I'm a girl lurking r9k cause I'm heavily attracted to dark, messed up men
reading about men hating themselves turns me on
It's horrible but it's true
Idk ama maybe
>dark, messed up men
>post an image of the most basedboy emo faggot germany has to offer
kill yourself useless roastie whore
how narcissistic do you have to be to think anyone wants to ask you anything
Last time you had your shit pushed in?
Like the brooding type
Selfloathing is an attractive quality to women
Good question user, if there was a scale maybe 7/10?
Not sure what that means
Like anal sex?
drug tattoo chad? there might be a couple. try /mu/ or /fa/
I can pick other guys if u want me to
Aw you're sweet
let's make a suicide pact
you go first
But how can I save you from yourself when I'm dead
i don't want anyone to save me
let's just fuck and cut ourselves
You fucking scum seriously kill yourself.
Lurking and laughing at us.
Also fucking hillarious if you imagine us to look like Chad in the pic.
>Selfloathing is an attractive quality to women
u wot
Speak for yourself, nigga. I look better than him, but I'm fucking autistic.
You're the worst type of woman...
WHo the fuck does your messed up piece of shit of a brain even want to save?
I'll give you at least points to not pretending to be a "fembot".
I'm very pain sensitive idk if that would be a good idea
But sure let's have sex
Yeah hold on
I've never laughed at anyone on this board who had any sort of problem. I'm taking all this seriously and I'm sad when another person suffers
fine i'll cut myself for both of us
look what you made me do
i'll take away your pain bb
Oh don't be so dramatic I'm sure there's worse than me
Idk you tell me dude
no you don't shut the fuck up nigger
tits or gtfo
Don't joke about that
Like idk I'm aware that it looks suspicious of me to say that now
But if you wanna talk I'll give you my discord
That save sick boys is a meme (at least in part) and I promise I won't try to save u but if u need to vent u can
Isn't it like against the rules to post yourself on r9k
>I'm a girl
Fuck off roastice.
who the fuck reads Jow Forums rules
U don't apparently
i actually did cut myself a few times. it made me feel better. i would like to vent and fuck but i don't have a discord. i'm too fucked up for anything more than a fwb right now.
OP, mayhaps you have a discord we could discuss this further on?
Like fucking hell you do. At the ones you belive to be ugly you laugh.
At theo nes you think are hot you fem-fap too.
Considering you're literally here to satisfy your fetish just makes you scum worse than most people here.
Also congrats on getting some satelites already so youcan scam cash out of them.
Please stop this fake shit femanon.
You're just going to fuck over some newfags without experience with your type.
Can't you go like fuck over normal people instead of making people on here even more fucking miserable?
If you wanna talk I'm flexible concerning the platform
Yeah calm down everybody I don't wanna wife you just cause you're using Jow Forums. Who's the narcissistic one here
Jesus Christ calm down dude
It's just an anonymous thread you know nothing about me
I feel like your anger is lowkey misdirected
>I'm a girl lurking r9k cause I'm heavily attracted to dark, messed up men
reading about men hating themselves turns me on
It's horrible but it's true
Pic is me btw guys ::)
Look I can see how you'd think that
But I swear I'm not fucking anyone over, if anyone on here wants to vent I'm more than willing to listen
Ffs this got way more serious than i had anticipated
corbynms #0408
Not too far off bby
desu there's not much to talk about. i'm fucked up and nothing will fix it. my life will get worse every day as i get older until i die alone. i think about suicide every day. my ex left me because i'm a loser who hates himself.
i just want to find a girl who likes to hang out and talk about the universe, watch anime and fuck. that's it. i'll even compromise the anime, i don't care anymore.
No, no, no I'm directing this shit right at you.
You piece of shit cumdumpster.
You come here to fuck with peoples feelings and fuck them over, no misdirection bout that.
send me the instagram of that cutie please
probably the first guy with a tattoo on his face who I found attractive
thanks. finna dab on these arcanines, yo
> shit got more serious than anticipated
Were you even a lurker here, or did you just join?
Was the dark brooding type you expected some sort of cool type?
This is a place for fucked up people who have been fucked over by people like you and fembots/femanons are known for exploiting and even driving Robots to suicide on here.
Like what the fuck do you expect being welcommed with open arms by all? Only newfags fall for that shit now.
well why dont you use your fucking brain next time
Okay well fuck
Sorry for upsetting you
Yes, good. Now fuck off to crystal.cafe and we all can be happy.
Just leave and don't come back.
Don't tell me what to do omg
It's @taddl
trappers are a little weird
>dark, messed up
Your capacity for empathy knows no bounds. Keep on patronizing, that's what turns us on.
Would you date a robot then?
Damaged german robot here Nobody loves me maybe you wanna talk
Why do i even post sorry im a little drunk bitch sorry
I mean im a "little drunk bitch "
Eyyy das ist ja Taddl
>''I am heavily attracted to dark messed up me''
>uses picture of a good looking attention whore crybaby who tattooed garbage on himself so that he can get attention.
I swear most of females are retarded and say one thing and mean another one. (no, I am not an incel or a MGTOW guy)
show tits and vag, biyatch.
Another mistake browsing Jow Forums drunk can somebody shoot me
show tits with timestamp or get the fuck out larper
Self-loathing with the attitude to want to be better
Self-pitying is a different kettle of fish
I am here just for the laughs.I find pleasure in people in disstress
No you're already an idiot. You can't pick someone with a magnificently awesome life full of booze and bitches and then go "Oh I like dark messed up guys.
>posts a chad in the OP
why are women so shit
I can't believe only the gook avatarfag called out the larper.
You are all so pathetic I am baffled.