Why is everyone on r/incelTears so fucking retarded? They are honestly the most retarded and hypocritical people ever...

Why is everyone on r/incelTears so fucking retarded? They are honestly the most retarded and hypocritical people ever. They will wish death and rape on people but yet at the same time think its bad? What a load of self righteous bullshit they're nothing more than frauds and i hope every last one dies.

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Because they're all either women or betamen doing their best to imitate women for approval

They're pathetic the betas are more pathetic than the women they just want good boy points from the women on that sub

Wake up, literally all normies are like this.

They take any excuse to be furious animals themself. All these normies are getting super worked up about any person that harm others, only to reveal that all they themself would also like to harm others.

I fucking hate normies honestly atleast i can admit i have problems they can't they're just fucking retards

>the betas are more pathetic than the women they just want good boy points from the women on that sub

Wait until you go on r/niceguys

R/niceguys aren't more pathetic than inceltears fags nice guys are just annoying while IT fags are just pathetic and cringy

>not believing in an eye for an eye

Wow basedboy detected

>They are honestly the most retarded and hypocritical people ever. >They will wish death and rape on people but yet at the same time think its bad?
>What a load of self righteous bullshit they're nothing more than frauds and i hope every last one dies.

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>All these normies are getting super worked up about any person that harm others
They get worked up over everything, including not tipping waitresses or a man wanting to only date younger women.

lemme guess, they're wishing death and rape on ppl ironically so it's okay

Nope they're serious about it

Shut the fuck up I never once said i was moral ill wish death upon anyone i want i hate faggots who say their moral and non violent but turn around and do this shit i always knew i wasn't moral unlike these fags

Anime posters are cancer

>on an anime board

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>said on a website based around anime where 99% of posters are weebs

Anime is still garbage
Jojo is the only good anime

99% of this website is cancer

Inceltears was so fun in June/July last year before it blew up.

Its a bunch of losers whining about another group of losers whining

then go to reddit, no one is stopping you

Not even an incel and I'm banned from that sub for pointing this out.

IT is a circle jerk they will censor anyone that doesn't think exactly like them its fucking stupid

Yeah but they fell for all the histrionic bullshit no matter what

Yea its pretty sad desu

Fuck off ironic weeb


Hello Nigger!
!reggiN olleH

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Your morality is pathetic. Normies are tribalistic. You have to inflict voilence on those that are volient. You have to go to war if you're are invaded. You can't tolerate the intolerant. Hurrr durrr, if you kill him, you'll be just like him.

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I don't have morals lmao

>implying Jow Forums and r/inceltears dont share the same userbase

r/niceguys, r/inceltears, r/justneckbeardthings, all these subs dedicated entirely for shitting on low status beta men. Normies and women have no values or beliefs, they simply despise ugly men.

What an awful comic. It's fucking bizarre how the left claims its opponents are a bunch of petulant, fat virgins who can't get anything accomplished, but also strawmans them as literal super Nazis when necessary to make themselves seem like stronger heroes of justice and goodness.

Why is it so difficult to find a political ideology to identify with? Honestly, all major ones have very good ideas though some of them that concern the same topic are very different. I don't want to be the faggot on-the-fence faggot anymore but I also do not want to become a soros shill (antifa and alt right are both soros shills ruining both "parties'" reputation to prevent normies from getting serious in politics.)

But that comic is right though even if it is exaggerated. The left and right have irreconcilable differences. Centralists are cancer. They just let who ever has the power abuse it, while pretending that non-action is innocence.

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what was the context? who do they want dead?
some incel board posts might make this justified, desu

Dude catfished a rape victim and made fun of her

Robots should sympathise with incels we're both khhvs

THIS. Even in movies the ugly guy is the butt of the joke and the handsome guy is the cool protagonist everyone likes

Honestly same i liked communism for awhile but it got ruined by other communists

this episode of 20/20 about lookism set up a fake court with a guilty handsome man and an innocent ugly man and the jury convicted the ugly man. pretty redpilling.


Most normal men dont even think about social losers this is something women do for an unexplained reason, women think it is sane to devote your free time to mentally abusing social losers for fun.

Women's brains are wired to despise low status men. They have to assess any and all men based on their sexual and social worth, it's just how they are. They can't fathom the idea of treating someone like a human being, their every action is dictated by their instincts and what their vagina feels. It's not enough that they like Chad, they also have to despise anyone lower than him.

I wish they actually acted on it.

Ugly guys can't ever win can we

Incels need to grow a pair everyone else was made fun of at some point

t. roastie who thinks the mild teasing she's experienced is the same as the abuse incels have gone through
Get out, roast.

Robots have a lot in common with incels
We both can't get laid
We both are autsitic
We both are khhvs
We both crave love

>a group of people defined by their suffering needs to endure ridicule

being angry about this is like crying out while you strike someone, if your edgy enough to do this shit, you a big enough boy to handle someone saying mean things about you on reddit

No its retarded to act like you're morally superior to someone and say that murder and rape is bad but then turn around and wish it on others that make fun of a roastie getting raped like who the fuck cares

>Some betafag telling you to KYS is abuse now
One major thing is robots don't bitch about it
Even if you were the ugliest man ever you could still fuck a prostitutie, if your white just go to Thailand

Yes they robots always bitch about thats why there is tfw no gf threads and a bunch of other shit
Stop being a bitch incels and robots are what normies hate most

They don't.... anyways, go back to watching pewdiepie faggot

This is exactly how roasties and normans try to justify bullying others

>you could still fuck a prostitute
>ironically bullying without even knowing it

>>Some betafag telling you to KYS is abuse now
Incels are bullied and treated like shit by everyone since the day they're born. Ugly men have been mankind's enemy since the start of time.