would you ever have sex with a black girl?
Would you ever have sex with a black girl?
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Wrong question. Correct question is: would a black girl ever have sex with me? The answer: no.
You'd have a better chance, pretty much all of the are whores
Yes, and I would also do a mutt like the girl you posted.
And white women aren't all whores...? just lol
Is this even a real question yes obviously
Going to have to say no because niggers are gross. Unless she is the ungross kind.
Ex was black. Maybe just anecdotal but black girls are amazing lays, animals in bed.
So a black girl that acts white?
Better a nigger than a buck tooth chink.
my fiance is black so yeah
White women will fuck you if you've got a nice body, and decent money.
Black women will fuck you if you have a penis, or for a gram.
All women are whores, but blacks are just the bottom of the fucking barrel
Did, sex is average, but the girls themselves are fucking insane.An emo chick with Daddy issues that cuts herself is more stable than your average black chick
what's an ungross nigger to you?
Well, if she was like asian girls. Submissive, polite, and isnt loud. Oh, doesnt have that nigger smell. Cocobutter or some kind of shitty smell. She needs to be light skinned too or a medium brown. Like too black is fucking gross.
As long as she doesnt act like a nigger.
Been there, done that
Was fun, would recommend it
I would have sex with any girl if any girl would want to have sex with me
Only if I married one. Seeing as I'm ugly, have a pencil dick, and won't date someone that has opposite morals and values, I have nothing to worry about.
They wouldn't even marry a chad even if they had 3 kids.
Based as always, Thank you for this post.
Why would they when they can just live off of government handouts. They'll just get knocked up by Chad to prolong the free money.
No, niggers stink.
Her femdom vids are kino
>muted because it wasn't original
What other fucking autist would post this?
The one where she was a slave was even better
Although what's up with the ending?