Send out dozens of job applications

>send out dozens of job applications
>finally get an entry-level job
>pre-employment drug test
>only 48 hours notice

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you deserve what you get

Drug tests are fucking stupid and it discriminates against people with mental illness. What does it matter if someone smokes marijuana outside of work as long as they don't come to work high? Drugs should no problem as long as it doesn't affect work.

I find it pretty retarded that entry level jobs drug test.
I live in Colorado and there is still plenty of jobs that won't hire you if you smoke pot.

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You cannot be a robot if you do drugs. Getting drugs requires social connections.

Ever heard of a dispensary you absolute tard

Surely you saw this coming

>did this believe it or not this nigga was right and I still have the job

Marijuana slowly turns you into a zombie. Nobody wants anything to do with people who smoke pot regurlarly

You cannot be a robot if you do drugs somewhere where they are not legal.

What kind of shitty jobs are you applying for that they can control your private life

Idk why you think you deserve a job if you do drugs

Literally any entry level job
What are you a Yuro or something? Here in America we don't have rights

>get a civil service job because nepotism
>have to do psychiatrist and narcologist
>no urine tests though because not an americuck
>must have no crimes on record
>and pass the security examination
>feels good so far

The company doesn't wanna hire drug addicted burn outs what's the problem?

LOL ever hear of the darknet?

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potheads are so accostumed with today's society and its drug acceptance that they think they're normal

It literally doesn't buy some litecoins and you dont even need the darknet, plenty of surface websites sell drugs. All it requires is not being a brainlet

i smoke weed maybe 2-3 times a month on the weekends. if i'm not doing it at/before work i don't see why they shouldn't employ me. it would be different if it was someone doing hard drugs who would be withdrawing and distracted at work, but i'm not an addict.

thanks user! i'm going to go tonight and buy some certo.

Buy synthetic urine at a smoke shop or adult sex shop.
You put it in the microwave to get the right temp then stick it in your underwear.
I passed 2 lab tests like that

Dont do that certo shit do this

Search "Quick Fix Synthetic Urine"

There are other companies that sell synthetic urine but most forums I've read swear by this brand, everyone has said it worked for them and I haven't found a single person who said it failed. Plus, I used it last year and had no issue. Shipping is pretty quick too. Might seem like I'm shilling but you'll thank me later.

Wageslaving turns you into a zombie

Imagine what both things would do then to an already challenged human being.

Are you a teenager? Why are you applying for entry level? Get a degre dumbass

What is a narcologist?
Is it someone who is supposed to detect whether you use street drugs without actually testing you?

He checks on you, asks some trivial questions to see how you react. If there's something off about you or you're an obvious substance abuser, he may run you through some blood tests, or make you submit your urine. You must do this shit for army, law enforcement, government and social jobs, driving license, hunting ticket (because guns are involved) etc.
Nothing special really if you're not a total idiot. Most people just get a signature and leave - a matter of several minutes.

>sent out literal hundreds of applications
>only place that would hire me is a gas station, as a cooler person
>no drug test, but policy says no controlled substances at all
>take CBD so I'm not entirely sure what could happen
Try CBD.

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if its a mouth swab test youre good, those never work. I had two interviews earlier that tested me and I literally smoked the day before both of them. Passed both and got both jobs

>I don't know a lot about CBD
>I tell other people to take CBD
What kind of bullshittery is this? CBD is great, don't get me wrong - but most people who smoke weed do it for the intoxicating effect and you're not going to get that from CBD. What is even the purpose of this advice?

>Get a degre dumbass

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No, I don't know much about the drug tests in regards to CBD. CBD is pretty much just weed without the intoxication. Most people on Jow Forums don't actually like the intoxication, as it worsens schizos.

Don't take drugs then, degenerate.

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drink a fuck ton of wata m8 and gl

I have a degree and a decent job, I can just recognize how plenty of less fortunate anons can get cucked beyond belief and stuck in low skill positions, because of course not everyone can just get a better job, and I empathize with them rather than look down on them like some normie.