Have any robots ever read the Bible out of personal interest? What's the best book?
Have any robots ever read the Bible out of personal interest? What's the best book?
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I read the Apocalypse book iirc and was disappointed
Ecclesiastes is the best book and I've read the bible a few times
Kings ll where Jezebel gets rekt by God and Jehu slays everyone
if you are a minority christianity is just colonized garbage
I'm atheist, but Ecclesiastes is a favourite. It actually details suffering that people face and gives you hope in it. Lamentations is good too. I'm not one for the new treatment much, though Matthew is decent. The prophets are hit or miss. The minor are usually more interesting than the major.
Yeah this. Although I also like Job quite a bit.
What's everyone's favorite Bible? I like Douay-Rheims
Personally New annotated NASB bible or a non- study ESV. One gives critical commentary the other is for just straight reading
Yeah I've read. It's kind of gay. The God character is kind of a dick.
Didache is great with commentary.
>God Tier
Genesis, Judges, Kings, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Revelation
>Shit Tier
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Chronicles
Mein kompf is my favourite bible.
fucking impreach blumpf now
Ecclesiastes is my favorite because you can see that Solomon really might have been the wisest man to ever live. Any question you could have about life is answered in there.
R9k thinks it's against roasties?
"I discovered that a seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Those who are pleasing to God will escape her, but sinners will be caught in her snare."
Thanks for making this thread OP. Ive been thinking about trying to read the bible a bit because my family is religious and raised me as a Christian but ive always been ultra skeptical of everything. Based on what everyone has said in this thread ill try to read through those sections first just to get me thinking about the whole thing more seriously.
ecclesiastes and job are pretty much this board's books
came here to post this
it may seem edgy as shit in the beggining but it's actually very deep. it's funny because im a fedora tipping faggot and i would never think that bible has anything to offer to me
Old testament is the funnest to read. New testament is boring af .
The book of the apocalypse and genesis
>Jezebel gets rekt by God
this is probably one of the only books that made me stopped being a whiteknight. society loves to forgive women for their crimes but God didn't give a fuck and killed Jezebel for blackmailing and getting her beta oribiters to muder a farmer
based as fuck
Book of John is the best gospel. Judges is my favorite OT book because it's simply a whirlwind of violence.
Jesus is Lord.
First, you need to understand the difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament, which should take you about three minutes of reading. Don't start out in the OT.
Then, you need to make sure you are using the King James Version (KJV), as pretty much all other versions, especially after 1950, have been strategically corrupted and altered.
If you're not already saved by believing on Christ (the only way to go to heaven), please do so. No one goes to heaven and escapes hell unless they are sinless (and no one except Christ is/was).
>That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
>He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
>He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
To strengthen your belief in Christ, and the Bible, please observe the blatant lies and fallacies that hold up evolution, one of Satan's main tools. This includes the fraudulent science as well, toward the end:
With that said, my favorite book is Revelation, as it is a written account by God of what is coming up in the very near future (every true Christian will not be deceived by the antichrist). You can listen to the audio version here, but much of it is a mystery: youtube.com
There are many things the Bible foretold before they happened; and Revelation is the mack daddy. Other than that, I like Acts (stories of the apostles, mostly Paul), and Romans (for doctrine).
God draws all men to Christ, until they become reprobates (Romans 1) or die.
>Don't start out in the OT.
why not? that's literally how you understand why jews are jews and why christ came to die for our sins
The Apocalypse of Saint John is super cool.
Because most of the OT, although based, is dry and intricate. Most people will get stuck in Genesis or shortly after, and if not a believer in Christ, will never make it to the New Testament to learn how to be saved from hell.
The New Testament, in addition to teaching salvation clearly (the most important part of the Bible), is less dry and has much more direct denouncing of Jews and their kikery, especially by Jesus himself, and is much easier for a new person to read.
If you gave 1,000 people the OT and 1,000 the NT, maybe 20 out of the 1,000 would finish the OT on their own, and probably 300 would finish the NT (and that's the most important book, since the OT doesn't teach about Christ in an understandable-for-new-people style).
Also, remember that homosexuals have been permanently rejected by God after they permanently rejected Him drawing them to him via Christ, before they were homos. This is one of the biggest redpills. You can't see homos the same again after it sinks in, and their faggotry makes so much more sense.
Old Testament made me really hate jews.
Revelation=Based and redpilled.
Now We Are Six (1927)
Oh, and the fact that Revelation is foretold 2,000 years ago (and older, if you count Daniel) is more proof of God's word being true. When, before 40 years ago, would it be possible for a person not to be able to buy or sell at all unless they had a mark in their right hand or forehead?
Same with the two witnesses in Revelation, where God says that everyone on earth will see their dead bodies. That would not be possible without the internet and television.
