Would anyone ever consider dating a girl with BPD/Bipolar or are we all doomed to just cut ourselves to death alone?
Would anyone ever consider dating a girl with BPD/Bipolar or are we all doomed to just cut ourselves to death alone?
not only are BPD girls prone to cheating but very aggressive and false rape accusations are VERY COMMON with BPD girls if she could prove to me that she would NEVER do any of those then maybe i would consider other wise everyone told me it's a fucking massive trap
I am male bpd but i am volcel and i only love 2d ponys
I really want a bipolar gf, any bipolar fembots have a discord they could add me on?
barneyfag please i summon you
WHY would you want that seriously
>have bpd
>mom has bipolar disorder
is it possible that my shitty genetics could hit me with both?
ricebot's trip is #kierkegaard
bpd people are all evil and deserve only disgust
have fun robos
I am highly in desperate need of a female to love me I don't fucking care who she is what skin color she is what mental illness she has fuck man just give me a gf.
self hating bpd are the worst kind
i have the same feeling unless they can somehow prove they're loyal forever than it's an instant no
That's not a very attractice trait in a man, even mentally ill girls would be turned off.
Remind me why a normal fuck like yourself has to pollute this board with his straight up BAD posts again?
I am very abnormal in reality, I live in a group home.
>I live in a group home
Nigga what?
ah so ur a fucking commie
Where are you from, desperate user?
INFP here u hurt my feelings too much when u yell at me and tell me im worthless for no reason. need stable gf sowwy
>WHY would you want that seriously
different user, but i used to be married to a bipolar girl. it had its challenges, but it was the most fulfilling relationship i ever had. i miss it a lot.
No, sorry. I'm a disgusting autistic freak myself, so I'm not equipped to provide the level of care you would need to be in a stable relationship.
To be honest, no. Dating mentally ill girls takes a toll on your own mental health, and I'd rather be single than have that drain on me all the time.
No it is supported housing by the government.
post your contact info or fuck off. your choice.
I live in Pennsylvania, northeastern United States, what about you user?
yup it ends here boys roastie detected
I would consider it. Briefly.
Hell no.
And retards like who would are uneducated literal retards and deserve to get fucked over.
You are evil cunts.
The phrase 'dont stick your dick in crazy' is about BPD/Bipolar types more than anyone else.
Nobody (male or female) should even -consider- entering a relationship with someone prone to radical swings.
DO NOT stick your dick in crazy.
DO NOT let crazy stick its dick in you.
white knight complex is a bitch
i end up hurting myself and her more than anything
the BPD swings are radical. the bipolar swings are usually quite manageable
Please stop posting the same thread, ricecunt
I dated a BPD Girl pls cut yourself to death all of you thank you
We are about a state away user. We can talk if you would like, it doesnt have to be about BPD
I would if they were cute.
I fell for a guy who prolly had it once cause he was cute.
Why not a girl, would be less shameful than that at least.
Yeah sure, just add me on discord I'll accept your request :D
why are you posting a cap of someone else's discord?
Stop cutting yourself it's unhealthy you retard
If you're going to self harm punch yourself or something
That's my discord though
Desperate robots are the easiest prey for BPD whores, the lowest hanging fruit so to speak. Its intriguing to watch them make their catch in these threads. Nature is beautiful.
Maybe. I don't really wanna know.. if you cut youself. Because I'm too distracted with my suicidal fantasies. But if you wanna die together..
biting yourself is also good
bpd girls and robot guys are the perfect match and you can't convince me otherwise
>supported housing by the government
yeah sounds like communism alright
Sidenote, why do you retards fetishize mental illness?
It'll make both people involved worse off. I'm not saying mentally ill people don't deserve love but it's going to be a disaster for 2 mentally ill people to be tohether
No, biting leaves marks if you do it hard enough
that word doesnt mean what you think it means, OP
>inb4 b-but im not OP
fuck no man they will destroy you
I'm not OP though, not even a girl, but I always see people in these threads talking about how they specifically want a mentally ill girl
How? What's left to destroy? I fail to see how a BPD girl could make the average robot's life worse than it already is in any really serious way.
everyone who posts on Jow Forums is mentally ill, you sperg
it will be the last straw when she screws you over, might as well suicide now and save yourself months of trouble
I guess that's true but the answer to cure mental illness is not to surround yourself with more mentally ill people
why are you trying so hard to cockblock other anons, OP? if you don't want a mentally ill bf, why do you keep making this thread every day?
i didnt even know bpd was a thing until last year then i met two girls with bpd who are actual manipulative, cheating, two faced psychos and use their diagnosis to excuse this behaviour, ruined my life and ruined the lives of many others
dating someone with bpd, not even once
Yeah.. but it's not like real mental illness, people with real mental illnesses can't even use a computer.
