Thoughts on this? do you pass the test, anons?

thoughts on this? do you pass the test, anons?

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You forgot the other part where they say the rest of 27% prefer a guy taller than 6'5''.

Fuck all that shallow shit

I'm 5'8 but lied and my drivers license says I'm 5'10 checkmate roasties.

>women can look like shit but still be allowed to have preferences

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I figured it be higher, but yeah I do. With margin.

Link to the video, user

The dating pool for me as 5'7 is so small its crazy. 73% want taller than 5'9. So at 5'7 my dating pool is what? 10-15% of women?

So basically I've been right all along to just be a shut-in hermit, because at least 8 out of every 10 women I see would not want anything to do with me based on a trait I can't change.

Fuck those odds

>5'9 but a little bit over, maybe a half inch
a-am I gonna make it, bros?

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I literally do not have appearance requirements for a girlfriend beyond be above a 3/10 in looks. That's it. That's all it fucking is. I don't care if you have a flat chest, I don't care if you have no ass, I don't give a shit about these things. Yet women want to see a strong jaw, they want to see 6'2'+, not only fit but body builder, great face, etc.

I admit I have lower standards for looks than the average man but I'm still shocked by how fucking shallow most women are. When it's not looks, it's money. I don't care about that in a woman. All I want is for her to be a good companion to me. I want someone interesting to talk to and do things with that I could see spending the rest of my life with.

Read it and weep boys, read it and weep

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How the fuck are some people not 5'9? That's 175cm right? I thought most guys are at least 180cm+

>tfw 5'11"
whew, dodged a bullet there

You sure did, the guy aiming for your head assumed you were 6'.

>brother 185cm
>sister 170cm

How the fuck did I turn out only 171cm?

Fucking asthma medications.

> 5'7
>a girl called me cute two years ago

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Hah, I'm actually 5'9". Not one inch more though.
I had to google the conversion to metric because fuck this retarded measurement system.5 foot 9 IS 175cm, right?

175 cm? ez, I'm 178, cya losers

>tfw 5'9.5
get owned nerds

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>being under 6ft
6'4" reporting in
doesn't matter cuz i make awful decisions lol

>believing in this height meme this hard
If you let your height stop you from trying then you're cucking your self

>mfw 5'10
later virgins

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fuck women


>horse face chunkers think they deserve a tall Chad

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I'm 5'11 so yeah but height is only necessary not sufficient you also need to have a large penis, large bank account, be able to dress well and have lots of social connections

A lot of women close to the top of the desirability scale are almost volcels because their standards are too high

>6 inch dick
>still fuck tinder sloots constantly
>literally leaving tinder girls house right now, fucked her all night

It's not height and it's not dicksize anons. The reason you can't get laid is because you don't have a chiseled chadjaw like me. Other than amazing facial structure I'm a sperg. But girls find it endearing because I'm hot.

None of this even matters if you're not a normie.

When they say 73% prefer a guy taller than 5'9, it actually means

>I prefer a normal well adjusted financially independent, well dressed, well groomed, well-spoken, highly social, career driven, good listener, with normal interests and hobbies, who just so happens to be over 5'9

So yeah, if you're not a normie, this height shit doesn't even matter.

I've never stood a chance have l?

Haha, fuck you
My neck is fat and i have no jawline, but i'm a slav, strong and i dress good, and i get roastie attention all the time

5'11 with 4" dick here

5'9.5" here, I think the whole thing makes sense because 27% of women still prefer shorter men or don't care either way

>white girls

not even once god

>98% of 6'0+ get laid

I must be in the 2% then

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>only 1 in three
well, that sucks but it could be worse.

I pass this test, but will the women in the OP pass the test of pic related?

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Remember that when women put "preference" they mean "requirement". It's never actually a preference, it's to make them sound less shallow.
73% of women don't "prefer" men over 5'9", they will NOT date a man under 5'9".

Listen manlets, if a woman has the option of choosing you or a guy that can offer everything you can, while also being 5" taller, she's going to choose him.

Manlets, you must play the long game, I'm sorry if this makes you feel a certain type of way, but it's the truth. The majority of women under 30 can choose to be with whomever they want to be with.

Focus on building your wealth and charm during your 20s. By the time you're 35, you will have your pick of 30+ women. Yes, the majority of them will technically have been used and abused, but think of it this way, they will all be seasoned vets in sex and being someone's partner, which is something I think a lot of you overlook the importance of. You won't have to worry about other men constantly hounding them or measuring up to some fictitious ideal. Most will be super desperate to get married and have children, you won't have to jump through as many hurdles or games as Chad did.

Your time is coming, lads.

You're right but not for the reason you stated. By then sexbots will be easily available and there will be no need for 3DPD when you can fully customize an artificial woman to your specifications

ah yes, the (80-7)-(20+30) rule, very familiar with it

Please I don't want to play this game anymore

Listen here you fucking roastie

The only girls worth going for are under 18 and if that's illegal well tough luck. Women over 30 are useless as a brick

what if you're a manlet but also dumb and in a dead end job

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Those women probably like dudes that size

maybe so but I'm more likely to spontaneously combust than meet a tall girl that likes short guys

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>tfw 6'10 and you're just a freak of nature

Reminder that heightism/"height preferences" are completely socially constructed and could be undone if we just dont tolerate it.

How much is that in centimeters?

