is a female-oriented community. Comments from male users are not desired...

> is a female-oriented community. Comments from male users are not desired. If you state your gender in your comment or post in an otherwise identifiable manner, bait, or thirst-post, you will be banned and your comment will be deleted.

why doesn't r9k have rules like this? this would completely destroy all the stupid bait out there

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because r9k wasnt created solely for guys, retard

then why don't we create one soley for guys? i can't access CC because im a guy but girls from CC can access r9k? this is p gay

Because there's no one to enforce them.

because unlike women most guys don't get triggered about women participating too as long as they're not attention whores

Paradox: ANY women posting in a 95% male community is a thirsty attention whore already. Get em out.

Just go to wizardchan.

Also thanks for sharing this user, it's interesting to browse. Wonder what percentage of users are actually girls (female).

were you here for when Britfeel set up a colony there back in march?

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Would fucking love it if it had that.

Women already have Crystal Cafe. No reason for them to be here except to bait, exploit and laugh at robots.

I'm all for this. If someone is identified to be a Fembot and instant IP-ban should be issued.

All women are attentionwhores user and Fembots are the worst of those whcih exist.

>rights for me but not for thee
femoids and their supporters, everyone

r9k has never been male only

you males COULD make your own male only imageboard, but males don't cuz you're all thirstbags and can't do anything constructive at all

This was made to be male only you stupid roastie.

Now you have your own place. Stay in
You have your own place, no reason to come her except to whore arround.
(which admittedly you've been doing a lot on your trip, got many satelites yet?)

>why doesn't r9k have rules like this?
It does on wizchan and a number of other chans.
The problem is Jow Forums is run by a third party, and outsider, a person who is more concerned with shekels than post quality. Hiroshima would never want less people on his site.

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Fuck off with your censorship bs. this isnt your safespace

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You must not know where you are. The attention whores usually get worshiped, and any other girl is, "a fake larper fag that needs to leave reeeeeeeee"

>why doesn't r9k have rules like this?
Because there's already Wizchan for men, where you are all welcome to hide. You don't get to go around declaring your favorite sites as male-only or female-only just because you want them to be.

>This was made to be male only you stupid roastie.
Neck yourself, newfaggot. Jow Forums is an OC board created to produce OC with the help of a repost-blocking R O B O T. You know, the thing that mutes you for 2^n seconds for posting unoriginal content? Yeah, that was why this board was created.
You have no idea of the history of this place, you are but a shitstain on the timeline.

its because mods are whiteknight cucks

>Fuck off with your censorship bs. this isnt your safespace
Back to r*ddit you go

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>roastie screeching when she realizes her orbiter honeypot will be taken from her
The sheer amount of butthurt in this post amazing

R9K was deleted and then remade because all the male virgins from here would end up on other boards where people told them to get the fuck out and stop posting r9k tier stuff. Nu-R9K was literally made as a containment board for male virgins. Then after a while it started being shitted up by "fembot here" posts and contactfagging from people from other boards mainly, so /soc/ was made as a containment board for people them and you. R9K was always a male virgin board.

I legitimately cant survive if i dont get attention on this board as a fembot. Ive been in solitude for 2 years of my life with no human contact. You have no idea what its like to shut off from everybody else. All I want is some positive attention from people who can relate with me. Theres no harm in that user.

I don't have any orbiters and don't need them. I met my boyfriend on Jow Forums in 2014 and we've been dating almost three years.

I've been posting here longer than any of you underaged useless faggots, know more about board culture/history, and won't be leaving any time soon. There is Wizchan if you need a safe space to nurse your anguished anus. Jow Forums isn't here to babysit you and provide for you. /r9k2/ wasn't a baby wiz containment board, it only devolved to that point after a few years of huge influxes of underaged redditors, such as yourself, who couldn't differentiate between an ironic meme and a real complaint.

Shut the fuck up, you stupid whore. Just die already.

Even negative attention is something I also appreciate and live for.
Its better than nothing

>You have no idea what its like to shut off from everybody else
I don't think so lmao, many of use here are NEETs who only leave their homes to get food and shit.

open bob oreganally

>I don't have any orbiters and don't need them. I met my boyfriend on Jow Forums in 2014 and we've been dating almost three years.
>i met failed chad after fishing for orbiters for years
The absolute irony

>butthurt screeching rant
You're delusional, roastie. R9K was L I T E R A L L Y remade because other boards complained about robot virgins "shitting up" their boards with tfw no gf and other r9k topics. It was L I T E R A L L Y made as a containment board for male virgins. Even when other boards, the same boards who complained about robots posting there, would start invading with r9k a new board was made for contactfagging to keep r9k a containment board for male virgins. Stay mad, roastie.

>I legitimately cant survive if i dont get attention
Yeah, that does sound like a woman. Kys anyway roastie.

how about you kill me instead user cannot be any girls main board. It's slow as fuck, it's sterile and everyone walks on eggshells because women are hysterical and it's a minefield for newcomers because all the basic bitches have been sucking on each others bean for ages in their discord.
So if you argue with any of them, their dyke friends will jump on you like hyenas.

That's why the vast majority of girls still browse Jow Forums as their main board. The only girls that stick to c.c exclusively are normalfag stacies that have busy normal lives so the board being slow doesn't affect them.

when I first found out about this gay site I wanted to go there and post as an undercover man and spoil the culture and atmosphere by posting in a manly way but not enough to be banned.

However when I looked around the site the threads are so boring and dead that I couldn't be bothered.

Women really are on average so fucking vapid and soft-brained and empty.

>Stay mad
You're the one who is angry, I'm just correcting your inane childish ranting so you don't forget that you're not important.

I liked the posts there where some girl was getting shat on because she said she was saving her virginity and wanted a virgin boyfriend like herself.

>R9K was L I T E R A L L Y remade because other boards complained about robot virgins "shitting up" their boards with tfw no gf and other r9k topics.
that's totally wrong and you're trying to rewrite history.

Jow Forums was remade because former users requested it , not because users of other boards complained about their boards becoming more Jow Forums-ish.

By a big margin, the board that changed the most as a result of Jow Forums's closure was Jow Forums and that didn't arouse all that much complaints because Jow Forums did have a significant strain of misogyny before, so that strain becoming bigger wasn't a huge or disruptive change.

>can't even do that one thing right, still need a man to do it for you
No thanks alt-Stacey I won't be your chad fux beta murder-homicide 1 bux.

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i've made at least 5 threads designed to trigger any robots reading, they are still up over the months. i am a male, straight, obese

you never talk to people one on one?

Now I'm going to wonder which. Can't remember any particular triggering ones