Why would one end up in this state, ever?
Why would one end up in this state, ever?
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Untreated mental health issues. Pay attention.
Because there are hardships in life, and some people just aren't equipped to handle them.
Maybe because their parents didn't raise them well, and now they're spoiled undisciplined shits, who knows.
Modernity and the rise of corporate internet paired with untreated mental issues.
t. psychiatrist
Idk but I wish they wouldnt.
>tfw no Shuaiby bf
yeah, if only he read a Jordan Peterson book he might still be alive :^)
you fucking homo
because life gets to be too much sometimes you fucking degenerate
>ending up on livestream with a cat mask and anime posters in what he decides are his last few moments
>not degenerate
how do you pronounce his name?
i said i'm a psychiatrist you little brainlet psychology is hokum
>SAO poster
I really don't know how someone could end up in this state, user
Apparently he liked sword art online look at that poster on his wall.
Btw join here and let's discuss it
redeemed with Kizu posters though
Yeah, I must agree, too bad he'll never watch Kizu III
I liked his posters though.
Poor guy, I hope my younger friend doesn't end up like him, he keeps wanting to do a suicide. :/
Oh, I mean, he idolizes Shuiaby and wants to do a suicide. I hope he doesn't copy him.
shitty family
no friends
manipulated by perverts
just needed a hug and a genuine friend to talk to
it's very sad to me, i know others laugh but whatever
just shows how calloused and cruel you really are
>Modernity and the rise of corporate internet paired with untreated mentaI issues.
>t. psychiatrist
there is nothing to be sad about. In fact I envy him for getting off the ride at a young age so quickly. Meanwhile cowards like me just spend their days trying to kill time just waiting to die.
The third thing didnt happen, as far as anyone knows. But I agree with the rest.
i've never gotten the full story, in fact there's multiple versions now
however motivated, i'm sure there were a lot of people hassling him and even egging him on to suicide
the sad fact is, out of all the people who interacted with him on a daily basis, you can be sure very few, if any, showed him kindness
it happens all the time now, and people just laugh it up
but what can you expect, the world is full of ghouls who rejoice in the death and misery of others
The full story is basically that he was extremely depressed and mentally ill, wanted to be a NEET, didnt want to wageslave or go to school, didnt seem to be too bright, and harboured some resentment against some bullies from his school days which he was bitter about. This is the story his chatlogs and friends tell. The only other version was a rumour for a few weeks that a tranny cult was out to get him, but there is no evidence of it beyond some hearsay.
I agree. If only they had at least stopped watching, it may have discouraged him. If only he had better friends.
I would have been his best friend. :( im sure a lot of people would have.
His video so was so incredibly sad though.
Its a pitiful state to be in.
He had friends on discord.
Then work things out?
My question is why his parents wouldnt take the gun away from him once they found out?
>once they found out
Who says they ever found out?
There was a screenshot of him talking about how they found out.
Then it explains completely why he blew his brains out. His upbringing that led to development of severe mental issues.
Then its not his fault which make me feel really sorry for him.
user he should go see a doctor!
Shu a bee
He's fine, I think.
He's too young to do the method he wants to, btw I'm not talking bad about him or being passive aggressive, I love the guy.
my god you pussy stop obsessing over this guy. He did the right thing now go to bed.
Oh thats good to know user. Good luck to him!
how was his situation bad exactly. Looks like to me hes a fucking autistic retarded faggot
Ugly manlet with no future prospects
He was not ugly desu.
many people do every hour of every day. its the collective world's fault
I saw the Video that was fucked up dude i tell you
Suicide is normal as fuck, what planet are you pity panderers thinking we live on? Socrates killed himself, Saul killed himself, Hitler killed himself. These aren't even people who were mentally ill, they are just people who know in unwinnable situations, to live would bear greater hardship than to die. There's even an epidemic in india were woman kill themselves because they don't want to be honor killed or married to so dirty curry nigger.
Why the robot put the KSG to his head in blowed his off in the middle of his california suburban home? Because he wanted to make a show out of his own self-loathing. His situation wasn't incredibly harsh, and it's not like people live to win anything in the end (unless you some religion cucktard).
Same person here;
I'm only worried about Shuiaby because a friend of mine idolizes him and I'm worried of a copy-cat suicide, I'm not using him for "Sympathy" points :/
I kind of wish Shiuaby would stop being relevant, but its complicated and I feel like I would deny my friend their self-agency, like I'm talking down to them? Like if I stop them it would feel like I'm talking down to them, its just complicated.
I just don't want anyone to kill themselves, its just too sad.
>inb4 roastie reee
>inb4 stop using your friend to attention-seek
If I was then I would stop thinking about it, obviously I'm not enjoying being this concerned about him.
Or maybe I'm overthinking it, I haven't asked him about it since I'm worried it'll ruin our friendship
*I want shuiaby to not be relevant so my friend will stop idolizing him
Wasn't he recruited into a tranny discord cult?
Xe killed xerself after running out of money for hrt, stranding them between genders.
You're a retard for actually believing that rofl
HE was a robot, HE searched r9k, just like all of you faggots HE was a fucking insecure otakufaggot virgin that has spended most of his life masturbting to anime and becoming a faggot as getting fucked by other anons was HIS only way to get "love" and sex, thankfully this is the destiny of all robots, killing themselves, i hope you all faggots get for once the courage to do your only purpose in life apart from being useless and lonely faggots, even if i want you all to kill yourselves please don't do it on stream,it just shows more how pathetic you all are, like if posting in r9k doesn't show your faggotry enough already
i hope theres always shuaiby threads on r9k. hes a staple on r9k now, a hero, and a saint. hes like elliott rodgers. i wish i was as brave as shuaiby , and i honestly hope he is at peace now that hes gone from this shitty earth
I get that Shubby wasn't part on if, but is that trap harem thing real? I want it to be real because it sounds so cartoonishly diabolical.
He needed hope.
He needed a bigger tarp.
shuab is literally a hero to us all. Imagine how many people were inspired from his death and finally built up the courage to kill themselves because of him. He relieved so many robots of their pain
Life chips away at your will to live until you're basically already dead, at that point pulling the trigger is just a formality.
It pains me to know that he was only 18
Dude has his whole life ahead of him
Feels bad
Fuck off normie. He has done something none of us has the balls to do. I salute him
Apparently it was real, though Im not sure if it was all a larp for attention or if they had actual victims. But yeah Shuaiby had nothing to do with it.
I feel like they meant in general too, anonymous , with an audience, etc