It's kind of like non binary genders, just roll with it.
Absolute retard. They are actually the WORST match if you knew anything about the condition.
The closer you try to get to a person with BPD the harder they push you away. (push/pull) This is due to their fear of abandonment which is so intense that they will go to extraordinary lengths to make you fuck off. This includes their most common trait of 'Black & White' thinking. She will either view you as flawless (idealization) with no imperfections. Or the literal anti-Christ (devaluation). Never anything in-between. When she is in the devaluation phase, she will literally fuck out from reality and make horrible things up about you and genuinely convince herself that they're true. She will accuse you of outlandish and depraved things such as rape, pedophilia, incest and will show no restraint in spreading her delusions to your family and friends. These swings will happen very frequently and will never stop until she has finally grown bored of you and then you will mean nothing to her. She will leave you and replace you INSTANTLY and feel no remorse. She will tell her new Boyfriend that you raped her and will tell him about all of the horrible things she made up about you.
Normalfag Chads are actually more suitable because they will keep their distance, leaving the BPD girl in a constant state of pull and idealization.
I still need concrete examples that will actually damage my life in lasting ways. The few friends I have all know I'm a pathetic mentally ill sicko. My family is disappointed in me. My line of work is a dead end field where I've shown up to interviews wasted and still been hired- I could lose my job and get a new one by tomorrow.
What's the worst that can happen that is realistic and actually harmful on a level beyond just oh, my feelings are hurt. My feelings are always hurt, I'm an INFP retard.
If you're clingy half of the time I would put up with it, people snapping and not wishing to interact is not that unusual to me.
Many psychiatrists now suspect that BPD and Bipolar are similar / related, since some Borderline patients respond very well to Lamictal, a mood stabilizer used in Bipolar.
Have you ever considered stop making these threads and going to /soc/? Cause all you're trying to do is meet up shit which belongs in /soc/.
Nearly every thread on Jow Forums devolves into desperate retards trying to contact-fag a suspected female.
If you feel that way then just request that the whole board be deleted.
Even BPD girls get laid and let me tell you their kids will have so many mental conditions its better to let them be alone for their whole life.
t. son of a bipolar woman
Yes. Give me a mentally warped girl that will depend on me emotionally, physically and financially.
That probably isn't hard to find but I need a gay one too.
I dated a cluster B girl who was also a cutter. She was my first and only girlfriend but she ended up abusing me, cucking me and cutting contact. I could give another girl with a disorder a chance but my next relationship, if I ever have another one, absolutely has to be better. I used to be really naive and innocent about love and romance but after this experience I have become far more wary about getting attached to anyone.
These girls will leave you depending on them.
>Would anyone ever consider dating a girl with BPD/Bipolar
Been there, done that. Don't recommend.
triple 9 of truth user
You're probably right. I just got to hope they don't have savings so the dependency stays both ways.
Being with an ill girl on a good day is like nothing else in the world, almost makes the not so good days worth it. almost
>fear of abandonment
>making you fuck off
how does that work? I'd have thought making you fuck off would be the last thing they want
Read up on it because its very complicated once you start getting in-depth.
But yeah, their defense mechanism is basically that they want you to leave now rather than later. And they also protect themselves from feeling the loss by devaluing you. They'll convince themselves you're awful, often by twisting and distorting things that you've said and done before into awful things. As an example, say you took your Sister out to lunch for her Birthday, she'd twist that into some elaborate scheme you have to fuck your Sister and run with it.
Arguing with them or trying to prove them wrong is futile because they are so delusional.
I'm a guy and have this and the basic theory is that if I -make- you leave me alone, you didn't abandon me. You would have liked me if I had let you, but I pushed you away consciously so it doesn't count. If I really wanted you to, you would have stayed right by my side. It's not a thing I consciously do but when I'm stable I can see the logic.
