Anyone here have a comfy low tier job? I'm looking for suggestions
>dropped out of university
>parents are pressuring me to do something with my life and they won't take burger flipping as a viable answer
>currently looking into apprenticeships but I have no clue what's good
>I just want a comfy and quiet life
Becoming a wagie
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you can't all be in college or NEETs, right? bump
Whatever you do, don't go into retail. I did 10 years and I just wanted to die most of the time.
Factory work seems to be robot work. I'm a package handler now, basically all I do is wake up at 2:30AM and then pick boxes off a conveyor belt to place in specific locations inside of a van. I'm usually out of there around 8AM and then have the rest of the day to do whatever.
>I'm a package handler
yeah I actually thought about doing that
is it a shit tier position where you can get fired anytime or is it pretty cushy?
My job required a two year degree with some special training. I can listen to podcasts, books, or music while I work. It pays decently and has benefits.
Some downsides: working with sharp objects and toxic chemicals. Also many labs (but not mine) are heavily focused on high productivity, which might be stressful.
honestly I'd rather not go back to college, it's probably a waste of time for someone like me
I'm willing to do stuff like apprenticeships or certs but I'm too dumb and lazy to finish a degree
Not that guy but I did package handling over Christmas a couple years ago. Absolutely inhuman conditions, 12 hour shifts that begin at 9PM with illegals and drug addicts, plus at least 3 hours of overtime, and it's required you work at least 6 days of the week throughout the Christmas season, including holidays
After three shifts of that hell I noped right the fuck back to community college, got the first loan I could and started learning to code. I understand that conditions aren't quite as awful when it isn't the busiest time of the year, but that experience was terrifying to me
You'll be working pretty hard and possibly loading up to 4 different vans at once, but you won't get fired as long as you show up even if you do a shitty job. kek the guy who works next to me is literally a fucking retard who loads like a dumbass and he hasn't been fired. Pretty decent starting pay too, I'm getting 13.50 an hour for the early morning shift, average about 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's all work and not much communication either, good for robots. You'll work up a sweat though, and there's plenty of heavy boxes to fuck with.
Overall I like it way more than retail though. And you can move up to a manager position from being a package handler if that's your thing. I wouldn't though, I don't like the idea of being a manager and being responsible for shit kek. Fedex Ground is the place I'm at btw so I don't know if it's different at UPS or whatever
deadass apply for a prep chef position at a restaurant, you don't even need a brain really. it's easy, you get paid a good amount (I get 23 an hour) and all you need to do is wake up at like 5 in the morning.
doesn't it depend on who you work for too?
>I noped right the fuck back to community college, got the first loan I could and started learning to code
that's probably what I'd do if I weren't a retard and college applications were still open where I live
Jesus dude what company was that? I worked through the Christmas season last year and it never got THAT bad
I would just walk out of your house and finance your own place to live.
Times have changed since your parents' time and they're delusional to the point where they are denying the fact. And that's the reason why animals kick their male children out of the den at adult age. Because it helps them with surviving on their own.
Move away from your parents, man. They'll only drag you down.
If you want a job, though, find a good career center (preferably federally funded). They make the whole job networking thing a lot easier.
t. University dropout who became a professional bathroom cleaner
sounds good, I got shit endurance but good physical strength so I should be fine
>being responsible for shit
like what? employee fuckups?
isn't it stressful as fuck?
>find a good career center
yep I'm gonna go to one of those sometime this week and see what they have
I can't live independently yet though I gotta find something stable first
Like making decisions about where to place people and taking charge. I'm WAY too indecisive to ever have a management position anywhere.
yeah I guess, though I can't imagine lower management for package handling to be a position where you'd have to regularly take important decisions
That's alright, man. Good luck to ya
Look OP. Become a janitor. Its the ultimate robot career choice.
>work comfy hours after all the normies have gone home
>get to explore office buildings and learn all their secret underbelly passages
>get access to whole build
>listen to music and zone out once you know the work like the back of your hand
>typically unsupervised after a few weeks of training
>can come in high so long as you can handle yourself
>best part, YOU DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE, just their trash and feces...which is strangely better
I loved being a janitor in college. I used to pretend i was a monk, and the building i cleaned was my temple which i cleaned every day as part of a ritual. I always felt saticfied. You can also take candy off peoples desks if its in a little bowl. Like trick or treating every night. And when i cleaned the top floor of the building, i could looks out over the whole towns lights at was beautiful. And you get to experience it by yourself. No one to hassle you. Just the calm of the a janitor OP.
thanks user
good taste
honestly I'd do it in a heartbeat but I know my parents would go apeshit if I told them I was gonna be a janitor when they're already angry at me for being a college dropout.
it's definitely the kind of comfy job I'd love though
>don't go into retail. I did 10 years
Is retail that bad
hey user, I work as a security guard on night shifts, its super comfy, I dont need to talk to nobody and the night is very peaceful, I read manga and browse bullshit my entire shift, Im
It's the last job a robot should consider. If meeting new people drains you and makes you anxious you'll hate it.
can you choose night shifts? I thought you were affected to something
How do you get started in security? Don't you need some kind of training
the thing is, normies like the day shift, so they can go out at night or something idk, the guys from other shifts have sometimes changed from night to the day one, but never the other day around
weekends and holidays are the best btw, cuz you will literally be the only one on the company that day, which are usually my fap days
heres the thing, this security company I work for, before I was promoted to security guard, I did video monitoring for them for around a year, and yes, you usually will need training for that, I just got lucky I guess, and I live in a small town too so, maybe thats got something to do with it aswell
I heard of some really good shit like some guys who work security for special companies like gov contractors and get to do jack shit all day/night + have good pay and benefits
I'm guessing those jobs are hard to get though
whose the artist of the OP image? I like it
use saucenao user
I have a job far better than any wagie shit.
I work from home AND make fukkin bank.
What do you do from home? Please don't tell me programming
I work for a small company in a small town so the salary isnt amazing or whatever, I get like 1/3 more than minwage, there is a very small chance that if I work a couple more years I "could become able to maybe be on a possible list" to get another promotion, but that would certainly require me to go through a couple months of training with firearms and stuff, I dont plan stuff that far ahead tho so I got no expectation
How long have you been working at fedex?
user you can't claim shit like that and leave me hanging