How the FUCK do I get a dom gf
How the FUCK do I get a dom gf
You don't. You might find a gf who will try and dom you because she loves you and be middlingly good at it. But women are submissive by nature and are generally repulsed by submissive men.
No please delete this
*how do you find a girlfriend at all
I like being dominant, but im 5 foot 4. Is that a problem?
Women are submissive and masochistic by nature, dimwit. You gotta be rich and just get a golddigger dominatrix who will act out your fantasies with you because you enable a luxurious lifestyle, otherwise go and read 50 shades of grey and try to use it as a manual on what women like
Honestly I just want a dom gf. A normal submissive gf would be nice but I can't say I desire one as much.
Am I gay?
No mam that's a lovely height.
Smaller is better.
Yes. Yes you are. Even so you can just get a normal gf and convince her to try it, a switch beats nothing at all, right?
>Yes. Yes you are.
But I do not like dick I think
>But I do not like dick I think
how do you know if you never tried?
fuck off don't shill me your gay shit I just want a girl to ride my face
Having to add "I think" is probably not a good sign. Let's check!
Would you let a dom girl coax you into sucking dick? She wouldn't touch it herself, she just wants to make you do it. She'll direct you of course, just because she can't touch herself doesn't mean she can't give you a helping hand, that hand being on the back of your head, setting the pace, even making you take it deep. All while she looks you in the eye and tells you what a good slut you are. Would you do it?
probably but no homo
>dom gf
The term you're looking for is actually "Domme."
They are everywhere if you live in a large city. It pisses me off though because I always run into Domme women and I just want to find one that's extremely submissive. Just murder me, desu.
>I just want to find one that's extremely submissive
fetlife may be more your style
shit that originally never happened: the post
Which city? I think you've confused the words domme and cunt. There aren't many of the former in most cities, but there's plenty of the latter.
both wrong
dom women absolutely exist, speaking from experience
genuinely dominant women do exist but the number is small and many of them will already be in relationships
a couple of years ago i joined fetlife and went to one of the local meetups. mostly i went because it was summer and i was bored. anyway, i met a woman there who was really friendly and seemed interested in me. it was only afterwards when i checked out her fetlife profile that i saw she was a domme. we ended up messing about for a while until she moved away for a new job
the point of the story is that she told me that sub guys are ten a penny online, but very few go to meetups. so if you want to stand out then you have to get offline and meet people irl
the one I dated who claimed she was, was not- she would always end up subbing mid fug
So the only way to meet dominant women is through fetlife essentially?
Damn, sounds like the only option is a slut. I want a pure dominant gf who is loving and lets me lay my head down on her lap.
Definitely gay. The only solution is a dom gf to re-condition you. It'll be harsh, but I'm sure you'll learn to live with it. It's the only way.
A dom gf is what I want but I'll never get one so why bother
1) dont be a robot
welp youre out of luck right there
Not a huge fan of FetLife. I've had several trial runs at it and made a few good friends, but other than that it was just meh since most are accounted for.
Philly. There are a metric fuck ton here for whatever reason, especially in the alternative scene.
>So the only way to meet dominant women is through fetlife essentially?
pretty much. sometimes you can find them on sites that cater to specific kinks
>Damn, sounds like the only option is a slut. I want a pure dominant gf who is loving and lets me lay my head down on her lap.
what do you mean by pure? a virgin? mate, you've more chance of finding a unicorn in the woods
>How the FUCK do I get a dom gf
Fujoshi's are an extremely untapped market of Domme girls. They love cute non-masculine boys and have serious male envy. Try wriggling your way into their circles, worked for me.
Open your mind a little, asking for a domme in itself is already rare. Dommes are mostly libertine girls who take what they want, it comes hand in hand with rejecting the societal norm of being submissive.
My domme has done many a horrible thing -including to me- but she still adores snuggling me into her chest, running her hands along me, calling me a good boy and kissing my forehead.
>Try wriggling your way into their circles, worked for me.
You find them everywhere, twitter is a great place to start. You can just type Fujoshi into google and you'll find all sorts of communities. It's like Jow Forums if it was all awkward dom women who like cute boys.
I was talking to one in a Honey Select discord who happened to live in the same country as me. Though I know that was very lucky, so I guess it's unfair to cite it as a tried and true tactic, but still.
Live in a fantasy land. All women are naturally submissive they can't help it. It's hard wired.
If you can't dominate them at least most of the time they'll fall for the first man that will.
There is no "submissive gene" anyone saying it's hard wired is an idiot. Its a constructed behavior, but that doesn't mean it isn't almost universal. Most women are submissive.
That's just not true, are you saying all men dominant too? I certainly aren't, or are men for some reason not hardwired?
Can I get a dom trap bf tho??