It's kind of like how masochists don't actually like the physical feeling of pain, they just like experiencing it in a controlled setting because they figure they're going to be in pain anyway.
I always wanted a gf with bpd
Why do you fetishize mentally ill girls user? Don't you think they have it bad enough already without you making their lives a living hell?
How often do you repost this ricebot?
Girls with BPD are pretty fun if you're ASPD/AVPD. You have a natural defense against their downswings because you don't get emotionally invested from their upswings. You're just always in a "about to leave" sort of limbo and it drives her mad, because her goal is to draw you in (which will never happen.) You get to reap the benefits like the awesome sex with almost no downsides.
t. Guy with avpd who dated a BPD girl for 3 years.
I had a trans BDP girlfriend.... Holy shit did things go down hill quickly. after I broke her heart she stalked me camped out my car several times and tried assaulting me to this day she hasn't contacted me in over a year but I'm still scared of her. So be careful.
Sure but only if you're willing to put up with my issues too
what issues do you have? asking for my friend
Avoid BPD and schizophrenia like the plague. They will put you through hell.
i have dated a bi polar girl and fucked one.
The one i fucked lied about not having a bf, after we fucked blocked me on everything.
second girl with bi polar told me she loved in one week of living with each other then told me i wasn't giving her enough affection then would break down about me giving her too much affection then she told me she loved her ex.
you are probably doomed because of yourselves not because of anyone else
eh, my bpd ex just made me stronger mentally.
Wouldn't do it again though.
Abandonment issues. Wanting to isolate myself when I get stressed. That kinda thing.
Glad the majority of you understand they're trouble. For anyone thinking you'll have any power over them, you're in over your head. Imagine being with someone prone to explosive fits of rage. It will be over nothing, but they won't know it, they'll just assign a reason. Then they're crying for no reason. Finally they'll get really hyped up and probably blow a ton of money. Don't get involved.
what if I'm a guy and the exact same way? I'm functioning enough, have a job but I'm a volatile alcoholic who behaves in similar fashion. I can already handle myself.
your barely worth it sane, with BPD your just a liability
Funny, I am a sperg myself and all I ever attract are BPD girls.
It's like I am a magnet for trouble, yet I don't really do anything to get this kind of shit.
>Abandonment issues. Wanting to isolate myself
t. not the guy you replied to
literally 1 thread ago you made specific and retarded bullshit requirements for a guy that only 2 people in the entire world live up to, and then the next thread you're whoring yourself out to everyone on the site
i'm no doctor but BPD seems like an excellent diagnosis
i would have thought sperg would be like the oppositve of bpd, totally incompatible
Why are most fembots crazy? Certainly a lot more ratio of fembots compared to robots anyway.
they suffer from legitimate mentall illnesses, unlike males who claim to have them
So it's like reverse tumblr or not really
>If you feel that way then just request that the whole board be deleted.
That's exactly what needs to fucking happen. This board has devolved into a cesspit of mediocrity and desperation for female attention.
>read thread
>reminded of old friend
>miss him alot
be my fren please
I'm mentally ill and even I know not to fuck with girls that have bpd. It's not worth the hassle. She will make your life living hell, and not even the ups make up for the downs. I may be suicidal and depressed, but at least I don't deliberately mess up other people's lives.
My friend dated a bipolar check for shy of 6 months. She wasn't like a terribly person and seemed genuinely happy most of the time, but there was so much fucking high-school tier drama.
That, and she needed an absurd amount of attention
>boys night out
>big bonfire at my place, we are all catching up while getting super comfy
>having a great time, bring out smores, around 2:30 am
>talking about what our plans after college are when suddenly my buddy jumps up and says he has to take this call
>he's gone for an abnormal amount of time so i go check it out
>mfw his bipolar gf drove over and made a sob story so they could make out in her car
>mfw she broke up with him two weeks later for no reason and blames it on him
>mfw she became a literal nazi and told me off and blamed it on him
>mfw she put on about 30 pounds throughout all of this
there really is no telling what happens with these chicks.
I'd rather fuck a guy and I'm not even gay baka
I have BPD and a GF and all I can say is I do not envy my gf
Sure, but how?
They think this is unoriginal for some reason.
Do you have a discord maybe?