Unironic Christfag here. Read Isaiah. Make a serious study of it and you'll come to one of two conclusions:
1. The Christian God -- that is, the Trinity -- is truly God, and Christ is the Son of God.
2. the pre-Christian Jewish prophetic tradition was actually a millenium-long conspiracy to trick you into thinking that the previous conclusion is true.
You're going to end up making a big leap of faith either way. Which one seems more true to you? Which one seems like the kind of thing that the ruler of the universe would do?
Good luck.
cant tell if serious or joking.. which is your own, personal conclusion, despite the fact that you likely feel that saying so would "ruin it" for others?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I'm certainly not joking.
Of the two, which do you believe and why? How could Isaiah teach the second option you listed?
Please answer me something ;
According to the Bible, what happens when you die? You literally go immediately to heaven or hell like on TV? I ask you because I was told that when you die you stay hell till the second coming of Christ and the end of days, then after the doom day you can be by Jesus side in eternal life(paradise), or you perish with Satan(damnation).
Pls respond. Also, I'm talking about Catholic tradition.
>you stay DEAD till the second
Fixd, I fucked up, dunno why I wrote that.
I think you would get the most out of James
Genesis and the book of Revelations.
Daniel is also pretty cool.
Proverbs have awesome things.
Overall, 10/10 book.
And yea, reading it pretty regularly.
In the Bible you stay dead till the second coming and are completely deaf to everything. So anything claiming to be a dead spirit is a demon masquerading
In Catholicism (a cult) you go to purgatory
based proverbs
Thanks Fren. Would you by any chance know where the whole heaven with gates and clouds idea came from?
top kek yes
>mfw Jehovah's witnesses clam that idea
>mfw it is actually in the bible
>The God character
God is OP
Not Christian but I enjoy reading the Bible. The best book is Genesis. It is so dense. Everything New Testament is trash except for Revelations.
Since the Romans took it as the state religion, they started adopting pagan practices like Christmas, Easter etc... to appeal to more pagans, and make more money, having a bigger following.
In the olden days it was all about controlling people and not sharing the true word with them.
it was a bad guy move honestly.
I had to go to Church until I was 16 and I read most of it out of boredom during sermons.
It was over 10 years ago now but I remember the books of Samuel having the best battles which I enjoyed and Exodus is an easy read.
Credit where it's due the New Testament is an easy read too and genuinely good as a bit of morality reading. Religious figure or not Jesus was a great role model.
There are mentions of clouds in relation to heaven and the Bible references Jesus pulling believers into the clouds to meet him during the second coming. A lot of it is just people interpreting heaven being up high tho
? Jehovahs withesses don't believe in purgatory, not unless there's yet another new off shoot I don't know about.
Recently I started to realize that the so called crazies and freaks are actually right, maybe thats why they are attacked so much everywhere. I unironically wish I was Amish, I shit you not.
>ethno state
>virgin german ancestry waifu
>obedient waifu made only to make babies and be a house wife
>you and your wifu will lose your virginity together, making a bond that will last for life, literally the only way to true love
>simple farm life
>no degeneracy
>peace of mind, family, religious values
>not enslaved by jews and machines
Damn, there's more, but now I'm feeling too many feels because I'll never be Amish and need to lay down a bit.
not purgatory, they believe in the "dead until the second coming and god's kingdom on earth"
Answer me this, soul sleep supporters:
Thief on the cross, when Jesus tells him that today he will be in paradise with him (Jesus/God)? (Don't give me the comma argument.)
Rich man (in hell)? Lazarus (in paradise)?
Revelation, where it says that those in the sea, death, and hell are brought out for judgement and then cast into the lake of fire?
What about the multitudes who are in heaven during Revelation's events?
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, but yes, most spirits appearing to people are demons impersonating people in order to lead them and others away from the Bible and Christ for salvation.
>mfw I am a jw
>mfw I will get a lot of hate now
Go to jw.org for all the questions you wanna get about the bible, that is where I found out about it.
You mean Elysium from greek mythology? But how was this so broadcasted in contemporary west? Most USA is protestant, don't they know the actual truth? I mean, protestantism started with the idea of following the actual Bible. Every American TV show show heaven and hell,how come?
I'm not going to JW. JW are a bunch of lying asshats.
They don't believe hell exists. They teach that you are saved by works. They deny the resurrection. They deny that Christ was/is God. They say that only 144,000 "Jenhova's witnesses" are going to heaven and no one else, pointing to the 12x12,000 (144,000) of the tribes of Israel in Revelation and can't answer why, if only those 144,000 are going to heaven, why are there great multitudes of people in heaven before and after the discussion of the 144,000. The Jehovah's witnesses are going to hell.