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By an inch. Darn, I am now a babe magnet.

it doesn't matter. women will always prefer 'tall dark and handsome'. if you're short there's just fucking nothing you can do but try to become rich or have some godly personality.

6'2, i passed.
it's not like it matters anyway, i'm still a virgin

I'm 5'10" without shoes

Probably 5'11-6' with the right footwear

Guess I'm a chad now

I'm a manlet and desu this doesnt sound all that bad

I'm 6 ft and still feel short. Everyone is so fucking tall these days.
My gf is 5'8"

what are these statistics from? Dating apps? pure aesthetic screenings where girls looked at photographs and picked the most ideal candidates? there are a lot of factors to consider before presuming that somebody's fate as a manlet is set in stone. It's possible people who use apps and hookup sites are extraordinarily picky to begin with, there's an impersonal aspect to social profiles anyway because you don't get to see how someone behaves around you, and everyone is a lot more judgmental when reading raw text according to various studies compared to meeting someone in the flesh.

Wow doesnt need to bend his back to eat puss

If I'm 6 foot will lifts to 6'1 or 6'2 get me any significant advantage??

I know, I'm just saying that the reason they want the "tall dark and handsome" is social conditioning.
Sexual orientation and attraction to facial aesthetics are the only innate sexuality in humans. The other things, like height preference, race preference, etc. are conditioned. It fucking sucks.

Fucking cuck with no self respect.Remember bots Die a virgin but never ever become a cuck.

>"tall dark and handsome" is social conditioning.
it really isn't. this goes all the way back to ancient times. being tall gives the illusion that you can better protect them. being handsome means you're healthy and thus will have healthy offspring.

no social conditioning is going to ever change that.

>Tfw 5'11" and my passport says 6ft


I'm 5'11 so yes I do

>tfw 6ft in the morning and 5ft 11 at night

These percentages are honestly higher than I expected, especially the mid-range ones

Yes but 100% of women prefer guys that aren't me

Women have no fucking clue what they want dude just get out there

Beyond 6'4" I feel like it starts going down again. I'm 6'6" and feels like my "dating pool" is the same as someone who is 5'8" percentage wise

Thats still like what? Hundreds of millions? Just go to any asian country

Well slap me on the knees and call me Kenny.

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5'9'' seems to come up as the IRL non meme manlet cutoff quite often.

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5'10" is like average height is Europe anyways

5'9 is 175 yes.

The older generation skew the statistics, I see kids leaving school now who are over 6ft and under 16 years old.

Nah, it says that you're able to easily court 98% of women. And yeah, I'm 183 cm tall and still a virgin at 24.

No, the dimorphism of our species was far greater in the past, if what you were saying were true we wouldn't have lost it.
plus, if it were innate, there woudn't be culture or people who don't care. Handsomeness does seem to be innate though and not subject to social conditioning.

>tfw manlet but have an attractive face and huge dick
>tfw dated a hot blonde girl with an insanely rich family who was an inch taller than me
>when we were just friends she would bully me about my height and say she was only interested in really tall guys
>tfw she was full of shit
dont be discouraged manletbros

i'm not straight but it's still crazy to me that womanlets think they're too good for manlets

Stupid bitch is in the 27% come on you strictly won't date a guy if he is over 6 foot. You told me you realy liked me and we fucked on our 2nd date but no it can't be long term because you are 6'3. Ugh sorry anons just needed to vent tall 'chads' have feelings too.

>Born 6'1 and ugly
Height doesn't matter if your still ugly

Why even say that? There is nothing that you can do about it so it's not like it's some dating pro tip.
What are they trying to achieve by putting it into the video? So femoids are less ashamed about rejecting manlets?

>just have an attractive face and huge dick bro

Explain Dan Cilley then

Yeah women hate manlets so what



oregano and parsely

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this is probably just percentage of women who are shorter than you not how many women are willing to date you.


I wonder how many times I've just causally talked to a girl and she was absolutely repulsed by my presence the same way I'm repulsed by hambeasts

>friend is 5'6"
>chiseled Chad jaw
>blonde hair and blue eyes
>drowning in pussy

Girls will overlook your height if you're Chad

Height to women is like weight to men.

As edgy and incel as this may sound, sometimes it feels like men are evolving past their primitive shallow needs, and women just got stuck behind. For the sake of future generations I hope they evolve as well, to late for us I'm afraid.

no, unless you are lanklet like me

The power of the vagina my friend, they have the world unlocked.

Yep, 6'6 homos. Too bad I'm fat and wierd.

>tfw 5'10"
W-well at least I'm not supreme manlet status...

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I'm 5'9-5'10 but I feel short as fuck. People my age are all taller than me.

king of manlets indeed

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Yes I do but it doesn't matter because I'm ugly and depressed and girls don't like ugly and depressed guys.


Nope. That would imply the average woman is ~5'8.5".


I'm off by one inch. Not much point in trying is there?

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I remember seeing some numbers from some survey years back that said women stopped finding men attractive once they were over 6'5" or something, with peak attractiveness being in the 6'4" range.

I'm 6'3, I'm a virgin, I see manlets all around me with gf, some even shorter than the girl. POSTURE is key.

I'm taller than 80% of women (5'7") and could beat 99% of them to a pulp. WHY IS THIS NOT ENOUGH. WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT THAT MY FEMURS BE 5 INCHES LONGER.