>tfw no qt light skin black gf
Tfw no qt light skin black gf
holy shit is that nicki minaj
nah just some random girl on instagram
Looks like a blasian to me.
Minaj is afro-Indian, this one seems more blasian.
Can you just call a mulatto a mulatto?
> tfw no dark skin white woman
> tfw no medium skin tan woman
Keep'em coming bois
> tfw no pure aryan mixed gf
> tfw no biracial monoracial gf
>tfw no white negro acting white girl
> tfw no pure mutt diverse blended geneticclusterfuck but still qt gf
> tfw no human subhuman gf
absolutely mutt-tastic
> tfw no poo-in-loo nigger shitskin trinidadian patriotic rap pop singer half silicon gf
> tfw no jew gook pure virgin slutty porn star artist gf
> no shaniqua barbara ann gf
> tfw no half jamaican half greek goddess abominable beauty gf
running out of oxymorons but not pictures
> no pure black transracial gf
> tfw no white acting black oreo gf
> no diversity is our strength but let's invade white countries and mix them out gf
> tfw no pale as shit black dairy queen gf
honestly what the fuck do they put in their foods to get literal baby making bodies like this?
This is their body trying to attract a mate before they balloon up to landwhales at age 30.
She used a waist trainer to the extreme. She's an instagram whore that literally fucked up her insides to get a super small waist.
Would fuck
gross nigger
gross nigger
gross nigger
would smash
gross nigger
gross niggers
Would fuck and jizz on face
gross nigger
My love
gross nigger
gross nigger
gross faggot nigger
gross nigger
ugly nigger
gross nigger but would hate fuck
Asian mom white dad makes son and black dad white mom makes daughter? This shit is confusing, I wonder what their daughter would look like
keep us updated buddy
> tfw no gun-toting right wing nudist black gf
> tfw no athletic fatass surfing on the land because she can't swim barely black gf
I think it's just how they are genetically programmed to carry fat.
tfw you will never find a woman like this in real life who is willing to fuck
Probably more willing to do so than a white girl. Blacks and half-breeds tend to be slutty and have relaxed standards.
> tfw no urban lumberjack gf
These thick bitches get a lot of likes on instagram though so they have too many options.
Easy, get a thick one without an Insta
> tfw no badonkadonk myrtle urkel gf
>tfw its impossible to find women without insta
Maybe one day, user.
You can get one with an insta who isn't just a whore for attention.
>>tfw no qt light skin black gf
>F U C K
For once I DON'T know this feel.
You have a light skin black gf?
Thanks for updating us on your shit taste. Keep us posted
This. My girlfriend basically uses instagram to keep track of make up releases and shit. Her only pictures posted are of the two of us together.
> tfw no baby mama gf
> tfw no coal black ghetto gf
Yeah, well half black.
Thanks we all needed an animefag's opinion on women.
I don't think there is much difference. I was just using OP's term
> tfw no how is that her biological father gf
Super gross
ok but gross. Would jizz inside and leave.
Nasty nigger
landwhale = gross
LMAO looks like my turd i just laid
Fugly face gross nigger
Baboon face nigger
Darker than black gross nigger
>ITT every girl posted would tell you they're black but cacs using cacterminology to avoid saying the world black
Hate to love us
Thanks for the (You)s. Each grows my power level.
Ultra gross nigger that needs to kill himself.
>one chance in life
>born in Eastern Europe
>black girls nowhere to be found
why live...
> cacposter
You can call me cracka, cac, ghostface, honky, colonizer, or whatever, but whites are reclaiming the previously forsaken mulattas, quadroons, and octoroons. Say goodbye to the one drop rule. All your black divas have highly mixed ancestry.
There's always emigration I guess. You seem to know some English.
Why are there quotations around "black" in your filename tho
>Virgin spams threads and samefags them
sure whatever U say cacbud enjoy your gay porn spam threads you'll make any moment now too btw
> nigga thinks one drop rule is anything more than a slavemaster "law" that meant jack shit other than to control a class of slaves
Slavery doesn't exist any more so ODR is meaningless. Your black numbers will diminish as more mixed people identify as biracial and not wholly black.