I remember reading one of their little shit booklets and it was saying something like "If a man said he wanted you to know and love him because he loved you, and then he put a child's hand in a fire for eternity, would you think of him as loving? Of course not! Why would a loving God send someone to eternal fire? Hell is just symbolic in the bible" or some shit.
Man, this is why people need to actually read their own bible. This is why the bible itself tells you to read it, check what people say with it, and not be lead astray.
Damn, he kicked the crap out of those evolutionists. So many basic flaws in evolution that they can't answer... and seeing the fraudulent carbon dating and other stuff that evolutionists rely on is shocking, honestly.
I don't know how it works for other languages but in my native slav speak all the newer Bible translations are garbage. Also I have noticed that translations from Latin are generally garbage, the ones from Greek seem to be way more detailed.
Recently I've started going to church, something I just felt I needed to do. I really think the Holy Spirit overcame me and next thing I knew I was asking a friend about coming to their church. It turns out it's great, it's what they call a "whole Bible" church but I honestly don't know anything but a handful of bible tales (mainly through VeggieTales actually) since I was raised as a Catholic and their whole schtick depends on you never asking questions or reading the bible on your own.
I wanted to buy my own bible online but I don't know which version to get. In church they cite many different translations, mainly ESV and NLT along with some American Standard. But which will be the most beneficial for my understanding the true word? I understand that while the KJV has beautiful prose, being in Middle English really makes it a chore to read for meaning. I always thought the translation used in Catholic Mass was easy reading but who knows how accurate it was.
wanted to post this
jesus is love and ecclesiastes is the highest form of art
I've been reading ESV recently for a different understanding
Also, if you read another language, try reading the bible in that language - you'll pick up on things that are hard to express in english.
>What's the best book?
Unironically Genesis. Best meme book is Tobit.
The Gospel of John is the most interesting book in the Bible for me. Really makes clear the divinity of Christ and breaks from some of the Old Testament traditions.
user, this is important. Watch the 1st, second, and third video link I posted here: The KJV is not hard to read at all, it just takes some slight getting used to. Other versions are actually harder (this is especially displayed in the third link I posted there).
You have to understand that the ESV, NIV, NKJV, etc. all use different manuscripts, change verses, and delete entire verses.
This is super important. I wouldn't even step foot in a church that uses anything other than the KJV. The NIV is a catholic-made bible, and as of late they are making God gender-neutral in their next printing of it.
The elites have changed, altered, and deleted verses in modern versions in order to help Christianity conform to the antichrist's plan of a one world religion. Their exact quotes are "those who notice will be so small that they won't matter."
Watch those videos.
Has anyone here read the Quran?
Which is your favourite Surah?
Yep it was quite a good distraction while arriving 2 hours early for school everyday
I have only read revelations
Leviticus is kino, everything you need to be a good believer, all the new testament is a big meme.
No, because it's a false religion. Funny enough, the Bible actually warns against Islam and Mormonism in that it warns against satan pretending to be an angel of light and bringing other, false, gospels, which is exactly how Mormonism and Islam got started (an "angel" visiting men with a different gospel).
what are you talking about? the greek and hebrew bible compilations are still available. blueletterbible dot org
I am saying that: [the information in the videos I posted, particularly about the different manuscripts being used, and the examples of how they say different, contrary things to the KJV], and also I am saying that modern non-KJV bibles, such as the NIV, ESV, NRSV, NASB, NKJV, etc. have alterations in them that screw up things, and that the KJV is the one that hasn't been screwed with. Again, watch the first three videos here m8:
Can vouch for what this user is saying. Go watch the second video posted here at least, and you'll see how non King James bibles have contradictions in them that the King James doesn't have. It shows some of them... never thought there was so much to bible versions but apparently there is, big time.
Please don't fall into any sect of false Christianity. Anything Jehovah Witnesses believe is NOT anything LIKE what the early Christians believed or ANY Christians believed before the church was founded in the late 1800's.
Not from the Bible itself, but the book of Judas sounds interesting, especially how certain parts allude to events in the 2nd century AD, meaning either it was written later by people who weren't Judas or that Judas was a time traveler.
I like my theory better than the one the Church says.
Bump. I hope some fellow Christ anons keep this thread alive for a few more hours.
unironically based black man
I sometimes read the Quran since im muslim
its a hard read at times
Read the Gospel of Thomas, trust me despite its criticism it is the best one
I read a kids version but always got bored by the time the New Testament came up. Am I Jewish?
I read the Romans most recently and al furqaan
Other than that i know individual verses from Islamic Sunday schools
Any muslimbros recommend some good chapters? Hadiths preferably
The gospels (the life of Jesus) are the only part worth reading. He was a cool guy.
The Old Testament has some good stories and revelation has some cool imagery, but theres too much other boring stuff in there to make it worth your time. The epistles are unbelievably boring.