat there anymore.kek.
My guess is that you're overthinking it, see the spotlight effect. I think a restaurant owner appreciates a regular customer more than sparkling conversation and smiles. And even if they are actually being "sulky", who cares as long as you get your food?
Haha, and this pussy is spaz is calling other people snowflakes.
Learn to live in a society or just kill yourself you drain
This. As long as theres an open kitchen so they cant fuck with your food who cares what kitchenslaves think of you
normies are way too sensitive ikr, im not always sulky and passive agressive i just come across that way and it pisses me off when others think i need to cheer up, i feel like i come across that way as im a teen going through the worst fucking point of puberty, its not all that easy being me
Clearly you're projecting your aggressive nature, buddy. You act like a fag, and that's why they dislike you.
Why are you normie fucks even on Jow Forums?
If you don't actively hate speaking to other people irl you don't belong here.
>if you dont suck my dick and agree with me without question youre a normie
this is some of the worst gate keeping ive ever seen on Jow Forums
Normies always take it personal when you don't want to talk to them. You must know, in their little heads they're absolutely convinced they're the most likeable, interesting and unique character on this whole planet, and when you shoot down their tries to have a conversation with you you're basically destroying their bubbles they have been living in for their entire lives. They can't deal with any sort of rejection, and when they do get turned down it's always everyone else's fault
Nigga I'm weirder than you. Doesnt mean I get confused when normies get pissy when you dont play their games.
>If you don't actively hate speaking to other people irl you don't belong here
Agreed. But then why do you care what wagies think of you? Are you banned from your take aways or what?
Leave if you don't like it
Get out ebonics using normie faggot
Fuck off to reddit
I stop going when they start getting pissy with me because they start overcooking/burning my order and I worry they spit in it or something. So after they start getting sulky I just never go back.
Youre the normie if you can even order yourself at a restaurant whitout stuttering, sweating and panicking
>repeatedly goes to restaurant with horrible attitude
>gets food intentionally cooked wrong and spit in
really making me think here, bro
Report them then. But I still dont believe they get pissy enough to fuck up your food just because you give one word answers. This sounds like that gangstalking shit. You sure youre not schizophrenic and just imagining it all?
>If you don't actively hate speaking to other people irl you don't belong here.
None of those posts say that you ought to enjoy speaking, or that they themselves enjoy speaking, dipshit. We all hate ourselves here, and we're just telling you the truth.
>How's your day?
Not bad, yours?
>Pretty good.
What would you like to order?
>Uhhh can I uhhh get some uhhhhh chicken strips
Sure. That'll be 5 minutes.
Here's your meal thanks have a great day.
Jesus christ showing a shred of common decency is that hard? It takes all of a minute out of your day. No one wants some deep conversation, just recognition that you exist and are not a doormat is nice.
>t. Worked in retail for 3+ years
>not engaging in small talk with wagies is horrible attitude
No theres more to the story
>How's your day?
>uhh *blank stare*
Anything else is retarded. Not OP
>Can I get a portion of chicken balls, a chicken curry and some egg fried rice please?
>Sure, that's 10.25
>So how bout that weather huh real scorcher?
>Yeah haha
>You doing anything this weekend
How am I being rude?
>>How's your day?
I have never been asked that by a worker in my life. Are you American?
>not engaging in small talk with wagies is horrible attitude
if OP cant contain his shit ITT without giving himself away as having a horrible attitude, how easy do you think it is for people IRL to notice how horrible he is? pretty easy, i bet.
Normies BTFO
Hes being an internet tough guy you retard. No way
*no way hed be that rude IRL. Are you from reddit ir why are you using your reallife persona on here
>Hes being an internet tough guy
and in the process losing any support he may have received from user
I am american.
Try asking the worker. Very few do and it seems like you care about the response. They normally lighten up at that point.
Sorry you chad you but shits easy senpai.
>support from internet strangers
What? Why?
So youre really expected to make smalltalk with random retail workers? Talking to your hairdresser I get but the cashier doesnt need to know how my day is
It's typically polite to respond to friendly questions with more than one word answers.
Doing that makes you come across as dismissive and ungrateful. Which obviously you are.
Maybe you want to live in a thankless, de-humanised society, but most people don't. For that reason, when others notice behaviour that seems to be headed in that direction, they become socially hostile toward you. It's a pretty standard reaction and it's how societies weed out what they consider to be socially impermissible or undesirable behaviour.
In short, get used to it, assimilate, or leave the society (either through emigration or suicide - choice is yours).