Because the mom is hardly black.
Mom looks more Mexican than black. She is from Texas after all.
I don't have gay porn. I bet you save all the pics from those threads though.
> look at me I'm soo black
> I have colorful eyes and wear my hair like my white grandma or mom have only white girlfriends.
> like OMG
I've probably been around more actual mulattas than you have.
I fully support light skin qts ugly darkskin black bitches on the other hand need to burn in hell.
There can be ugly light skin bitches and also qt dark black girls.
Yeah. Dark can be very beautiful.
No such thing black women are evil hedious creatures sent from the dephes of hell to be ugly and ruin anything in their path. Lightskin girls are qt white women are qter but mixed girls are still definetly qt fuckable.
Ugly as fuck bitch do you know what thread you are on LIGHTSKIN girls not ugly ass koko the gorilla looking bitches
what do you waiting
black girls can't resist white nerds
look at Serena Williams, she married redditor
If they aren't mixed (fat chance with African American population,) light skinned is either caused by albinism, skin condition, or bleach cream.
And he knocked her the fuck up. At least he had the height game going.
They're hot, but I can't get over the gross smell all black people have
This is the only real "light skin" group native to Sub Saharan Africa, and they are fairly unrelated to West Africans.
Never smelled it.
>gay porn spammer samefagging cac delusions
>inb4 6 more more replies
LMAO post ya gay porn and beat it
Do you just go around accusing people of bullshit across every board? I see your posts every where a white person is PRAISING black or mixed women. What the fuck does a thread about black WOMEN have to do with black guys getting railed by white guys? You are one of the most retarded identifiable posters I have seen on this shitty site. Good luck with your doxxing campaign of the r/hapas admin. I'm assuming you are a black butthurt man with a 3" dick right?
I'm sorry your queens are rejecting you. Maybe you will find the one someday. I really do.
Uhhhh thats the point retard lightskin chicks are mixed the more mixed the better
Hideous looks like an ugly ass gorilla black women are so fucking ugly
gib por favor mi amigo
> gay porn spammer
> cac
you know repeating yourself on an anonymous board where no one else is using these terms is going to out you. You may as well be a tripfag at this point. I can tell you are black though. No white guy would care this much about black women being posted.
>3 assmad samefagging YOUs
cmon gay porn Nic I predicted 6 I know you have a few more in ya mayoman
> repetitive jackass on Jow Forums
> black hoop stars as role models
> probably a manlet and wears basketball caps too
> butthurt about colonized and black emasculization threads made by various posters.
> deluded enough to think they are all the same person and part of a greater scheme to take his black ass down
Kent is that you?
I won't go after you Kent. I liked your videos. Why turn on your fellow white robots that just want some love from another race?
Dried up nigger roast
broke virgin nigger kys
Weird looking nigger probably photoshopped
yucky dark nigger probably smell like shit
Huge turd in a dress
gross niggers
3 apes
weird tits nigger
a nigger that got OWNED by our grest POTUS
Go back to complaining about how black women only want thugs Kent. We liked you better that way.
>6 YOUs
>predictable low iq cac
It's okay Kent. We all like you. i didn't know who it was at first. I will stop posting gorgeous black women so you can get your game on. Good luck.
Nice bait anime fag.
> low iq
you post on incels.me too? Yep, sorry Kent. You should really post more rants on Youtube.
>Mass replying
>Literally no taste and gay
One more light skin for the road.
Britani Venti is white and my future gf, you dumb nigger lover.
Have her. I don't want her. I like dark anyway.
Thanks! ill gladly make cute asian babies with her lel
Just be sure they are light skin.
> hates white people
> is 21% white
> still hates all white people on r9k whether we post tranny or mulatta porn or not
Lol. Stop being a repetitive namefag and it wouldn't be easy to dig.
got these torpedos from a black girl thread the other day. Damn.