>friendly questions
Sauce? Were all pissed off by the weather and asking for his weekend plans is really creepy and invasive
Its all just throwaway conversation but it avoid the "feeling like a doormat" effect for the worker. Its truly demoralizing.
Plus they'll bend over backwards for you if they feel you're a pleasant person. They'll try and please you if there is any minor problem or let you know a protip about the store/sales etc.
It's very beneficial to you and them to be friendly with them.
I choose option 4:
Fuck you, entitled normie. Get over yourself, you don't deserve my attention. I have no interest in you or your boring life, keep your opinions to yourself and do the job you're being paid for.
>asking for his weekend plans is really creepy and invasive
This is a very typical human person question. Most people work during the week and do something fun on the weekend. Hence asking what they're gonna do this weekend.
>"feeling like a doormat"
Like I said I'm not american. We're equals.
But hes at work and asking a customer. Its not normal nor even accepted its just creepy
>Why are normies such delicate little snowflakes?
Same reason most people on here are. Lacking any real empathy for anyone different than you.
You're gonna go far, kid.
Nah who are we kidding, you're a NEET who will die alone and unloved, stemming from an inability to treat even customer service staff with any shred of humanity.
Good luck with the GF too.
I agree with you op. Fuck anyone who wants to make me spend even more of my day outside.
Don't get me wrong, I don't really want your attention. I just want you to realise that your worldview is unsustainable.
Whats the alternative for a robot you fucking retard?
very reddit
much facebook
>treating normies like they treat us is inhumane
You really are whiny and pissy
It's entitlement.
Normies always feel as if they owe each other attention. They feel so entitled to attention that they lash out when they don't get it.
>be me
>performing deliveries
>approach a counter at a hockey rink
>tell the secretary the cafeteria is locked
>Yes, it's locked because it doesn't open until nine
>well, open it, I need to drop everything off
>I can radio the maintenance man to open it for you
>I nod and return to the cafeteria door to wait
>wait five minutes, and return to the desk
>Did you call the maintenance man? he hasn't come yet
>No, because you just walked away
>uh-huh, so you require a man to stand here to make sure you do as you said you would?
the look on her face was amusing, and she wasn't any better at scolding than she was at calling people
But I wish I was different. I wish I wouldn't feel an urge of "making the conversation as short as I can because this is not enjoyable for me, and just stressful" everytime I talk to people.
Hey man it's not always easy, I get that. And sometimes even the most sociable of people aren't in the mood to make small talk.
It's all about taking steps. Think of it like exercising your social mind. Start of forcing yourself to respond a little more than usual, but don't feel like you've got to over do it. Eventually that becomes natural and you can just keep ramping it up until eventually it feels as natural as anything
>Been going to the same KFC every Friday night for the past 3 years and always get the same order.
>Staff usually recognise me (unless they've just done a shift rotation)
>Originally was a bit self conscious about going there at the same time every week but just tried to be polite with the staff etc.
>Especially as I have a facial disfigurement so I look like a might be a literal tendyboy and staff were always smiling when I went in (couldn't tell if they were laughing at me or just happy to see a regular)
>My order is usually ready within seconds regardless of how busy it is and usually they put in extra tendies no joke
>mfw now a chicken VIP
Becoming a regular at a takeaway is so dope man. I sometimes fantasize that the owner will introduce me to his cute daughter or something
I also used to be a regular at a KFC but after a while staff just started laughing AT me because probably because i'm socially awkward and fat. Really pissed me off desu, i know i come off autistic but i always do adhere to social rules. At one point i wanted to call out the faggot smirking at me and make a scene but i rationalized i didn't want to ruin my day and also never be able to go there anymore. Plus i kinda feared being in a WORLDSTAAAAAR video as well, and also not actually achieving anything as they probably wouldn't fire a regular worker because he laughed at some autist.
Normies make it really hard for me to not advocate for their genocide desu. I always adhere to social rules and don't act like a retard but i still get treated like shit because i'm socially awkward and fat.
I hear you m8. I think sometimes they do laugh at me too but the chicken is more important. I did my research beforehand so I know this KFC is the best one in the area so the week's where I get self conscious I just tell myself it can only be worse.
Anime girl posting and low functioning autism: name a more iconic duo
why are you considered an asshole because you don't want have conversations with people while they do their JOB? so fucking retarded
It makes you look stuck up and is if you think that person isn't worth talking to. I'm not saying they're right or that you should have long conversations with them but you should at least acknowledge people